Stefan Tutuianu
Bucureşti, România
2 K urmăritori
Peste 500 de contacte
Experienced engineering leader who enjoys building products at scale.
Licențe și atestări
Credit Suisse Achievement Certificate
Credit Suisse
Eliberat la
Experiență în voluntariat
volunteer, project leader
- 1 an 11 luni
Ministry of Education - Romania
- Prezent 6 ani 4 luni
I led workshops teaching mid-school and high-school kids how to code. More about it here:
Art Movie Critique
C - programming language
Distributed Systems
First year group project
First year group project
Fundamental of Computation
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance
Fundamentals of Management
Mathematical Tehniques for Computer Science
Mathematics II
Transferable Skills
Vault - Corporate Finance
COMP10120 - Year 1 Group Project.
Let's start with the things I have learned.
Now, when I look back I feel lucky because I had to work with people, all coming from different sides of the world, with different backgrounds, knowledge and views. That let the diversity to exist within our group and I consider it a major experience for my future development, not to say that I chained long-lasting friendships.
From the technical point of view I acquired basic knowledge in web-development tools such as HTML, CSS…Let's start with the things I have learned.
Now, when I look back I feel lucky because I had to work with people, all coming from different sides of the world, with different backgrounds, knowledge and views. That let the diversity to exist within our group and I consider it a major experience for my future development, not to say that I chained long-lasting friendships.
From the technical point of view I acquired basic knowledge in web-development tools such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP, though the last one was not too passionate for me. The curve of the learning process was not a smooth line, so I will try to be more specific. When we firstly planned the project we were sure that we will create it from scratch ,so that we will have full control over what is happening behind the scenes. We could have not been more wrong. With almost no knowledge at all in web-development we found it frustrating to do it from scratch so we decided to switch for an open source framework - Bootstrap and it helped us to develop our skills of understanding other people's code.
From the theoretical point of view I got an enormous amount of knowledge. First we have learned about ethics and what makes a good project to be good. I understand that there has to be a commonly agreed set of rules within a team that will let us to develop a project which will stand the test of time, though I am not sure if we succeeded, but hey, like a mentioned before, there is always room for improvement. In ethics I include copyright which play a major role in any software development and any success business in general. Also we learned about planning, time-management and how to prioritize our tasks. I find it very useful to have a large amount of deadlines which put us in a difficult position and helped me to develop my time-managing skill and made to plan ahead my work and prioritize it.Alți creatori -
"I laugh, you laugh, everybody laughs"
I was part of the European founded project I laugh, you laugh, everybody laughs held in Trabzon, Turkey.
This project was organized by a Turkish NGO similiar with the one I was part of. It was a cultural exchange between five European countries including Malta, Latvia, Turkey, Romania and Poland and a great opportunity for all of us to expand our knowledges and discover each others cultures in terms of traditions, food, believes etc.
A remarcable event was the last night spent…I was part of the European founded project I laugh, you laugh, everybody laughs held in Trabzon, Turkey.
This project was organized by a Turkish NGO similiar with the one I was part of. It was a cultural exchange between five European countries including Malta, Latvia, Turkey, Romania and Poland and a great opportunity for all of us to expand our knowledges and discover each others cultures in terms of traditions, food, believes etc.
A remarcable event was the last night spent withing the project. It was the "final show" as the organizers called it. Every participating country had to mount-up a moment that would best represent their culture. I was very lucky to know how to play the guitar, being one of my hobbies and so we organized a chorus. After we presented the momentum, everybody congratulated us, and we were given some special presents from the organizers.
In terms of experience gained I improved my team-working skills, but most important my communications skills and english skills, things that helped me to progress towards a foreign university - University of Manchester.Alți creatori
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