Computing longest common square subsequences
A square is a non-empty string of form YY. The longest common square subsequence
(LCSqS) problem is to compute a longest square occurring as a subsequence in two given
strings A and B. We show that the problem can easily be solved in O (n^ 6) time or O (| M| n^
4) time with O (n^ 4) space, where n is the length of the strings and M is the set of matching
points between A and B. Then, we show that the problem can also be solved in O (sigma|
M|^ 3+ n) time and O (| M|^ 2+ n) space, or in O (| M|^ 3 log^ 2 n log log n+ n) time with O …
(LCSqS) problem is to compute a longest square occurring as a subsequence in two given
strings A and B. We show that the problem can easily be solved in O (n^ 6) time or O (| M| n^
4) time with O (n^ 4) space, where n is the length of the strings and M is the set of matching
points between A and B. Then, we show that the problem can also be solved in O (sigma|
M|^ 3+ n) time and O (| M|^ 2+ n) space, or in O (| M|^ 3 log^ 2 n log log n+ n) time with O …
[CITATION][C] Computing longest common square subsequences
稲永俊介 - Proceedings of the 29th Annual Symposium on …, 2018 -
Computing longest common square subsequences | CiNii Research … Computing longest
common square subsequences … タイトル Computing longest common square subsequences …
common square subsequences … タイトル Computing longest common square subsequences …
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