I foster productive conflict to unearth the ramifying insight of rogue research…
Artigos de Rui
If the pen is mightier than the sword, what about the brush? This is the powerful art of LOUIS “MASAI” MICHEL. His subjects may look like magical…
If the pen is mightier than the sword, what about the brush? This is the powerful art of LOUIS “MASAI” MICHEL. His subjects may look like magical…
Rui Vale gostou
On the Red Virgin. The patron saint of outsiders is drawn back into the fold of liberal domesticity. An otherworldly exemplar, emphatically not a…
On the Red Virgin. The patron saint of outsiders is drawn back into the fold of liberal domesticity. An otherworldly exemplar, emphatically not a…
Compartilhado por Rui Vale
Farah Fawcett-Majors and Michael Jackson died on the same day. As events go in the time and tide of newsworthy celebrity culture, the exit of…
Farah Fawcett-Majors and Michael Jackson died on the same day. As events go in the time and tide of newsworthy celebrity culture, the exit of…
Rui Vale gostou
Formação acadêmica
Licenças e certificados
Project Management Professional (PMP)®
Project Management Institute
Emitido em Expira emNº da credencial 2043865
The Clumsy Manifesto
Hashnode; originally on Medium
A rant on the Agile Manifesto. Well, sort of.
Seth Godin's altMBA. An online workshop on leadership, management, marketing, product design, and human relations
altMBA19 - April-May 2018
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Elon Musk wants to build a colony on Mars with at least 1 million people. While this might sound like an exciting and worthwhile goal, many prominent…
Elon Musk wants to build a colony on Mars with at least 1 million people. While this might sound like an exciting and worthwhile goal, many prominent…
Rui Vale gostou
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Rui Vale
Rui Vale
Marketing Director at BICIMAX
Rui Vale
Marketing and Comunication Advisor
Rui Vale Pereira
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