author macroHow to use the \author macro?

Here is an example of a completely filled author macro:

\author{John Q. Public}
{Institute of Pure Nonsense, Dummy University, Atlantis
 \and \url{}}
{[email protected]}
{funded by the man in the moon.}

Please note:

  • Use full first and last name.
  • City and country belong to the minimum requirements on an affiliation.
  • The ORCID field is mandatory. Include ORCID identifiers for each author. In case you don't have an ORCID yet, please request one on the ORCID website. Please contact your co-authors directly for their ORCID and only use ORCIDs verified by them.
  • If an author has several different affiliations, please clearly separate them with the keyword \and.
  • E-mail and funding are optional.
  • Author macros cannot be shared! Please use separate author macros even if two or more authors have the same affiliation!