Alexandre Gomes
Matosinhos, Porto, Portugal
7 mil seguidores
+ de 500 conexões
I’m an electrical and computer engineer turned programmer specialized in the development…
Artigos de Alexandre
You're overseeing a code review process. How do you ensure feedback boosts developer morale?
Being blunt when reviewing code is not the problem. Actually, if your review provides deep insight, the developer will likely have a much better understanding of that class of problems and likely avoid them in the future. What you should do, is make a call with the developer as soon as possible and help him see the issue by investing time talking to him and clarify all his doubts instead of limiting yourself to writing an unending stream of comments in the code review. If the developer feels you're there to help him, he will trust you, no matter how blunt your comments are. You can be blunt and care - and everyone will benefit from that.
Your team is feeling demotivated. How can you effectively address conflicts within them?
Talk to them assuming they're human beings, not a human resource you're trying to "fix" and try to figure out why they're demotivated Forget team-building and cheap praise bullshit and be open and transparent about everything You have to decide if you want to please the boss to get that promotion or if you want to have a mission driven and super motivated team Do not alienate anyone - everyone in the team is different and they will smell any bullshit you throw at them
You're struggling to cultivate open communication in your team. How can you encourage constructive feedback?
Don’t have an agenda that prioritizes your ego undermining team integrity and trust. Energize the team around a mission instead of complaining you have to follow orders from your superiors. Respect everyone in the team acknowledging their differences instead of playing favorites and alienating and demoralizing others. Assume your leadership with openness and bravery instead of playing destructive petty games.
Your team is feeling disconnected. How can you foster motivation and morale through remote communication?
I've worked on both high morale, high motivation teams and also on teams where communication was optimised for the individual and not for the team - one big difference I noticed in those teams is that team leaders would put their team first and their ego on low priority. Team leaders would be open minded, accept difference and foster open communication - bad leaders would shutdown non conformance and promote an individualism that corrupted team relationships and alienated people. In summary, promote leadership that prioritises the team over their ego and promotes openness instead of shutting down communication and causing morale to crash down.
✅ Quinta-feira 19 de dezembro. Os preços da eletricidade na Península Ibérica estão a baixar. O recurso eólico em Portugal ultrapassou os 4000 MW…
✅ Quinta-feira 19 de dezembro. Os preços da eletricidade na Península Ibérica estão a baixar. O recurso eólico em Portugal ultrapassou os 4000 MW…
Alexandre Gomes gostou
✅ O Mercado de Capacidade é um instrumento relevante para a transição energética. Pela sua natureza as energias renováveis precisam de “back-up”…
✅ O Mercado de Capacidade é um instrumento relevante para a transição energética. Pela sua natureza as energias renováveis precisam de “back-up”…
Alexandre Gomes gostou
The NVIDIA way “Over the years, I realized what was happening, how people protect their turf and they protect their ideas. I created a much flatter…
The NVIDIA way “Over the years, I realized what was happening, how people protect their turf and they protect their ideas. I created a much flatter…
Publicado por Alexandre Gomes
Formação acadêmica
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
Atividades e grupos:Engineering water polo team.
I constantly seek to improve both my technical and communication skills and push myself out of my comfort zone.
I always look forward to work with the best professionals in the industry and aspire to help them build fantastic products that will change the world.
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11 pessoas recomendaram Alexandre
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Tenho um vício novo: faço commit e deixo o GitHub Copilot escrever as mensagens. Mais rápido, mais claro, mais útil. Antes tentava ser criativo, mas…
Tenho um vício novo: faço commit e deixo o GitHub Copilot escrever as mensagens. Mais rápido, mais claro, mais útil. Antes tentava ser criativo, mas…
Alexandre Gomes gostou
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