Key Technologies To Extend EUV To 14 Angstroms

The top three foundries plan to implement high-NA EUV lithography as early as 2025 for the 18 angstrom generation, but the replacement of single exposure high-NA (0.55) over double patterning with standard EUV (NA = 0.33) depends on whether it provides better results at a reasonable cost per wafer. So far, 2024 has been a banner year for high-numerical aperture EUV lithography. Intel Foundry... » read more

Exploring The Fundamentals Of Photolithography

In the semiconductor materials industry, photolithography is a crucial technology for creating intricate electronic circuits. Essentially, it’s the art of printing at the nanoscale level, enabling the precise patterning of semiconductor materials. The ability to do this well is important for companies in the industry because it determines how detailed and efficient microchips can be. This aff... » read more

Hybrid Photoresist Capable Of High-Resolution, Positive-Tone EUVL Patterning

A technical paper titled “Vapor-Phase Infiltrated Organic–Inorganic Positive-Tone Hybrid Photoresist for Extreme UV Lithography” was published by researchers at Stony Brook University, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and University of Texas at Dallas. Abstract: "Continuing extreme downscaling of semiconductor devices, essential for high performance and energy efficiency of future microe... » read more

Patterning With EUV Lithography Without Photoresists

A technical paper titled “Resistless EUV lithography: photon-induced oxide patterning on silicon” was published by researchers at Paul Scherrer Institute, University College London, ETH Zürich, and EPFL. Abstract: "In this work, we show the feasibility of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) patterning on an HF-treated Si(100) surface in the absence of a photoresist. EUV lithography is the leading ... » read more

Evolution Of The EUV Ecosystem Reflected At 2023 Advanced Lithography + Patterning

As anticipated, this year’s Advanced Lithography + Patterning Symposium was a very informative event, with many interesting papers being presented across a wide range of subjects. Many papers addressed topics relevant to leading-edge lithography, which these days means EUV lithography. With EUV lithography firmly established in high volume manufacturing (HVM), we could see in the presentation... » read more

Measuring 3D Sidewall Topography & LER for Photoresist Patterns Using Tip-Tilting AFM Technology

A new technical paper titled "Enhancing the precision of 3D sidewall measurements of photoresist using atomic force microscopy with a tip-tilting technique" by researchers at National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ) and National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). "We have developed a technique for measuring the sidewall of the resist pattern using atomic for... » read more

International Roadmap for Devices and Systems lithography roadmap

Abstract: "Background: Planned improvements in semiconductor chip performance have historically driven improvements in lithography and this is expected to continue in the future. The International Roadmap for Devices and Systems roadmap helps the industry plan for the future. Aim: The 2021 lithography roadmap shows requirements, possible options, and challenges for the next 15 years. Resul... » read more

Are Surfaces Of Silicon Hardmasks Adaptive?

Silicon hardmask (Si-HM) materials used in lithography processes play a critical role in transferring patterns to desired substrates. In addition, these materials allow for the tuning of optical properties such as reflectivity and optical distribution for better lithography. Si-HM materials also need to possess good compatibility with photoresists before and after optical exposure, during which... » read more

Marangoni Effect-Based Under-Layer For A Dual Damascene Via-First Approach

One of the main challenges of a Dual Damascene (DD) via-first process is the control of the Critical Dimensions (CDs) in the lithography of the trenches. The PhotoResist (PhR) thickness presents variations from the via arrays to the open areas, which cause the variation of CDs: the swing effect. The planarization of a DD via-first process is reported. A dual-layer solution is used to demonst... » read more

Underlayer Optimization Method For EUV Lithography

Photoresist and underlayer combine to serve a central role in EUVL for patterning. Layers will be very thin in future, because high numerical aperture (NA) and tight pitches will require very thin layers in the lithography stack. This thinness will make chemical interactions at the photoresist-underlayer interface more common. Adhesion between these layers will be critical to overcome pattern c... » read more

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