The Digital Self

What I do online is me.

What I say online is me.

Photos of me online are me.

Videos of me online are me.

My location is me.

Where I am going is me.

Where I came from is me.

What I watch online is me.

What music I listen to is me.

What podcasts I listen to is me.

The events I attend are me.

My relationships are me.

My health is me.

My activity is me.

What I purchase online is me.

What I search for is me.

What I read is me.

The data I generate are me.

I am not for sale.

I am skeptical of Internet technology.

I am skeptical of new applications.

I make sure applications bring me joy.

I regularly get offline to do things.

I am not online when I eat a meal.

It is time I went for a walk.

It is time for some exercise.

It is time I read a book.

It is time for some art.

It is time for some music.

It is time for my family.

It is time for my friends.

It is time for me.

I matter.

I matter online.

I matter offline.

My Digital Self
