Building and distributing software that is secure throughout its entire lifecycle can be challenging. Sigstore can offer you and your team peace of mind, providing you with the tools you need for a more secure software supply chain.
Securing Your Software Supply Chain with Sigstore (LFS182)
- Labs will work on Linux and macOS
- Administrative access to enable installing software
- We are assuming a local machine, but these commands should work on a Linux cloud instance as well
- Internet connection
- We recommend at least 2GB of RAM and a 64-bit CPU.
- You should have the latest version of Docker and Docker Compose installed, and an account on Docker Hub. At the time of writing (March 2024), Docker Engine should be version 25.1 and Docker Compose should be version 2.24.4. If you are on macOS, you will need to use Docker Desktop; refer to the official documentation for your operating system to ensure that your system meets the necessary requirements. Docker Desktop should be version 4.9 or higher.
- You should have the latest version of Go installed, at the time of writing this is 1.21.6 (March 2024).