Control user access times and enhance security in Google Workspace.
정보 업데이트:2024년 10월 14일
Conecta Control provides a complete solution for managing user access times and devices in Google Workspace, ensuring greater security and control over your corporate environment.

Key features include:
✅ Custom access rules: set shifts and restrict access times to email, Drive, and documents;
✅ Access time control: allow system use only during authorized work hours;
✅ Device limitation: control access by operating system, browser, DNS, VPN, and IP;
✅ Automatic disconnection: end sessions outside working hours with one click or automatically;
✅ License deactivation: quickly remove access for former employees;
✅ Custom login screen: implement company branding and SSO for secure, integrated login.

Try Conecta Control for free and see how we can optimize your Google Workspace management.

For more information, visit
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