Popularity contest statistics for bzip2

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Name Inst (242269)
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Number % Rank Number % Rank Number % Rank Number % Rank Number % Rank
libbz2-1.0 242265 100.00% 8 221914 98.04% 12 3247 1.62% 4477 17070 20.01% 414 34 0.01% 22123 Graph (inst only)
libbz2-dev 18941 7.82% 3599 1597 0.71% 4530 13661 6.80% 1583 3671 4.30% 1937 12 0.00% 32084 Graph (inst only)
bzip2 235133 97.05% 145 39310 17.37% 816 165601 82.48% 30 30147 35.34% 61 75 0.03% 16024 Graph (inst only)
bzip2-doc 17711 7.31% 3689 0 0.00% 85978 0 0.00% 118169 0 0.00% 59963 17711 7.36% 1319 Graph (inst only)
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popcon graph for bzip2

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