We are Invested 💯 in transforming lives and our communities that we serve!
From exiting Prison gates to speaking at Aston Villa Football Club! Earlier this month I had the pleasure of speaking at The Mercian Trust Youth Violence Awareness & Reduction Conference to discuss how creative educational initiatives like EY Outreach can help steer young people away from negative outcomes, by amplifying their voices and helping them actualise their talent. To support me with this, I had two amazing young men, Abbas and Karmane, who were both participants on the very first #EYOutreach and The Invested Man Resettlement and Rehabilitation programme, delivered in partnership with the West Midlands Violence Reduction Unit. The gents eloquently spoke to a room of youth practitioners, local authorities and educational leaders, sharing their story, advice and expert knowledge on how the right opportunities can be created to help support socially margenlised groups such as Prison Leavers maxmise their potential. Thank you Mark Goodwin for putting on the amazing event and granting the lads and I the opportunity to inform and inspire!