面對科技的快速變遷,人類這種物種若要繼續延續下去,不應一味追求成長,也不應任由消費主義掛帥,作者提出的提高集體意識(collective consciousness)以及「工藝的自豪感」(pride in craftmanship; p.323)以追求永續發展值得我們深思。希望在演算法掌控的時代,我們仍能以"agree to disagree"的精神彼此交流討論以尋求真相。
英文版, "Sir John French refused it. Having come to France with only four divisions instead of six, he wished to hold the cavalry back temporarily as reserve. Lanrezac understood him to say he intended to employing it as mounted infantry in the line, a contemptible form of activity which the hero of Kimberley would as soon have used as a dry-fly fisherman would use live bait."
相反地,p.266"他(蘭赫薩克; Lanrezac, 一個法國將軍)不放心德軍真正的實力"...為甚麼法國將軍要"不放心"德軍的實力,英文版是"true strength be suspected"。p.273連像樣的"酒店"也沒有,原文是"the Grand Hotel"(台灣甚麼時候把酒店當飯店用了?!),p.274陸指部"送信人"多梅斯少校抵達,原文是"messenger"。