Mozilla Research

Expanding the Foundations of the Open Web

Papers & Publications

Title Venue Year Authors
Unveiling the Potential of a Conversational Agent in Developer Support: Insights from Mozilla’s PDF.js Project 1st ACM International Conference on AI-Powered Software (AIware) 2024 João Correia, Morgan C Nicholson, Daniel Coutinho, Caio Barbosa, Marco Castelluccio, Marco Gerosa, Alessandro Garcia, Igor Steinmacher
Over the Edge: The Use of Design Tactics to Undermine Browser Choice N/A 2024 Harry Brignull, Cennydd Bowles
Columbia Convening on Openness and AI (Policy Readout) N/A 2024 Udbhav Tiwari
Columbia Convening on Openness and AI (Technical Readout) N/A 2024 Nik Marda
Predicting the Impact of Crashes Across Release Channels 21st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR) 2024 Suhaib Mujahid, Diego Elias Costa, Marco Castelluccio
Mind the Gap: What Working With Developers on Fuzz Tests Taught Us About Coverage Gaps 46th International Conference on Software Engineering – Software Engineering In Practice (ICSE – SEIP) 2024 Carolin Brandt, Marco Castelluccio, Christian Holler, Jason Kratzer, Andy Zaidman, Alberto Bacchelli

Title Venue Year Authors
Can browser choice screens be effective? Experimental analysis of the impact of their design, content and placement N/A 2023 Gemma Petrie, Kush Amlani, Jesper Akesson, Michael Luca
Beyond Choice Screens: Exploring browser choice design interventions
N/A 2023 Gemma Petrie
Understanding the Helpfulness of Stale Bot for Pull-based Development: An Empirical Study of 20 Large Open-Source Projects.
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology Journal (TOSEM) 2023 SayedHassan Khatoonabadi, Diego Elias Costa, Suhaib Mujahid, Emad Shihab
Where to Go Now? Finding Alternatives for Declining Packages in the npm Ecosystem
38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) 2023 Suhaib Mujahid, Diego Elias Costa, Rabe Abdalkareem, Emad Shihab

Title Venue Year Authors
Five Walled Gardens: Why Browsers are Essential to the Internet and How Operating Systems Are Holding Them Back N/A 2022 Gemma Petrie, Mika Shah, Kush Amlani
Not All Dependencies are Equal: An Empirical Study on Production Dependencies in NPM 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) 2022 Jasmine Latendresse, Suhaib Mujahid, Diego Elias Costa, Emad Shihab
What are the characteristics of highly-selected packages? A case study on the npm ecosystem Journal of Systems and Software (JSS) 2022 Suhaib Mujahid, Rabe Abdalkareem, Emad Shihab
Works for me! cannot reproduce–a large scale empirical study of non-reproducible bugs Empirical Software Engineering 2022 Mohammad M. Rahman, Foutse Khomh, Marco Castelluccio
SZZ in the time of pull requests arXiv 2022 Fernando Petrulio, David Ackermann, Enrico Fregnan, Gül Calikli, Marco Castelluccio, Sylvestre Ledru, Calixte Denizet, Emma Humphries, Alberto Bacchelli
Title Venue Year Authors
HTTPS-Only: Upgrading all connections to https in Web Browsers MadWeb – Measurements, Attacks, and Defenses for the Web 2021 Christoph Kerschbaumer, Julian Gaibler, Arthur Edelstein, Thyla van der Merwe
Title Venue Year Authors
Who Gets to Define Success? Listening to Stories of How People Value Firefox to Redefine Metrics and Revive a Decommissioned Product Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference Proceedings 2020 Gemma Petrie, Jennifer Davidson
rust-code-analysis: A Rust library to analyze and extract maintainability information from source codes SoftwareX, 2020 2020 L. Ardito, L. Barbato, M. Castelluccio, R. Coppola, C. Denizet, S. Ledru, M. Valsesia
Why Are Some Bugs Non-Reproducible? An Empirical Investigation using Data Fusion 36th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Maintenance and Software Evolution (ICSME), 2020 2020 M. M. Rahman, F. Khomh and M. Castelluccio
Empirical Evaluation Of Cost Of Annoying Ads 42nd Marketing Science Conference 2020 2020 Ayman Farahat, Jofish Kaye, Henriette Cramer
Why We Still Can’t Browse in Peace: On the Uniqueness and Reidentifiability of Web Browsing Histories SOUPS 2020 2020 Sarah Bird, Ilana Segall, Martin Lopatka
Retrofitting Fine Grain Isolation in the Firefox Renderer Proceedings of USENIX Security Symposium 2020 Shravan Narayan, Craig Disselkoen, Tal Garfinkel, Nathan Froyd, Eric Rahm, Sorin Lerner, Hovav Shacham, and Deian Stefan
Moving Forward Together: Effective Activism for Change Ext. Abs. CHI ’20 2020 Shaowen Bardzell, Jofish Kaye, Katta Spiel
Enhancing the Experience of Virtual Conferences in Social Virtual Environments IEEE VR 2020 Duc Anh Le, Blair MacIntyre, Jessica Outlaw
Choice of Voices: A Large-Scale Evaluation of Text-to-Speech Voice Quality for Long-Form Content CHI 2020 2020 Julia Cambre, Jessica Colnago, Jim Maddock, Janice Tsai, Jofish Kaye
Hardening Firefox against Injection Attacks SecWeb – Designing Security for the Web 2020 Christoph Kerschbaumer, Tom Ritter, Frederik Braun
Tracking Measurement Obfuscations From Source URL arXiv 2020 Sarah Bird
SurveillanceCapitalism@CHI: Civil Conversation around a Difficult Topic Ext. Abs. CHI ’20 2020 Alan Borning, Batya Friedman, Jofish Kaye, Cliff Lampe and Volker Wulf
Don’t count me out: On the relevance of IP addresses in the tracking ecosystem The Web Conference 2020 Vikas Mishra, Pierre Laperdrix, Antoine Vastel, Walter Rudametkin, Romain Rouvoy, Martin Lopatka
The Representativeness of Automated Web Crawls as a Surrogate for Human Browsing The Web Conference 2020 David Zeber, Sarah Bird, Camila Oliveira, Walter Rudametkin, Ilana Segall,Fredrik Wollsén, Martin Lopatka
Title Venue Year Authors
“This Browser is Lightning Fast”: The Effects of Message Content on Perceived Performance N/A 2019 Jess Hohenstein, Bill Selman, Gemma Petrie, Jofish Kaye, & Rebecca Weiss
An empirical study of patch uplift in rapid release development pipelines Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE), 2019 2019 M. Castelluccio, L. An, F. Khomh
An empirical study of DLL injection bugs in the Firefox ecosystem Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE), 2019 2019 L. An, M. Castelluccio, F. Khomh
Understanding flaky tests: the developer’s perspective 27th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), 2019 2019 M. Eck, F. Palomba, M. Castelluccio, A. Bacchelli
Let’s Encrypt: An Automated Certificate Authority to Encrypt the Entire Web DOI 2019 Josh Aas, Richard Barnes, Benton Case, Zakir Durumeric, Peter Eckersley, Alan Flores-López, J. Alex Halderman, Jacob Hoffman-Andrews, James Kasten, Eric Rescorla, Seth Schoen, Brad Warren
The Relationships between Data, Power, and Justice in CSCW Research CSCW’19 Companion 2019 Stevie Chancellor, Shion Guha, Jofish Kaye, Jen King, Niloufar Salehi, Sarita Schoenebeck, Elizabeth Stowell
Moving Towards a Journal-centric Publication Model for CHI: Possible Paths, Opportunities and Risks Ext. Abs. CHI ’19 2019 Gilbert Cockton, Kristina Höök, Jofish Kaye, Annika Waern, Eleanor Wynn, Julie Williamson
Federated Learning for Ranking Browser History Suggestions FL-NeurIPS’19 2019 Florian Hartmann, Sunah Suh, Arkadiusz Komarzewski, Tim D. Smith, Ilana Segall
Actions speak louder than words: Semi-supervised learning for browser fingerprinting detection arXiv 2019 Sarah Bird, Vikas Mishra, Steven Englehardt, Rob Willoughby, David Zeber, Walter Rudametkin, Martin Lopatka
Distributed Differential Privacy via Shuffling Eurocrypt 2019 Albert Cheu, Adam Smith, Jonathan Ullman, David Zeber, Maxim Zhilyaev
Debris: Intermingling ethnography with design and artistic practice EPIC 2019 Daria Loi, Heather McGeachy
Music, Search, and IoT: How People (Really) Use Voice Assistants TOCHI 2019 Tawfiq Ammari, Jofish Kaye, Janice Y. Tsai, Frank Bentley
Giving a little ‘ayyy, I feel ya’ to someone’s personal post: Performing Support on Social Media CSCW 2019 2019 Danielle Lottridge, Nazanin Andalibi, Joy Kim, Jofish Kaye
How Do People Change Their Technology Use in Protest?: Understanding “Protest Users” CSCW 2019 2019 Hanlin Li, Nicholas Vincent, Janice Tsai, Jofish Kaye, Brent Hecht
The Code That Never Ran: Modeling Attacks on Speculative Evaluation SP 2019 Craig Disselkoen, Radha Jagadeesan, Alan Jeffrey, James Riely
On Thin Air Reads: Towards an Event Structures Model of Relaxed Memory Computer Science 3/29/19, Volume 15, Issue 1 2019 Alan Jeffrey, James Riely
Telemetry-Aware Add-on Recommendation for Web Browser Customization UMAP 2019 Martin Lopatka, Victor Ng, Ben Paul Miroglio, David Zeber, Alessio Pierluigi Placitelli, Laura Thomson
Communicating Dominance in a Nonanthropomorphic
Robot Using Locomotion
ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction 2019 Jamy Li, Andrea Cuadra, Brian Mok, Byron Reeves, Jofish Kaye, and Wendy Ju
Title Venue Year Authors
Why Did This Reviewed Code Crash? An Empirical Study of Mozilla Firefox 25th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), 2018 2018 L. An, F. Khomh, S. Mcintosh, M. Castelluccio
What makes a code change easier to review: an empirical investigation on code change reviewability 26th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), 2018 2018 A. Ram, A. A. Sawant, M. Castelluccio, A. Bacchelli
Thoughts on the Future of WebXR and the Immersive Web IEEE ISMAR 2018 Blair Maclntyre, Trevor F Smith
RealityMedia: An Experimental Digital Book in WebXR IEEE ISMAR 2018 Moria Engberg, Jay David Bolter, Blair Maclntyre
Can we build a privacy-preserving web browser we all deserve? XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students 2018 Christoph Kerschbaumer, Luke Crouch, Tom Ritter, Tanvi Vyas
Josephine: Using JavaScript to safely manage the lifetimes of Rust data arXiv 2018 Alan Jeffrey
Barthes, and calling the mundane to account Critical Theory & Interaction Design 2018 Jofish Kaye
Accessible Voice Interfaces CSCW 2018 Robin N. Brewer, Leah Findlater, Joseph ‘Jofish’ Kaye, Walter Lasecki, Cosmin Munteanu, and Astrid Weber
Panel: Voice Assistants, UX Design and Research CHI 2018 Joseph ‘Jofish’ Kaye, Joel Fischer, Jason Hong, Frank R. Bentley, Cosmin Munteanu, Alexis Hiniker, Janice Y. Tsai, and Tawfiq Ammari
Will Automatically Importing User Data Help Overcome the Blank Slate Problem? CHI 2018 Jennifer Davidson, Jofish Kaye, Michael Verdi, Michelle Heubusch, Saptarshi Guha, Peter Dolanjski, Gemma Petrie
Imaginary Design Workbooks: Constructive Criticism and Practical Provocations CHI 2018 Mark Blythe, Enrique Encinas, Jofish Kaye, Miriam Lueck Avery, Rob McCabe, Kristina Andersen
A Hybrid DSP/Deep Learning Approach to Real-Time Full-Band Speech Enhancement MMSP 2018 Jean-Marc Valin
Predicting Chroma from Luma in AV1 DCC 2018 Luc. N Trudeau, Nathan E. Egge, David Barr
An Overview of Core Coding Tools in the AV1 Video Codec PCS 2018 Y. Chen, D. Mukherjee, J. Han, A. Grange, Y. Xu, Z. Liu, S. Parker, C. Chen, H. Su, U. Joshi, C.-H. Chiang, Y. Wang, P. Wilkins, J. Bankoski, L. Trudeau, N. Egge, J.-M. Valin, T. Davies, S. Midtskogen, A. Norkin, P. de Rivaz
The AV1 Constrained Directional Enhancement Filter (CDEF) ICASSP 2018 Steinar Midtskogen, Jean-Marc Valin
The Effect of Ad Blocking on User Engagement with the Web WWW 2018 Ben Miroglio, David Zeber, Jofish Kaye and Rebecca Weiss
Title Venue Year Authors
Is it Safe to Uplift this Patch?: An Empirical Study on Mozilla Firefox 33rd IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), 2017 2017 M. Castelluccio, L. An, F. Khomh
Automatically analyzing groups of crashes for finding correlations 11th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), 2017 2017 M. Castelluccio, C. Sansone, L. Verdoliva, G. Poggi
Extending the Same Origin Policy with Origin Attributes International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy 2017 Tanvi Vyas, Andrea Marchesini and Christoph Kerschbaumer
BLENDER: Enabling Local Search with a Hybrid Differential Privacy Model USENIX Security 2017 Brendan Avent, Aleksandra Korolova, David Zeber, Torgeir Hovden, Benjamin Livshits
Rust whitepaper Website 2017 Carol Nichols (contractor)
Bringing the Web Up to Speed with WebAssembly PLDI 2017 Andreas Haas, Andreas Rossberg, Derek L. Schuff, Michael Holman, Dan Gohman, Luke Wagner, Alon Zakai, JF Bastien
A Declarative DSL for Customizing ASCII Art PADL 2017 Felix S Klock II
Theme issue on Histories of Ubicomp Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 2017 Jofish Kaye & Molly Steenson
Undisciplined disciples: everything you always wanted to know about ethnomethodology but were afraid to ask Yoda Personal & Ubiquitous Computing 2017 Alan F. Blackwell, Mark Blythe, Jofish Kaye
CHI-nnabis: Implications of Marijuana Legalization for and from Human-Computer Interaction CHI’17 Extended Abstracts 2017 Brian C. Keegan, Patricia Cavazos-Rehg, Anh Ngoc Nguyen, Saiph Savage, Jofish Kaye, Munmun De Choudhury, Michael J. Paul
Policy Impacts on the HCI Research Community CHI’17 Extended Abstracts 2017 Jofish Kaye, Casey Fiesler, Neha Kumar, Bryan Semaan
Title Venue Year Authors
Enforcing Content Security by Default within Web Browsers International Conference on Cybersecurity Development 2016 Christoph Kerschbaumer
Injecting CSP for Fun and Security International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy 2016 Christoph Kerschbaumer, Sid Stamm, Stefan Brunthaler
Engineering the Servo Web Browser Engine using Rust ICSE 2016 Brian Anderson, Lars Bergstrom, Manish Goregaokar, Josh Matthews, Keegan McAllister, Jack Moffitt, Simon Sapin
A Portable Interface for Runtime Energy Monitoring FSE 2016 Connor Imes, Lars Bergstrom, Henry Hoffmann
Parallel Performance-Energy Predictive Modeling of Browsers: Case Study of Servo HiPC 2016 Zambre, Rohit and Bergstrom, Lars and Beni, Laleh Aghababaie and Chandramowlishwaran, Aparna
Daala: A Perceptually-Driven Next Generation Video Codec DCC 2016 Thomas J Daede, Nathan E Egge, Jean-Marc Valin, Guillaume Martres, Timothy B Terriberry
Daala: A Perceptually-Driven Still Picture Codec ICIP 2016 Thomas J Daede, Nathan E Egge, Jean-Marc Valin, Guillaume Martres, Timothy B Terriberry
Daala: Building a Next-Generation Video Codec From Unconventional Technology MMSP 2016 Jean-Marc Valin, Timothy B. Terriberry, Nathan E. Egge, Thomas Daede, Yushin Cho, Christopher Montgomery, Michael Bebenita
Perceptually-Driven Video Coding with the Daala Video Codec ADIP 2016 Yushin Cho, Thomas Daede, Nathan E. Egge, Guillaume Martres, Tristan Matthews, Christopher Montgomery, Timothy B. Terriberry, Jean-Marc Valin
On Thin Air Reads: Towards an Event Structures Model of Relaxed Memory LICS 2016 Alan Jeffrey, James Riely
A Model of Navigation History arXiv 2016 Alan Jeffrey, Connor G Brewster
Title Venue Year Authors
Experience Report: Developing the Servo Web Browser Engine using Rust arXiv 2015 Brian Anderson, Lars Bergstrom, David Herman, Josh Matthews, Keegan McAllister, Manish Goregaokar, Jack Moffitt, Simon Sapin
Predicting Chroma from Luma with Frequency Domain Intra Prediction SPIE 2015 Nathan E Egge, Jean-Marc Valin
Perceptual Vector Quantization for Video Coding SPIE 2015 Jean-Marc Valin, Timothy B. Terriberry
Adaptive Motion Compensation Without Blocking Artifacts SPIE 2015 Timothy B. Terriberry
Using Daala Intra Frames for Still Picture Coding PCS 2015 Nathan E Egge, Jean-Marc Valin, Timothy B Terriberry, Thomas Daede, Christopher Montgomery
Title Venue Year Authors
Protecting Users by Confining JavaScript with COWL OSDI 2014 Deian Stefan, Edward Z. Yang, Petr Marchenko, Alejandro Russo, Dave Herman, Brad Karp, David Mazières
Typed Objects in JavaScript DLS 2014 Nicholas D. Matsakis, David Herman, Dmitry Lomov
Sweeten Your JavaScript: Hygienic Macros for ES5 DLS 2014 Tim Disney, Nathan Faubion, David Herman, Cormac Flanagan
Title Venue Year Authors
HPar: A Practical Parallel Parser for HTML — Taming HTML Complexities for Parallel Parsing TACO 2013 Zhijia Zhao, Michael Bebenita, David Herman, Jianhua Sun, Xipeng Shen
Cross-compiling Java to JavaScript via tool-chaining PPPJ 2013 Arno Puder, Victor Woeltjen, Alon Zakai
Voice Coding with Opus AES 2013 Koen Vos, Karsten Vandborg Sørensen, Søren Skak Jensen, Jean-Marc Valin
High-Quality, Low-Delay Music Coding in the Opus Codec AES 2013 Jean-Marc Valin, Greg Maxwell, Timothy B. Terriberry, Koen Vos
Title Venue Year Authors
Parallel Closures: A new twist on an old idea HOTPAR 2012 Nicholas D. Matsakis
Status Report: Dependent Types for JavaScript STOP 2012 Ravi Chugh, David Herman, Ranjit Jhala
Dependent Types for JavaScript OOPLSA 2012 Ravi Chugh, David Herman, Ranjit Jhala
Title Venue Year Authors
Emscripten: an LLVM-to-JavaScript compiler OOPLSA 2011 Alon Zakai