
Last updated: 19 november, 2010 - 13:31 GMT

Life after nuclear testing

A child born with incurable swelling on the brain

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For 40 years, nuclear bombs exploded over Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan as the Soviet authorities tested their weapons.

The last was 20 years ago, but the people who live there are still feeling the effects.

One in 20 children are born with genetic defects, and one doctor has even suggested that women who have been affected by radiation should be prevented from having children.

Outlook's Jo Fidgen heard some of their stories from British film-maker, Antony Butts, who has been travelling back and forth to Semipalatinsk for four years to record the lives of people living close to the world's largest nuclear crater.

He found the stories of some of the people he met heartbreaking. He says many of the children he filmed and interviewed have since died.

World's largest atomic crater

Antony Butts's film about the people of Semipalatinsk is called After the Apocalypse

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