Deutsche Telekom Services Europe - Slovakia

Deutsche Telekom Services Europe - Slovakia

Outsourcing and Offshoring Consulting

About us

Deutsche Telekom Services Europe Slovakia (DTSE Slovakia) is a subsidiary and internal service provider of the Deutsche Telekom, world leader in telecommunications with nearly 228 000 employees in more than 50 countries. Services from Slovakia for the whole world We deliver support function services such as Procure to Pay, Travel Expenses, General Ledger, Asset Accounting, Customer Finance and Record-to-Report for the Deutsche Telekom Group throughout the world since September 2009. Innovations As part of our One.ERP teams, you will be able to design the future of Deutsche Telekom. Catch a unique chance to develop your knowledge and skills on the largest ERP project in Europe. People are our biggest asset! We do not stick to dress code or strict hierarchy. What counts are skilled people, open communication and good results. We support all individuals to develop and grow by variety of trainings and we put emphasis on innovative tools to make our daily work easier and efficient. International working environment Deutsche Telekom Services Europe is present in 4 countries (Germany, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Romania) and 10 cities (Cologne, Darmstadt, Hamburg, Leipzig, Nuremberg, Bratislava, Kosice, Brno, Bucharest and Timisoara). The core of our business requires an international working environment which consists of people from the whole Europe. This is why, we value diversity and are pleased to welcome foreigners. What matters for us is trust, transparency and honesty. As a part of Deutsche Telekom Group, we ensure work-life balance and international career opportunities for our employees. Find your T-spirit T-spirit means a desire to build a career and desire to work with team, but it also means to do things differently and have the courage to take on new challenges. Be one of us and find your T-spirit >>>

Outsourcing and Offshoring Consulting
Company size
501-1,000 employees
Privately Held
Accounting, Procurement, SAP, ERP standardization, Business Development, Shared Services, Procure to Pay, Asset Accounting, Customer Finance, Record-to-Report , General Ledger, Travel Expenses, and Financial services


Employees at Deutsche Telekom Services Europe - Slovakia


  • VIANOČNÁ KAPUSTNICA 🎅🏻 🍲| Náš obľúbený vianočný čas je opäť tu! V prietoroch DTSE Slovakia sme sa stretli pri Vianočnej kapustnici a užili si spoločne krásne predvianočné chvíle, zaspomínali na zážitky z uplynulého roka, porozprávali sa s kolegami a vychutnali si známu vôňu Vianoc. ------------------------- CHRISTMAS CABBAGE SOUP 🎅🏻 🍲| Our favorite Christmas time is here again! In the DTSE Slovakia premises, we met at the Christmas Cabbage Soup event and enjoyed beautiful pre-Christmas moments together, thinking about experiences from the past year, talking with colleagues and enjoying the familiar smell of Christmas. #DTSESlovakia #CompanyCulture #Christmas #Tradition

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  • NÁVŠTEVA MATTHIASA MASCHKEHO V BRATISLAVE 🧑🏻💼 💼 | Matthias Maschke z Deutsche Telekom Services Europe SE navštívil po druhýkrát naše bratislavské kancelárie. A jeho program? Podrobné predstavenie rôznych procesov, ktoré mu naši kolegovia v rámci svojho tímu prezentovali. Matthias Maschke sedel vedľa kolegov a zoznamoval sa s ich prácou, výzvami či nápadmi. Bola to vzácna príležitosť prehĺbiť vzťahy a lepšie spoznať inovatívne projekty, na ktorých v Bratislave pracujeme. ------------------------- VISIT OF MATTHIAS MASCHKE IN BRATISLAVA 🧑🏻💼 💼 | Matthias Maschke from Deutsche Telekom Services Europe SE visited our Bratislava offices for the second time. And his programme? A detailed presentation of the various processes that our colleagues presented to him. Mr. Maschke also sat next to our employees and got acquainted with their work, challenges or ideas. It was a rare opportunity to deepen relationships and get to know better the innovative projects we are working on in Bratislava. Deutsche Telekom Services Europe SE #DTSESlovakia #Visit #DTSESE

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  • MIKULÁŠ V DTSE SLOVAKIA 🎁 🎅🏻 |  Vianočné sviatky pomaly prichádzajú a my sme sa rozhodli spríjemniť tento čas aj tím najmenším. Pripravili sme pre deti našich zamestnancov popoludnie plné hier a skvelých spomienok. Počas tejto radostnej udalosti nás navštívil aj Mikuláš s anjelom a deťom rozdali mikulášske balíčky.  ------------------------- ST. NICHOLAS IN DTSE SLOVAKIA 🎁 🎅🏻 | Christmas holidays are slowly coming and we have decided to make this time more enjoyable for the little ones. We prepared an afternoon full of games and great memories. During this joyful event, St. Nicholas with an angel visited us and the children got gifts. #DTSESlovakia #CSR #Event #CompanyCulture

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  • NAJZAMESTNÁVATEĽ 2024 🏆 💼 | Ešte stále nás môžete podporiť v kategórii Centrá zdieľaných služieb v súťaži Najzamestnávateľ, ktorú organizuje Hlasovať môžete až do 15. decembra, pričom sa zapojíte do súťaže o skvelé ceny. Každý váš hlas pre nás veľa znamená! Hlasujte tu ➡️ ------------------------- NAJZAMESTNÁVATEĽ 2024 🏆 💼 | You still have time to support us in the Centers of Shared Services category in the Najzamestnávateľ competition, organized by Voting is open until December 15, and you’ll also have the chance to win great prizes. Every vote truly matters to us! Vote here ➡️ ;

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  • MOVEMBEROVÉ AKTIVITY 🥸 👨🏻 | Movember, mesiac venovaný šíreniu povedomia o mužskom zdraví, sa tento rok naozaj vydaril! Naše zasadačky dostali nové mená inšpirované ikonickými mužmi s fúzikmi, ako sú Hercule Poirot alebo Tom Selleck. Pre kolegov sme vytvorili jednoduchý checklist prevencie rakoviny prostaty a semenníkov. Zorganizovali sme tiež fotenie, kde si väčšina zúčastnených odniesla nielen novú korporátnu fotku, ale aj jednu vtipnú s falošnými fúzmi. A už druhýkrát sme ponúkli bezplatne PSA testy z krvi, aby sme podporili povedomie o mužskom zdraví. ------------------------- MOVEMBER ACTIVITIES 🥸 👨🏻 | Movember, a month dedicated to spreading awareness about men's health, was really a great experience this year.! Our meeting rooms got new names inspired by iconic mustachioed men like Hercule Poirot and Tom Selleck. We shared a simple prevention checklist for prostate and testicular cancer. We also organized a photoshoot where most participants got both a new corporate photo and a fun shot with a fake mustache. For the second year, we offered free PSA blood testing to raise awareness about men’s health #DTSESlovakia #Movember #Health #CSR #DEI

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  • GIVING TUESDAY 2024 🫶🏻 🩷 | Giving Tuesday (3. 12. 2024) nám pripomenul prečo je dôležité pomáhať. Pre nás to nie je len jeden deň – celý rok venujeme čas dobrovoľníctvu, darovaniu krvi a prednáškam na školách. Takto podporujeme ľudí a komunity, ktoré to najviac potrebujú. Pomáhať je pre nás prirodzené a chceme v tom pokračovať aj naďalej. Každý krok sa počíta a my sme odhodlaní zotrvať na tejto ceste. ------------------------- GIVING TUESDAY 2024 🫶🏻 🩷 | Giving Tuesday (3. 12. 2024) reminded us why giving back matters. For us, it’s not just a single day—we’ve been volunteering, donating blood, and teaching in schools all year long. It’s our way of supporting the people and communities that need it most. Giving is a part of who we are, and we’re proud to keep it going. Every action counts, and we’re committed for the long run. #DTSESlovakia #GivingTuesday #CSR

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  • DNI ZDRAVIA 2024 👨🏻⚕️ 🩺 | V DTSE Slovakia máme dlhodobý záväzok zlepšovať zdravie a pohodu našich zamestnancov. Preto sa konali opäť naše obľúbené jesenné Dni zdravia plné aktivít ako masáže, face joga, meranie skladby tela, vyšetrenie zraku, fyzioterapia a ďalšie. ------------------------- HEATLH DAYS 2024 👨🏻⚕️ 🩺 | At DTSE Slovakia, we want to improve health and well-being of our employees. That's why our favorite autumn Health Days were here again, full of activities such as massages, face yoga, body composition measurements, eye examination, physiotherapy and more. #DTSESlovakia #CSR #HealthDays

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  • PREDNÁŠKA: POCHYBNOSTI ZABIJÚ VIAC SNOV AKO ZLYHANIE SAMOTNÉ 👨🏻💼 🗯️ | Naša interná komunita WomenPower@DTSE SK zorganizovala v Bratislave prednášku o imposter syndóme od skúsenej rečníčky Ivana Miklovic. Kolegyne sa dozvedely, čo je imposter syndróm, ako sa vyvíja, aké sú jeho znaky a praktické rady na jeho prekonanie. Stretnutie poskytlo cenné poznatky a prispelo k zlepšeniu psychickej pohody členov nášho tímu na pracovisku. ------------------------- LECTURE: DOUBT KILLS MORE DREAMS THAN FAILURE EVER WILL 👨🏻💼 🗯️ | Our internal community WomenPower@DTSE SK organized a lecture about imposter syndrome in Bratislava by experienced speaker Ivana Miklovič. Colleagues learned what imposter syndrome is, how it develops, its common signs, and practical strategies to overcome it. The session provided valuable insights and contributed to improving mental well-being of our team members in the workplace. #DTSECzechRepublic #Education #Skills

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  • FAMILY POWER UP WORKSHOP👶🏻 👨🏻👦🏻 | Aj v októbri sa v Bratislave aj v Košiciach konal náš pravidelný workshop Family PowerUp komunity, ktorú sme vytvorili pre všetkých rodičov v našej firme. Tentokrát sa rozoberali firemné novinky, zdravá výživa pre deti, aplikácia Bebbo, cvičila sa joga a na záver nemohla chýbať diskusia. ------------------------- FAMILY POWER UP WORKSHOP👶🏻 👨🏻👦🏻 | Also in October our regular Family PowerUp community workshop, which we created for all parents in our company, took place in Bratislava and Košice. This time, we talked about company news, healthy food for children, Bebbo application, did yoga and had a discussion at the end. #DTSESlovakia #DEI #FamilyPowerUp

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  • DTSE SLOVAKIA NA KARIÉRA EXPO V BRATISLAVE 💼 🧑🏻💼 | S nadšením sme sa zúčastnili tohtoročného veľtrhu práce Kariéra EXPO v Bratislave. Spojenie s toľkými zaujímavými ľuďmi bolo neuveriteľné a radi sme sa podelili o poznatky o našej firemnej kultúre, našich benefitoch a kariérnych príležitostiach. Veľká vďaka všetkým, ktorí nás tam navštívili! ------------------------- DTSE SLOVAKIA AT KARIÉRA EXPO IN BRATISLAVA 💼 🧑🏻💼 | We were thrilled to take part in this year’s Kariéra EXPO job fair in Bratislava. Connecting with so many interesting people was incredible, and we enjoyed sharing insights of our company culture, benefits, and exciting career opportunities. A big thanks to everyone who visited us there! #DTSESlovakia #JobFair #Recruitment

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