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Another really hard-hitting campaign video from Make My Money Matter on the role of pensions in deforestation 👏. If you want to change your pension for Good, visit their website and check out our top ethical pension funds here:
**New film** - Benedict Cumberbatch stars as “Benedict Lumberjack”, the foul forest-flaming CEO. UK pension funds invest billions in companies causing deforestation, and the level of action and urgency from the finance industry in tackling it is highly inadequate. Global tropical primary forest loss happened at a rate of 10 football pitches per minute last year, and much of the Amazon is hurtling towards a tipping point. Deforestation poses growing financial, regulatory, climate, and nature risks to investors. It impacts supply chains, biodiversity, and indigenous peoples. What’s more, we cannot achieve global temperature goals (and therefore mitigate increased climate risk and disasters) without ending deforestation. But our Climate Action Report earlier this year found that 2/3 of the UK’s largest workplace pension providers had not published a deforestation policy, including major brands Royal London, Scottish Widows, and Standard Life. This lack of progress from the finance industry is echoed in Global Canopy’s Deforestation Action Tracker, a stocktake of action on deforestation by more than 700 financial institutions around the world, which found that 75% did not have a public deforestation policy. No one said it’s easy, but guidance and data is available. The pension industry must urgently step up efforts in 2025 to tackle deforestation in portfolios, and fully play its part before it’s too late. After all, who wants to retire into a world on fire? Tony Burdon Make My Money Matter Niki Mardas Hannah Franklin Lucie Pinson Catherine Howarth OBE Stephanie Kimball Irene Suarez Perez Sue Reid Peter Elwin James Vaccaro Jesse Griffiths Alexandria Reid Puninda Thind Clover Hogan Martin Bowman James Lloyd Joe Dabrowski Sacha Sadan Bevis Watts James Alexander