Pupil Premium


The Government provides academies and school with additional funding to help reduce the inequalities and gaps in attainment between those students who receive Free School Meals (or have done in the last 6 years) or have been looked after continuously for more than 6 months, and their peers. Introduced in April 2011, this funding is called Pupil Premium Funding.

Every academy and school can select how they choose to use their Pupil Premium Funding, as they are best placed to assess where additional provision should be made for students. We are strongly committed to reducing this attainment gap and helping all students to achieve their very best. Please take a look at the Academy’s Pupil Premium Strategy & Evaluation 2024-2025 and the Pupil Premium Strategy & Evaluation Autumn 2023-2024 to find out how the Academy’s Pupil Premium Funding has been spent and the strategy for its use next year.