Certification > Cloud & Containers > KCNA + CKA Exam Bundle

Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA) Exam + Kubernetes and Cloud Native Security Associate (KCSA) Exam Bundle

Start with the KCNA certification and then get your KCSA! Please review the exam details, domains, competencies, and more by viewing the individual KCNA and KCSA certification pages.

Who Is It For

KCNA is an associate-level certification designed for candidates interested in advancing to the professional level through a demonstrated understanding of Kubernetes foundational knowledge and skills. KCSA is an associate-level certification designed for candidates interested in advancing their career by demonstrating an understanding of cloud native security technologies.
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About These Certifications

KCNA & KCSA were created by The Linux Foundation and the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) as a part of their ongoing effort to help develop the Kubernetes ecosystem. KCNA & KCSA are multiple-choice exams and confirm conceptual knowledge of the cloud native ecosystem.
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What It Demonstrates

KCNA will demonstrate basic knowledge of Kubernetes and cloud native technologies and an understanding of the cloud native landscape. KCSA will demonstrate knowledge of the baseline security configuration of Kubernetes clusters to meet compliance objectives.
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