Rui Vale

Rui Vale

Tondela, Viseu, Portugal
4 mil seguidores + de 500 conexões


I foster productive conflict to unearth the ramifying insight of rogue research…

Artigos de Rui

  • Is there a nexus?

    Is there a nexus?

    The book has just come out and I saw an excerpt posted here that intrigued me quite a bit. Feeling helpless I asked…

  • The Breakin’ Dance of Organisational Culture and Strategy

    The Breakin’ Dance of Organisational Culture and Strategy

    The corporate world is an ultra-stable system[1] that must change to remain unchanged, where culture and strategy…

    3 comentários
  • The Labyrinth of Prediction: Wonders, Terrors, and the Trance of Uncertainty in Business

    The Labyrinth of Prediction: Wonders, Terrors, and the Trance of Uncertainty in Business

    In the business world, the pull and peril of predicting the future are as captivating as daunting. Seeing the future as…

  • Book what?

    Book what?

    What’s with this book? Between reading and not reading, there’s a gulf of in-betweens that characterises one’s…

  • Everyone bites the dust

    Everyone bites the dust

    a fable Here’s Marble Inc., headquartered in Popup city at Ballon Catchers, near Rootabaga.

    14 comentários
  • Bandwidth constraints and Circuit Switching vs. Packet Switching

    Bandwidth constraints and Circuit Switching vs. Packet Switching

    What’s this about? Not computer networking. It’s about people.

    4 comentários
  • Are we, human beings, naturally evil, or essentially good?

    Are we, human beings, naturally evil, or essentially good?

    Bearing upon this fundamental question about human morality let me try to picture the emergent management Zeitgeist…

    133 comentários
  • "What a mistake-a to make-a!"​

    "What a mistake-a to make-a!"​

    Upon rereading Pfeffer and Sutton’s opus on evidence-based management[1], let me pick Captain Alberto Bertorelli’s main…



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  • Gráfico Digital Life Collective

    Digital Life Collective

    London, United Kingdom

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    Lisbon Area, Portugal

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    Lisbon Area, Portugal

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    Lisbon Area, Portugal

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    Lisbon Area, Portugal

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    Lisbon Area, Portugal

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    Lisbon Area, Portugal

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    Lisbon Area, Portugal

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    Lisbon Area, Portugal

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    Lisbon Area, Portugal

Formação acadêmica

Licenças e certificados



  • Seth Godin's altMBA. An online workshop on leadership, management, marketing, product design, and human relations

    altMBA19 - April-May 2018


  • Portuguese

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  • English

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  • French

    Nível intermediário

  • Spanish

    Nível básico a intermediário

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