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    12 Basic Furniture Items That Your Parents Will Be Really Glad You Own

    All of these are under ₹30,000!

    1. An actual wardrobe so you can move your clothes off "the chair" and into a much more organised place - ₹12,999 (MRP: ₹24,000)

    2. A 3-seater sofa that will instantly get you a compliment as soon as people walk in because of how pretty it is - ₹21,240 (MRP: ₹42,900)

    A beige sofa in a living room

    3. A foldable mattress is another great option for people who live in one-bedroom apartments with a roommate - ₹5,299 (MRP: ₹6,999)

    4. A coffee table that comes with some extra storage space so you can neatly store away the mess and you won't have to worry about spilling hot tea over yourself every morning - ₹2,880 (MRP: ₹5,500)

    Circular coffee table

    5. A center table that comes with 4 stools that can be fit into the table itself so you can bring them out whenever you want to have a nice family, otherwise it'll be a handy center table - ₹15,001

    A coffee-brown center table with stools

    6. A portable rack for people living in rented homes who just need some extra space for all their snacks - ₹4,899 (MRP: ₹5,999)

    A portable storage rack in a kitchen

    7. A gorgeous blue utility cart from Ikea so you can get some extra space without having to pay for a whole cabinet - ₹3,199 (MRP: ₹3,399)

    Blue Ikea utility cart

    8. A space-efficient desk for people who are tired of balancing their laptop on their lap all day long - ₹2,949

    A wooden desk

    9. If you don't have the space for a full-blown table, get this scissor table that you can fold up and place in the corner and bring it out for your work or food needs - ₹3,020 (MRP: ₹3,775)

    A white scissor table with a coffee mug on it

    10. Or maybe even this wall-mounted desk that'll literally take up next to no space - ₹2,499 (MRP: ₹3,000)

    A wall-mounted table with a laptop, coffee mug, and plant on it. There is a red chair near the table.

    11. A set of nested stools that you can bring out whenever you have friends over - ₹5,129

    Nested stools with wooden tops

    12. And finally, a table that folds into a cabinet so it'll still be useful after you've finished working - ₹16,450 (MRP: ₹19,240)