Journal Export Formats

Journal Export Format

Note that this document describes the binary serialization format of journals only, as used for transfer across the network. For interfacing with web technologies there’s the Journal JSON Format, described below. The binary format on disk is documented as the Journal File Format.

Before reading on, please make sure you are aware of the basic properties of journal entries, in particular realize that they may include binary non-text data (though usually don’t), and the same field might have multiple values assigned within the same entry (though usually hasn’t).

When exporting journal data for other uses or transferring it via the network/local IPC the journal export format is used. It’s a simple serialization of journal entries, that is easy to read without any special tools, but still binary safe where necessary. The format is like this:

This format can be generated via journalctl -o export.

Here’s an example for two serialized entries which consist only of text data:

MESSAGE=AccountsService-DEBUG(+): ActUserManager: ignoring unspecified session '8' since it's not graphical: Success
_CMDLINE=gdm-session-worker [pam/gdm-password]

MESSAGE=(root) CMD (run-parts /etc/cron.hourly)
_CMDLINE=/bin/bash /bin/run-parts /etc/cron.hourly

A message with a binary field produced by

python3 -c 'from systemd import journal; journal.send("foo\nbar")'
journalctl -n1 -o export
_CMDLINE=python3 -c from systemd import journal; journal.send("foo\nbar")

Journal JSON Format

Note that this section describes the JSON serialization format of the journal only, as used for interfacing with web technologies. For binary transfer of journal data across the network there’s the Journal Export Format described above. The binary format on disk is documented as Journal File Format.

Before reading on, please make sure you are aware of the basic properties of journal entries, in particular realize that they may include binary non-text data (though usually don’t), and the same field might have multiple values assigned within the same entry (though usually hasn’t).

In most cases the Journal JSON serialization is the obvious mapping of the entry field names (as JSON strings) to the entry field values (also as JSON strings) encapsulated in one JSON object. However, there are a few special cases to handle:

Here’s an example, illustrating all cases mentioned above. Consider this entry:

MESSAGE=Hello World
BINARY=this is a binary value \a
LARGE=this is a super large value (let's pretend at least, for the sake of this example)

This translates into the following JSON Object:

  "MESSAGE" : "Hello World",
  "_UDEV_DEVNODE" : "/dev/waldo",
  "_UDEV_DEVLINK" : [ "/dev/alias1", "/dev/alias2" ],
  "BINARY" : [ 116, 104, 105, 115, 32, 105, 115, 32, 97, 32, 98, 105, 110, 97, 114, 121, 32, 118, 97, 108, 117, 101, 32, 7 ],
  "LARGE" : null