Gokhan Ozic

Gokhan Ozic

Ankara, Ankara, Türkiye
617 takipçi 500+ bağlantı


Tüm faaliyetleri görmek için hemen katılın


  • Reportql Grafik
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    Ankara, Turkey

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    Ankara, Turkey

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    Ankara, Turkey

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    Ankara / Turkey

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    Ankara / Turkey


  • Çankaya Üniversitesi Grafik
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    Faaliyetler ve Topluluklar:Computer Engineering Club - Club President, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Club - Club Vice President, Go-kart Club - Membership of IT Committee

    High Honor, 3rd Degree of Department

Lisanslar ve Sertifikalar

  • ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level


    tarihinde verildi


  • Reportql

    Reportql is an AI-powered low-code data visualization tool that supports multiple databases. It allows you to create complex dashboards using only SQL. With the help of its AI feature, it enables you to interact with your database using natural language

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  • TIGEM Retail Dealer System

    The software system is built for TIGEM (General Directorate of Agricultural Enterprises)

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  • Tork

    SaaS business management software aiming for small/mid businesses.

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  • Strife


    Strife is a web-based event management system designed for both physical and e-sports organizations. It supports single or multi-discipline events, as well as team or individual competitions. With this software, you can create events, leagues, and tournaments, manage teams and athletes, and manage match results and statistics

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  • Tarım Kredi Kooperatif Market Koopbakkal


    Full-fledged B2B web and mobile e-commerce application integrated with various internal systems

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  • Tarım Kredi Kooperatif Market Koopnet


    Intranet application integrated with various systems (HR, Reporting, ERP) for internal company use

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  • TIGEM Online Horse Auction Platform


    Online horse auction platform developed for the Turkish General Directorate of Agricultural Enterprises. Registered individuals and organizations can place real-time bids on auctions after loading their balance. At the end of the auction, the highest bidder wins

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  • Keyrp


    SaaS ERP software for small and medium-sized businesses. Modules: Sales, Bookkeeping, Procurement, Inventory, HR, and Project Management

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  • Çinigaz Quality Management System


    The software aims to ensure quality management and optimization of internal business processes. With this application, you can design workflows, define rules, and create functions. Subsequently, various systems in use (ERP, GIS, HR, etc.) can transfer data to these workflows via Kafka, allowing for real-time monitoring of process statuses

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  • ASIP






  • State Railways Intranet Portal


    Sharepoint intranet portal development.

  • General Directorate of Highways Internet and Intranet Portal


    Sharepoint internet and intranet portal development.

  • Ministry of National Education, FATİH Project Management Information System


    FATİH is a comprehensive project aimed at spreading IT based education in Turkey. This application is used to manage FATİH and developed using ASP.NET, MS SQL Server, Entity Framework, WCF, jQuery.

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    Tümünü gör
  • Electrical Fault Management System


    Fault management system for the electricity distribution companies. It allows to manage the resolving process of the fault from receiving it from Call Center to closing it after resolve. It was developed using ASP.NET MVC, MS SQL Server, WCF, jQuery, jQuery UI, Entity Framework, SignalR and RavenDB.

  • Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Platform of Portal and Business Processes (MCS)


    I worked as an MCS in this project. An Intranet Sharepoiont Portal, Information Management System Web Application, Day off Management System Web Application and IT Directors and Secretariat System Web Application was developed in the scope of this project. All the web applications were developed using ASP.NET MVC, MS SQL Server, WCF, Entity Framework, jQuery and DevExpress.

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  • EU - Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock - Ovine and Caprine Recording System


    A web application developed with financial support of European Union in order to record and track ovine and caprine animals in Turkey. The aim was to prevent illegal animal trade and keep food safety on high levels. Ministry is still actively using this application. Application was developed using ASP.NET Webforms, Oracle, APEX and jQuery.

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  • www.projectmatch.co


    Social networking platform for university students. It was developed using ASP.NET MVC, MS SQL Server and jQuery.

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    Tümünü gör
  • Digital Archive


    Dead documents are available in any institution and being transferred to digital media through scanners. They can be found with a client application and synchronized with web server. It is designed to be understood by any user and all printers using TWAIN technology are supported. WPF and MS SQL Server technologies were used.

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  • English


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