The National Weather Service Forecast Office and its 123 local forecast
offices issue weather forecasts from watches and warnings out to 7 days in advance to
protect life and property from acute short-term threats due to severe weather events.
- The National Weather Service posts all available severe weather warnings for tornados,
hurricanes, flash floods, winter storms, severe thunderstorms, and special marine
3-7 Days -
The National Weather Service medium range forecast products include: 1) surface pressure
patterns, circulation centers, and fronts for days 3, 4, and 5 into the future, 2) daily
maximum and minimum temperatures and anomalies for days 3-7, 3) daily precipitation
probabilities for days 3-7, and 4) total 5-day precipitation for days 1 through 5. These
products are issued once per day along with a written discussion for the contiguous 48
states. Separate forecasts, similar to the 5-day mean products, are prepared for Hawaii.