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Events Privacy Notice

This document explains the ways in which we intend to process your personal data.

Who we are:

University of Warwick, a royal charter company with registered number RC000678, with offices at University House, Kirby Corner Road, Coventry CV4 8UW

Our Data Protection Officer:

Director of Legal and Compliance Services

[email protected] 

Our contact for this work:

Please contact the organiser of the event.

The source from which your personal data originates:


Provided to us by you in the course of:

  • registering to attend or participate at an event,
  • purchasing tickets to an event,
  • signing up to a mailing list,
  • completing surveys and feedback forms, and
  • liaising with our employees or agents in person or remotely.

Provided to us by third parties including:

  • publicly available sources (which enable us to research speakers at events),
  • event booking agencies (which process tickets),
  • payment providers (which process payments), and
  • our platform providers including website, webinars and sign-up platforms.

The categories of your personal data that we will process:


We will collect the following categories of data:

Identification and contact details:

  • name, title, gender, date of birth,
  • address, email address, contact telephone number, social media accounts and other contact details,
  • images and videos (including webcam images) taken during events including as part of an online remote or hybrid event,
  • educational information relating to your school, qualifications, society memberships, alumni information and employment details.

Transactional information:

  • payment details and information about financial transactions, and
  • our communications with (including by email).

Please note that photography and video takes place at our events; see our Photos and Video Recordings Privacy Notice for further information.

Please see our Websites Privacy Notice for further information on how we process your personal data (including your IP address, browser and operating system) when you visit our websites.


The special categories of your personal data that we will process:


We will collect the following special categories of personal data:

  • racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, political opinions, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, health data, and data concerning sex life and sexual orientation (where requested, for diversity panel events and equal opportunities monitoring); and
  • data concerning health and religious or philosophical beliefs (where requested, in relation to your access and dietary requirements).


Our lawful basis for processing your personal data:


The performance of a contract with you to deliver the event you booked or purchased tickets to attend or to participate in.

The performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of our official authority, namely our research and education functions.


Our purposes for processing your personal data:


Your personal data will be used to manage an event (including publicity) and to manage your attendance at that event:

  • to deliver the event,
  • to correspond with you about the event,
  • to create biographies of speakers at events,
  • to publicise the event,
  • to analyse who attends our events, and
  • to meet your access and dietary requirements (if any).


Who we will share your personal data with:


We will share personal data with event organisers and sponsors including caterers and host venues. Publicity relating to the event will be shared with the world at large. We will share personal data with our processors (including video conferencing and other software providers). We will share your personal data with referral agencies e.g. if you are entitled to a discount by virtue of membership of an organisation.

Will we transfer your personal data outside of the United Kingdom:


We may disclose personal data to third parties who may be outside of the United Kingdom. Where international transfers of data take place “appropriate safeguards” will be in place.


Will we use automated means (e.g. profiling) to make decisions about you:


We may process your personal data including age, job role, geographical location and previously expressed interests for the purposes of targeting our communications and promotions. This processing may be by automated means. This allows us to tailor our communications to ensure that they remain relevant to you.


Are you obliged to provide this personal data:


You are not obliged to provide your personal data, however failure to provide the personal data may mean that your needs are not accommodated at the event or that you are unable to attend the event.

How long will we keep your personal data:


We keep all personal data in accordance with our Information and Records Management Policy and the University Records Retention Schedule.


Your rights:


You have the right to request access to and rectification or erasure of personal data, or restriction of processing concerning you, or to object to processing, as well as the right to data portability. If our lawful basis for processing your personal data is your consent – you have the right to withdraw it at any time. To exercise these rights, please contact us by email at [email protected].

You have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office, which can be contacted at If we fail to comply with your rights, you have the right to seek a judicial remedy.



We have endeavoured to provide this information to you in concise, transparent, intelligible and easily accessible form using clear and plain language. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or if you require this information in an alternative format.

For further information on how we process personal data, please visit our website: