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國泰世華銀行於1975年創立,在臺灣有165間分行,並有中國、越南、柬埔寨、香港、新加坡、菲律賓、馬來西亞、寮國、緬甸、泰國,及印尼共67個海外據點。 *與您一起,以金融助力美好未來* 環境瞬息萬變,我們以富有彈性的經營思維,攜手客戶、員工和各利害關係人共同耕耘企業永續,並持續投入職場培力、社會培力、低碳經濟、環境永續、健康促進、財務健康等領域。本行承諾接軌全球再生能源百分之百倡議(RE100),落實低碳營運於日常業務,目標於2030年國內據點全面使用再生能源,持續「零碳營運轉型」,展現「永續發展先行者」責任。 *擁抱變與快,數位轉型打造未來金融* 透過創新、數位化、科技應用,升級產品並創新服務;以數位、數據、技術三大主軸打造數據驅動文化,創造線上、線下無斷點、有溫度的金融服務,朝「亞太地區最佳金融機構」穩健邁進。榮獲《國際數據資訊IDC》未來企業大獎、《Euromoney》最佳數位銀行及《Asian Banking & Finance》台灣金融科技倡議獎等多項殊榮肯定! *我們的員工價值主張:成就共享、健康共贏、財富共創、職場共融* 『成就共享』 實踐跨域學習、敏捷工作的人才發展策略: 我們整合內外部數位培訓資源,並積極增加輪調機會,打造共學、敏捷的文化,培育與時俱進的跨領域人才,全面助攻同仁自我實現。致力於人才培育屢獲肯定,連續4年榮獲史蒂夫The Stevie Awards 優秀雇主商業大獎,為2023 年臺灣唯一獲獎企業,且金獎得獎數量更居全球第二名! 『健康共贏』 創造工作、生活協調的身心健康職場: 透過親子活動、路跑、減重、紓壓手作等多元豐富的健康促進活動,以及EAP、駐診服務等用心、貼心的健康輔助措施,照顧身心健康的平衡。獲《台灣企業永續獎—職場福祉領袖獎》肯定。 『財富共創』 提供全方位的普惠福利,與您經營長久關係: 提供員工持股信託、三節及生日禮金、旅遊補助、子女獎助學金等普惠福利,跨提跨轉免手續費、集團優惠等小確幸,用得到也用得久! 『職場共融』 致力成為多元、公平、共融,歡迎所有人的最佳雇主: 我們歡迎各種背景的人才加入,共同打造多元、開放對話的共融職場;完善的內部意見反映管道,讓所有人的聲音都能被聽見。 經營理念 我們遵行「誠信、當責、創新」的集團核心價值 國泰世華銀行在證券服務交割、信用卡和財富管理等業務具有市場領導地位。透過產品創新、優質的客戶服務、對產業的深入瞭解及廣大的亞洲服務網站,在金融領域有傑出亮眼的表現。 誠摯歡迎您加入國泰世華銀行大家庭,現在就到我們的專屬招募平台iMatch投遞履歷,或留下您的聯絡資訊:https://cathaybk.tw/24HJG54G9

5,001-10,000 名員工




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    國泰世華銀行 Manila Branch Celebrates the 9th Anniversary in the CSR Event with TFCF Youth To mark its relocation and the 9th anniversary, CUB Manila Branch recently organized a special CSR event in partnership with the 家扶國際服務 Taiwan Fund for Children and Families Philippines Branch Offices. We were honored to host 23 talented TFCF youth for an afternoon of music, joy and inspiration. The event featured: 🎵 Inspiring Performance: Talented youth showcased their musical skills. 👋 Meaningful Interaction: Our Chief Risk Officer Sean Chang, EVPs from Headquarter, including Arnold Kan, Benny Miao, Sonia Chen, James Lee, and the Head of Manila Branch Bryant Cheng, engaged with the youth, sharing encouragement. 💪 Supporting Education: We donated musical instruments and other essential items to help students reaching their full potential. By supporting initiative like this, we're committed to empowering young people and giving back to the community. 🙌 Follow us for more updates! #CathayUnitedBank #Manila #CSR #givingback #TFCF #CUBManila

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    國泰世華銀行 Connecting Singapore with Taiwan CUB held a Singapore Business Forum in Taipei, inviting experts to share insights on Singapore's investment environment, opportunities, challenges and tax strategies for Taiwanese businesses. 💡 Key takeaways: ★ Much like the iconic Merlion spewing water, Singapore's prime investment climate has propelled a steady stream of capital into the nation. ★ A Deep Dive into Singapore's Investment Landscape: Our speech and expert panel discussions provided invaluable insights into Singapore's business environment, covering crucial topics like human resources, corporate law, immigration, tax, and regulatory matters. ★ Strengthening Collaboration in the Region: This successful event underscores our commitment to building strong partnerships between Taiwan and Singapore. Throughout the event, our clients responded overwhelmingly positive, engaging in lively discussion. We look forward to continuing to support our clients' expansion into this dynamic market, and fostering growth and innovation across the region. 🙌 Follow us for more updates! #CathayUnitedBank #CUBSG #Singapore #Investment 

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    🎊 國泰世華銀行 Manila Branch: A New Chapter Begins 🎊 We are excited to announce the successful relocation of our Manila Branch to the Zuellig Building located in Makati City! This strategic move will enhance our ability to serve our clients with greater efficiency and convenience. To celebrate this milestone and our 9th anniversary, we hosted a grand opening ceremony, attended by BSP director, our valuable business partners and clients, esteemed guests from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in the Philippines, local financial institutions, and the seniors from headquarters. At the opening ceremony, our EVP Benny Miao stated, "Since 2015, we have been dedicated to building strong partnerships with local businesses and providing our customers with innovative financial solutions. Our new premises will allow us to further expand our offerings and promote sustainable finance in the Philippines." As we embark on the new chapter of our journey in the Philippines, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional financial solutions and supporting the growth of our clients in the region. 🙌 Follow us for more updates! #CathayUnitedBank #Manila #CUBManila #Philippines #FinancialServices #NewChapter

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    🌱 國泰世華銀行獲頒TCSA台灣企業永續獎兩大獎 落實金融先行者承諾 國泰世華銀行長年為打造企業永續而努力,本屆拿下「資訊安全領袖獎」、「人才發展領袖獎」,深獲肯定! 在資安層面,國泰世華訂定「資安永續策略發展藍圖」,涵蓋資安管理、技術防護、系統平台安全等八大面向,近年更持續精進資安管控措施,通過多項國際標準認證,以實際行動提升銀行整體資訊及資安防禦護能力。 在人才方面,以「投資員工未來」為核心理念,打造廣度與深度兼具的培訓系統、推動共創共學生態圈,建構橫跨海內外的發展舞台,創造多元共融的職場文化,幫助員工應對未來演化,提升職場競爭力,達成自我實現。 國泰世華將繼續在營運與各項服務中融入永續精神,對環境、社會及公司治理層面發揮正向影響力,一起邁向2050淨零願景🌳 🙌關注我們獲取更多最新消息! #國泰世華 #ESG #永續 #資訊安全 #人才發展 

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    隨著川普重返白宮,「川普交易」迅速成為市場熱議焦點。 國泰世華銀行 本週舉辦《2025全球投資趨勢論壇》,邀請到貝萊德(BlackRock)全球固定收益投資長Rick Rieder、貝萊德全球首席投資策略師Wei Li (李薇),以及國泰世華銀行首席經濟學家林啟超,共同解析未來趨勢。 完整論壇影片歡迎至國泰世華銀行YouTube頻道點選收看:https://lnkd.in/gj-TNzUU 🙌追蹤我們以獲得最新資訊! #國泰世華銀行 #2025全球投資趨勢論壇 #貝萊德 #BlackRock

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    全球攜手反詐!20國警政代表造訪國泰世華銀行 取經阻詐心法  👮♂️ 👮♀ 國泰世華致力阻詐,成效居金融業之冠,財團法人國際合作發展基金會特別安排「防制科技犯罪研習班」成員與銀行反詐小組交流切磋。 逾 20 位研習班成員來自亞、非、南美、大洋洲等地,均為從事打詐相關工作的警政、法務、金融及民間單位專家,包括泰國總檢察長辦公室國際事務檢察官、阿根廷國家眾議院第二副議長法制顧問、厄瓜多檢察長、巴拉圭央行官員、南非警政部重大犯罪調查處隊長等。 交流過程中,成員聆聽「 #國泰盾 」的四大聯防機制:知識盾、科技盾、聯盟盾與關懷盾,對於國泰世華以 AI 科技打造詐騙偵測模組,強化預警機制,可疑帳戶鎖控精準度高達 9 成的成效,感到印象深刻,並高度認同國泰世華透過實際行動提升民眾識詐知能的重要性。 成員和國泰世華雙方相互借鏡各國防制詐騙的經驗,強化彼此反詐知能 💪 未來,國泰世華將持續以自身出發,攜手金融同業、民間企業以及主管機關,共同打擊詐騙,守護民眾財務健康,打造更安全的金融環境。 🙌關注我們獲取更多最新消息! #國泰世華 #國合會 #反詐 #阻詐 #識詐 #防制科技犯罪

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    國泰世華銀行 Singapore Branch: A Top Workplace in Asia 😀 We are thrilled to announce that CUBSG has been recognized as one of the Best Companies to Work for in Asia by HR Asia for the second consecutive year! This year, we've been honored with 4 awards: ★ Best Companies to Work for in Asia ★ Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award ★ Most Caring Company Award ★ Sustainable Workplace Award This recognition is a testament to our commitment to creating a positive, inclusive, caring and sustainable working environment. Thank you to our amazing team! Your continuous efforts and dedication make CUBSG a great place to work, a workplace we are all proud of. 🙌 Follow us for more updates! #CathayUnitedBank #HRASIA #BestCompaniesToWorkForInAsia #DEI #SustainableWorkplace #sustainability

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    Congratulations to CUBE on winning Japan GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2024📣 CUBE is the digital finance brand of 國泰世華銀行 (CUB). The brand name is a portmanteau of Cathay United Bank and Empower. Based on minimalistic design concept, CUBE incorporates innovation and technology to improve the user experience of its financial products. Follow us on IG👉 https://lnkd.in/giGpzUzF #CathayUnitedBank #CUBE #Design #BrandExperience

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    🥐 Baking Up a Better Future with CUBHK! Our team at 國泰世華銀行 Hong Kong Branch recently volunteered at a bread factory for 彩虹雅聚-童來麵包烘焙樂, organized by Hong Kong Family Welfare Society 香港家庭福利會, a charitable organization which provides various services to local families including the underprivileged. All volunteers, including our Chief Executive Arnold Kan, had a fantastic time interacting with children aged 3 to 12, guiding them through the bread-making process. By sharing our time with kids and spreading love in this heartwarming event, we hope to make a positive impact on the community. We believe in the power of giving back and are committed to making a difference in our community. BIG hearts bring on BIG smiles! 🤗 #CUBHK #BakingwithLove #BakeTogether #HKFWS #FamilyWelfareSociety #sustainability

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    熱血沸騰、千人挽袖!國泰世華同仁捐血再創佳績💪🩸 感謝超過 1000 位同仁熱情參與!今年從北到南舉辦 7 場「2024好血有你國泰世華愛心捐血活動」,再度募集近 1500 袋珍貴血液! 連續 8 年不間斷的熱情,我們用行動證明!國泰世華自 2017 年開始舉辦捐血活動,號召同仁一起傳遞溫暖,用實際行動展現企業社會責任,讓世界更美好。 🙌追蹤我們以獲得最新資訊! #國泰世華銀行 #愛心捐血 #企業社會責任 #CSR #Sustainability

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