Sme hrdí, že tím Lucron & Skanska získal 1. miesto na tohtoročnom iO badmintonovom turnaji, ktorý bol nielen skvelou športovou udalosťou, ale aj príležitosťou prispieť na dobrú vec! S rekordnou účasťou 185 hostí, 41 tímov a s vyzbieranými 8 000 € na charitatívny účel sa opäť potvrdila sila športu pri spájaní ľudí. Ďakujeme všetkým organizátorom a spoluhráčom za nezabudnuteľný zážitok! 👏 🏆 🏸
This year's tournament marked a fantastic milestone with record-breaking participation from our clients and a total of 8,000€ raised for charity! Over the course of 132 matches, 185 clients and 41 teams joined forces to make this event a success, showing the true power of sports in bringing people together for a great cause. Congratulations to our winners who fought hard for the podium! 1st Place: Lucron & Skanska 2nd Place: LAST MILE 3rd Place: M-MARKET, akciová spoločnosť A huge thank you to our partners whose support elevates this event year after year, enabling us to continue making a positive impact. LAST MILE, TPA Group, Diorama, EKOMA Design, a. s., Homola Furniture, MARAM group, MVGM International, ROHLIG SUUS Logistics. We also want to thank to Björn Borg who dresses us for years and to Henkel for contributing with special gifts for the winners. Special recognition to all participating teams: Alto Real Estate, Atrios Group, BTS Cargo & Hangar Services, a.s., CMS,, CONTERA, CRESCO REAL ESTATE, Devín Invest, Diorama, EKOMA Design, a. s. Ernst & Young, GARBE, HB Reavis Slovakia, Henkel, IAD Investments, IMMOCAP, Iron Mountain, LAST MILE, Lenovo, Lucron, M2C, OPC holding a.s., Penta Real Estate, Prologis, Skanska, Squarebizz, Tatra banka, TPA Group, United Industries, VNET, WOOD Real Estate, ZDR Investments Here's to many more years of playing together and making a difference! #BadmintonCharityTournament