Pedro Castro
Tourism, Aviation, Airports, Regulation. Speaker in 6 languages & Columnist in Europe and Africa
Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
10 mil seguidores
+ de 500 conexões
• Over 20 years of global experience in marketing, sales, communication, business development and relationship management in the travel industry: airline, airport, hotel and credit card industries
• Experience with presenting to senior management and negotiating with global customers
• Proven ability to manage key account relationships and implementing large-scale projects (e.g. launching new companies), maintaining schedules and prioritizing resources allocation
• Exceptional interpersonal, as well as written and verbal communication skills in 6 languages (Portuguese, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian).
Artigos de Pedro
What do you do when the other party breaks a contract?
Depends who "the other party" is. If the other party is from the public sector (or alike), in particular from a very corrupted State where courts and where the legal system does not work properly, reduce your damage by walking away and write it off. And next time you go abroad, do your due diligence. I know this does not sound fair, but State discretion, weak judicial systems and unstable sectorial legislation kills any business predictability and potential contract earnings...and sometimes you don't even need a breach to suffer the damages.
Por que é que não sou a favor do novo aeroporto? - é previsível que a 🇪🇺 decida limitar ou banir os voos de curta distância - a pegada ambiental…
Por que é que não sou a favor do novo aeroporto? - é previsível que a 🇪🇺 decida limitar ou banir os voos de curta distância - a pegada ambiental…
Pedro Castro gostou
Ministério das infraestruturas E habitação Lisboa é a terceira cidade europeia que possui mais hotéis em construção (fonte:…
Ministério das infraestruturas E habitação Lisboa é a terceira cidade europeia que possui mais hotéis em construção (fonte:…
Compartilhado por Pedro Castro
Freelance Columnist in air transportation & regulation. Portugal Mainland, Azores/Madeira. Angola
TAL Aviation Group
Co-Founder of new Travel brand and portal
Attitude Hotels
Formação acadêmica
German and Swiss German
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