Flavia - Lenuta Ivaniuc
Arad, România
743 urmăritori
Peste 500 de contacte
Experienced Head of Cyber Security with a demonstrated history of working in the banking…
‼ Atenție la tentativele de fraudă prin SMS și apeluri telefonice 📲 Potențialele victime primesc un mesaj, aparent din partea Binance (platformă de…
‼ Atenție la tentativele de fraudă prin SMS și apeluri telefonice 📲 Potențialele victime primesc un mesaj, aparent din partea Binance (platformă de…
Apreciat de Flavia - Lenuta Ivaniuc
🫱🫲 Today marks an exciting step in our evolution as SoftwareOne and Crayon announced that they have agreed to combine the two companies. By…
🫱🫲 Today marks an exciting step in our evolution as SoftwareOne and Crayon announced that they have agreed to combine the two companies. By…
Apreciat de Flavia - Lenuta Ivaniuc
🚨 ALERTĂ - Continuă campania de fraudă prin apeluri telefonice din partea unor infractori care se deghizează în reprezentanți ai Bursei din România…
🚨 ALERTĂ - Continuă campania de fraudă prin apeluri telefonice din partea unor infractori care se deghizează în reprezentanți ai Bursei din România…
Apreciat de Flavia - Lenuta Ivaniuc
Master Universitatea Aurel Vlaicu Informatica de Gestiune
Mai multe activități de Flavia - Lenuta Ivaniuc
The IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division of Intesa Sanpaolo and Italian Exhibition Group, a leading company in Italy in the organization of…
The IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division of Intesa Sanpaolo and Italian Exhibition Group, a leading company in Italy in the organization of…
Distribuit de Flavia - Lenuta Ivaniuc
Banca Intesa, the Serbian bank part of Intesa Sanpaolo’s International Banks Division, has marked 20 years of operations as part of the Group at a…
Banca Intesa, the Serbian bank part of Intesa Sanpaolo’s International Banks Division, has marked 20 years of operations as part of the Group at a…
Distribuit de Flavia - Lenuta Ivaniuc
“Obiettivo Italia 2024” is an initiative of Intesa Sanpaolo's IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division, a travelling journey across the country…
“Obiettivo Italia 2024” is an initiative of Intesa Sanpaolo's IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division, a travelling journey across the country…
Distribuit de Flavia - Lenuta Ivaniuc
🔒 Realizarea unui backup (copie de siguranță a datelor) regulat poate face diferența între pierderea totală a datelor și un simplu inconvenient în…
🔒 Realizarea unui backup (copie de siguranță a datelor) regulat poate face diferența între pierderea totală a datelor și un simplu inconvenient în…
Apreciat de Flavia - Lenuta Ivaniuc
The brokerage team of Privredna Banka Zagreb d.d. (PBZ), part of Intesa Sanpaolo’s International Banks Division, was awarded with the Silver Member…
The brokerage team of Privredna Banka Zagreb d.d. (PBZ), part of Intesa Sanpaolo’s International Banks Division, was awarded with the Silver Member…
Distribuit de Flavia - Lenuta Ivaniuc
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania, part of Intesa Sanpaolo's International Banks Division, received the recognition as Overall Winner in the International…
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania, part of Intesa Sanpaolo's International Banks Division, received the recognition as Overall Winner in the International…
Distribuit de Flavia - Lenuta Ivaniuc
2024 has been a year of stability and resilience for Romania's IT&C industry, with most leaders holding strong and reinforcing the sector's…
2024 has been a year of stability and resilience for Romania's IT&C industry, with most leaders holding strong and reinforcing the sector's…
Apreciat de Flavia - Lenuta Ivaniuc
🇪🇺Securitatea lanțurilor de aprovizionare: O prioritate în 2024 🧑🏻💻 Lanțurile de aprovizionare devin tot mai vulnerabile la atacuri…
🇪🇺Securitatea lanțurilor de aprovizionare: O prioritate în 2024 🧑🏻💻 Lanțurile de aprovizionare devin tot mai vulnerabile la atacuri…
Apreciat de Flavia - Lenuta Ivaniuc
The Alumni Association of the University of Brescia presented the Alumnus of the Year Award 2024 to Mauro Micillo, Chief of Intesa Sanpaolo's IMI…
The Alumni Association of the University of Brescia presented the Alumnus of the Year Award 2024 to Mauro Micillo, Chief of Intesa Sanpaolo's IMI…
Distribuit de Flavia - Lenuta Ivaniuc
Privredna Banka Zagreb, part of Intesa Sanpaolo's International Banks Division, acted as the sole issuing agent and investor for Texo Molior’s…
Privredna Banka Zagreb, part of Intesa Sanpaolo's International Banks Division, acted as the sole issuing agent and investor for Texo Molior’s…
Distribuit de Flavia - Lenuta Ivaniuc
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