Last week, our Country Manager for Croatia, Ivona Štritof, participated in the educational event “Sustainable Energy Systems in Buildings: Solar Technologies and Energy Sharing in Practice” held in Zagreb. The event served as a valuable platform for showcasing innovations in #sustainable #energysystems for buildings and #energycommunities, along with updates on the active participation of consumers in the #electricity market. ⚡ Ivona enriched the discussions by exploring the possibilities of #electricitysharing and collective self-consumption in multi-apartment buildings as active customers. She also outlined the regulatory framework and opportunities for co-financing investments in rooftop #PVsystems. This educational event was organized by the Association of XEnergy an organization established with the primary goal of empowering women in the energy transition. Interenergo has been a proud member of this association since the beginning of the year. We deeply value its meaningful mission and look forward to continuing our contributions to its initiatives in the future. 🙌
Održana je još jedna XEnergy edukacija na kojoj su prisutni mogli saznati novosti vezane uz održive energetske sustave u zgradarstvu te proći praktičan primjer procesa dogovora između suvlasnika zgrade o razvoju projekta postrojenja za proizvodnju električne energije iz obnovljivih izvora na krovu zgrade, kao i o svim dilemama dijeljenja električne energije među suvlasnicima. Naše sjajne predavačice Snježana Blagajac, Danijela Žaja, Tina Jakaša, Tihana Posavec Vlašić i Ivona Štritof detaljno su obrazložile pogled operatora, regulatora, opskrbljivača i ostalih sudionika na tržištu vezano uz ovu temu, a Minea Skok (Filipec) izvrsno je vodila i moderirala diskusiju. Hvala svima, vidimo se na sljedećem XEnergy eventu. #energytransition #obnovljiviizvori #solarnaenergija #dijeljenjeenergije