Authentication Profile Oauth2.0: How to pass the header to the access token endpoint:
Hi, I am facing the following error
. I am creating a rest connection with PEGA wizard, I am using an Authentication Profile, with certificates, they are valid and well configured.
When trying to connect to obtain a token, Pega returns this error
"SSL/TLS configuration issue detected. Please repair and try again. Caught unhandled exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure"
Validating with the Api Gateway administrator, the request arrives but is denied because PEGA is not sending the correct certificates, TLS1.2 is supported for the service
Checking the connection, Pega sends the corresponding Keystore and Truststore.
How can I know the name of the JKS that Pega is obtaining in the request? From the trace I can see the name of the Keystore rule, but I don't see if it is obtaining the JKS correctly
In the first one, obtaining the token is correct, but in trace I can't find how to send the token to the service