Fredrik Stockman

Fredrik Stockman

Greater Stockholm Metropolitan Area
3 tn följare Fler än 500 kontakter

Artiklar av Fredrik



  • Version Lens-bild

    Version Lens

    Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden

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    Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden

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    Stockholm, Sweden

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    Stockholm, Sweden

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    Stockholm, Sweden

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    Stockholm, Sweden

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    Stockholm, Sweden

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Licenser och certifikat

  • Kustskepparexamen




  • Supertext web client for SMSGrupp

    I built the first version the Supertext web client for SMSGrupp.
    Supertext is an innovative messaging app which enables you to send group messages to anyone with or without the Supertext app. If you don't have the app you get and send messages over SMS.

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  • Liquid Data - Absolut Vodka Protothon

    Liquid Data was an Absolut Vodka Protothon, letting coders and designers create the future bar experience.
    To control and enhance the visual experience for visitors, Pascal and I built a data center / API that automatically controlled 3d animations and lights by analyzing data from hardware sensors and web APIs.

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  • E tuben paj?

    As a potential subway driver strike was around the corner, I thought it would be convenient having a webpage answering the question "e tuben paj?" (is the tube broken?). It was a fun one night hack inspired by Graphics were quickly made by Christian Ressör over a lunch the next day.

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  • Paint By Tones

    Pascal (coder), Jakob (illustrator) and I (coder) teamed up as exhibitors for the Stockholm Art Hack Day 2013 in Stockholm. Together we built an installation letting kids and adults learning how to play the piano. You basically draw a "paint-by-numbers" drawing by playing the right tones for a specific tune.
    Here's an example showing how our friend Carl draws a cat by playing "Lille katt" (Little cat):

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Utmärkelser och priser

  • Additional Honors & Awards


    On Di Digital's list "40 hetaste serieentreprenörer under 40" 2017, 2018 and 2019
    3rd in Swedish championship in waterslide 2017
    Winner of Stockholm Skateathon – Stockholm Skateathon 2014
    Nominated for entrepreneur of the year – Founders Alliance 2013
    3rd Best Disruptive Service (freebee) – App Store Sweden 2012
    Entrepreneur of the year 19 place – Internet World 2012
    2nd Best Company (freebee) – Venture Cup Sweden 2012
    Winner of best student business (freebee) – Venture Cup…

    On Di Digital's list "40 hetaste serieentreprenörer under 40" 2017, 2018 and 2019
    3rd in Swedish championship in waterslide 2017
    Winner of Stockholm Skateathon – Stockholm Skateathon 2014
    Nominated for entrepreneur of the year – Founders Alliance 2013
    3rd Best Disruptive Service (freebee) – App Store Sweden 2012
    Entrepreneur of the year 19 place – Internet World 2012
    2nd Best Company (freebee) – Venture Cup Sweden 2012
    Winner of best student business (freebee) – Venture Cup east 2012
    Winner of best business plan (freebee) – Venture Cup east 2012
    Winner of best business idea (freebee) – Venture Cup east 2011
    Winner of "Vinn nu" Innovation grants (freebee) – Vinnova 2011
    Accepted to SSE Business Lab (freebee) – SSE 2011


  • Swedish

    Modersmåls- eller tvåspråkig nivå

  • English

    Fullständig professionell nivå

  • German

    Grundläggande kunskaper

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