This is set to be a lively and thought-provoking conversation with James Neville, CEO of Yaspa, and Caf’s CEO, Jason Howard, to close out the year and look ahead to 2025. Click on the link below👇 to register to join the conversation. 🗓️ 4pm GMT, Tuesday 17 December #payments #identity #OpenBanking #fintech #fraud #webinar
There are many buzzwords and big ideas circulating about the future of digital identity. But which of these concepts have staying power, and which are just fleeting trends? As we approach 2025, Jason Howard, CEO of Caf, and James Neville, CEO of Yaspa, will join the moderator, Vanita Pandey (CMO of Caf), to discuss the most significant trends and buzzwords in identity, payments, and fraud. Together, they will distinguish true game-changers from short-lived fads. We’ll explore which trends have the potential to reshape the landscape and which might be more hype than substance. Click the link to subscribe: #Webinar #Identity #Trends #Payments
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