O membro da sua equipe está esgotado. Como você pode ajudá-los a ter o melhor desempenho novamente?
Ver um membro da equipe lutar contra o esgotamento é difícil. Para ajudá-los a recuperar sua centelha, considere estas estratégias:
- Incentive pausas regulares. Pausas curtas e frequentes podem reduzir o estresse e refrescar o foco.
- Reavalie as cargas de trabalho. Certifique-se de que as tarefas sejam distribuídas de forma justa e alinhadas com a capacidade individual.
- Promova o diálogo aberto. Crie um espaço seguro para discutir desafios e buscar soluções juntos.
Como você apoiou um colega que está sofrendo de burnout? Compartilhe suas ideias.
O membro da sua equipe está esgotado. Como você pode ajudá-los a ter o melhor desempenho novamente?
Ver um membro da equipe lutar contra o esgotamento é difícil. Para ajudá-los a recuperar sua centelha, considere estas estratégias:
- Incentive pausas regulares. Pausas curtas e frequentes podem reduzir o estresse e refrescar o foco.
- Reavalie as cargas de trabalho. Certifique-se de que as tarefas sejam distribuídas de forma justa e alinhadas com a capacidade individual.
- Promova o diálogo aberto. Crie um espaço seguro para discutir desafios e buscar soluções juntos.
Como você apoiou um colega que está sofrendo de burnout? Compartilhe suas ideias.
If the nature of the work allows, offer flexibility in terms of work hours or remote work options. This flexibility can significantly help a team member regain energy while still meeting their responsibilities. Sometimes, burnout stems from feeling undervalued. Make sure to acknowledge their hard work, express gratitude, and celebrate their achievements. Small gestures of recognition can boost morale.
Look for signs of burnout, such as increased irritability, disengagement, lack of energy, or decreased productivity. If you notice these signs, it’s important to step in early before the burnout deepens.Give them the opportunity to share their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Listen attentively without interrupting, and validate their experiences. Let them know it’s normal to feel overwhelmed at times, and you understand how challenging it can be to juggle multiple responsibilities.Review their workload to identify tasks that may be unnecessary, overwhelming, or unrealistic. This could involve reassigning some tasks to others, setting more realistic deadlines, or breaking projects into smaller, more manageable chunks.
To help a burned-out team member, I'd start by encouraging open conversation to understand their challenges. Then, I’d work with them to prioritize tasks, lighten their workload if possible, and set realistic goals. Offering flexible hours or a short break could also help them recharge. Most importantly, I’d make sure they feel supported and valued.
Burnout is a state of physical and/or emotional exhaustion. Often it results from longterm stress or being in a job where over a prolonged period, the psychological and/or physical demands regularly exceed your capacity to cope. Burnout is serious and can give rise to a range of physical and mental health symptoms. If a team member is showing signs of burnout, it’s likely they will need time off work to recover. They should be encouraged to seek support from their GP. If the organisation has an occupational health provider or employee assistance programme access should be provided. When the team member is ready to resume work, consider a phased return and carry out a stress risk assessment and implement the actions arising from this.
Everything I do to help the employee must be accepted. I start by talking to him in a relaxed atmosphere and, if possible, outside of the company. I listen to him and try to understand the cause of the burnout. Then I suggest possible solutions. 1. Reduce working hours. 2. Work temporarily in an easier, different area. 3. Seek medical help and take some time off.
L'écoute empathique est primordiale : offrir un espace sans jugement pour qu'il se confie. Ensuite, proposer de réorganiser les tâches pour alléger sa charge et l’encourager à prendre des pauses. Si des ressources de soutien existent en entreprise, les orienter vers elles est précieux. Enfin, maintenir un lien positif, avec un message de soutien ou une sortie informelle, peut faire une vraie différence. Aider, c'est avant tout faire preuve de bienveillance.
As an employee, I believe it is imperative to inform management about any feelings of burnout. This is a common issue in the healthcare industry. When I start to feel overwhelmed and close to burnout, I typically request time off to rejuvenate. Fortunately, my employer is often sympathetic and allows me the necessary time away. If I observe a colleague experiencing burnout, I encourage them to approach our management team to discuss their concerns.
To help a team member experiencing burnout, focus on three key steps: listen, lighten, and support. 1.Listen – Have an open, judgment-free conversation to understand their stressors. 2.Lighten – Revaluate their workload, prioritizing critical tasks and reducing non-essential ones. 3.Support – Encourage breaks, offer flexibility, and provide resources for well-being. Small adjustments and genuine empathy can go a long way in helping them regain balance and motivation.
Supporting a team member who's experiencing burnout is essential for their well-being and for the overall health of the team.Here are a few ways you can help them regain their balance and perform at their best again: -Acknowledge and Validate Their Feelings -Identify the Root Causes -Encourage them to take some time off if possible, even if it’s just a mental health day -Help Reprioritize and Delegate Tasks -Help them set more manageable and realistic goals. -Encourage them to establish boundaries between work and personal life. -Lead by example—take care of your own well-being, set healthy boundaries, and show that taking time for rest and self-care is important for everyone, including leaders
J'aurais tendance à dire que je ne tenterais pas de le remotiver dans le but de la reprise du travail. En revanche, je l'inciterais à être pris.e en charge par la médecine du travail afin que son repos soit encadré et suivi. Les risques liés à un burn-out ont un impact sur la vie privée et sont donc à suivre de près et par un.e professionnel.le de santé. Une fois guéri.e, je trouverais mon/ma partenaire de bureau en pleine forme physique et mentale 🫶