Preterite vs imperfect in Spanish: Learn how to tango through these tenses like a pro

Are you struggling to get to grips with these two Spanish past tenses? Then you’ve come to the right place. This guide to preterite vs imperfect in Spanish is packed with insightful explanations, practical tips, and real-world examples to help you master this essential part of Spanish grammar.
So if you want to level up your Spanish and impress friends in your next online Spanish lessons, read on.
Understanding the preterite tense in Spanish
The preterite tense, often referred to as the Spanish equivalent of the simple past tense in English, is used to describe actions that were completed in the past.
These actions have a clear beginning and end. The preterite is formed by taking the infinitive of the verb and adding specific endings depending on the subject and the verb’s conjugation group (-ar, -er, or -ir).
For example:
- Hablar (to talk) becomes hablé (I talked).
- Comer (to eat) becomes comí (I ate).
- Vivir (to live) becomes viví (I lived).
The preterite tense is used for:
- Actions that were completed in the past.
Example: Terminé el proyecto la semana pasada. (I finished the project last week.)
- Events that happened once or a specific number of times.
Example: Visitó México una vez. (He/She visited Mexico once.)
- Actions that were part of a chain of events.
Example: Llegué a casa, cociné la cena y me fui a dormir. (I came home, cooked dinner, and went to sleep.)
- Situations that set the stage for another past action.
Example: Era un día lluvioso cuando conocí a María. (It was a rainy day when I met Maria.)
Signal words and phrases for the preterite tense
These common linguistic markers provide context, making it clearer when to use specific tenses like the preterite.
Recognizing and understanding these signals can significantly enhance your fluency and make your conversations sound more natural.
The following adverbs of time signal the use of the preterite tense:
- Ayer: Yesterday
- Anoche: Last night
- Anteayer: The day before yesterday
- El año pasado: Last year
- Una vez: Once
- De repente: Suddenly
- El otro día: The other day
- La semana pasada: Last week
- El mes pasado: Last month
- En ese momento: At that moment
- Hace (diez) años: (Ten) years ago
- Hace (tres) días: (Three) days ago
These time expressions are used with the preterite tense because they frame actions or events as specific, completed actions in the past.
Understanding when to use the imperfect tense
While both the preterite and imperfect tenses are used to speak about the past, the preterite pinpoints actions that had a clear start and finish. In contrast, the imperfect is used to explain ongoing or habitual actions in the past.
For instance, “Comí paella el domingo” (I ate paella on Sunday) refers to a specific instance, whereas saying “Comía paella todos los domingos” (I used to eat paella every Sunday) implies that the event happened habitually in the past.
You also use the imperfect for ongoing actions in the past. For example, “Hablaba con María cuando vi a Paulo salir de casa” (I was talking to Maria when I saw Paulo leave the house) in the imperfect suggests an ongoing action (talking to Maria) that was interrupted by a specific event (seeing Paulo leave the house).
The formation of the imperfect tense involves taking the infinitive of the verb and adding specific endings, which vary based on the subject and the verb’s conjugation group (-ar, -er, or -ir).
For example:
- Hablar (to talk) becomes hablaba (I used to talk/I was talking).
- Comer (to eat) becomes comía (I used to eat/I was eating).
- Vivir (to live) becomes vivía (I used to live/I was living).
The imperfect tense is primarily used in the following instances:
- Describing ongoing actions in the past.
Example: Cuando era joven, jugaba al fútbol todos los días. (When I was young, I played soccer every day.)
- Talking about habitual actions or routines.
Example: Siempre íbamos al parque los domingos. (We always went to the park on Sundays.)
- Giving background information/setting a scene.
Example: Era una noche oscura y tormentosa. (It was a dark and stormy night.)
- Describing physical and emotional states or characteristics.
Example: Estaba triste porque llovía. (I was sad because it was raining.)
Signal words and phrases for the imperfect tense
As is the case for preterite tense, there are certain signal words and phrases in Spanish that can help you distinguish the imperfect, such as the following:
- Siempre: Always
- A menudo: Often
- Cada día/semana/año: Every day/week/year
- Mientras: While
- Antes: Before
By familiarizing yourself with these indicators and common irregular Spanish verb conjugations, you’ll soon be able to talk about the past naturally in this widely spoken Romance language.
Main differences between the tenses
Navigating the nuances between the preterite and imperfect tenses in Spanish can be tricky. So to simplify matters, we’ve broken down the three main differences:
1. Type of action
- Preterite: Pinpoints actions with a clear start and finish.
Example: Bebí agua (I drank water).
- Imperfect: Paints a picture of ongoing or habitual actions.
Example: Bebía agua cuando tenía sed (I drank water when I was thirsty).
2. Frequency
- Preterite: Captures actions that occurred once or a set number of times.
Example: Visitó Francia dos veces (He/She visited France two times).
- Imperfect: Portrays actions that were regular or spanned a longer duration.
Example: Visitaba Francia cada verano (He/She visited France every summer).
3. Storytelling
- Preterite: Your go-to for narrating events in sequence.
Example: Llamé a María y luego escribí una carta (I called María and then wrote a letter).
- Imperfect: Provides background or sets the ambiance.
Example: Escribía una carta cuando sonó el teléfono (I was writing a letter when the phone rang).
Tips for mastering the preterite and imperfect tenses
Mastering the usage of preterite vs imperfect can be challenging. However, you can better understand these tenses with the right strategies and resources. Here are some tried-and-tested tips to help you become a pro at speaking about the past in Spanish:
Practice with real-life conversations
One of the most effective ways to grasp the difference between the preterite and imperfect tenses is to use them in real-life conversations. Engaging in dialogues about past events exposes you to practical scenarios where both tenses are essential.
Don’t put off speaking until you feel you’ve mastered the past tenses – this can seriously slow your progress. Instead, dive into conversations in Spanish and don’t worry about not getting the grammar right every time. In fact, according to language-learning expert Benny Lewis, making mistakes is the only way to learn a language.
To ensure you learn from your errors, chat with fluent speakers or qualified Spanish tutors, as they can inform you when you’ve made a mistake.
Don’t have many Spanish speakers where you live? Platforms like HelloTalk can connect you with fluent speakers for language exchange. But because they aren’t teachers, don’t expect them to be experts in grammar.
Therefore, if you want to streamline your progress, enlist the help of a personal Spanish language coach – like the ones belonging to Preply’s vast network of online tutors.
Use flashcards
Want to remember those trigger phrases to ensure you win the preterite vs imperfect battle every time you chat about the past? Then studying flashcards is a highly effective way to boost your memory.
Try making flashcards that link trigger phrases to the correct tenses or put the translation on one side of the cards and the Spanish version on the other to learn which verb tense to use when speaking.
Also, thanks to platforms like Quizlet, which allows you to create digital flashcards, share, and even access sets created by other learners, you can access flashcard packs using your phone to squeeze in some study while waiting for the train or sipping your morning coffee.
Read and listen
Immersing yourself in different types of Spanish content, be it news articles, podcasts, or films, will provide plenty of examples of the two tenses in action, helping solidify your understanding and application.
Free websites like BBC Mundo offer news in easy-to-understand Spanish, while podcasts like Radio Ambulante bring you captivating stories from across Latin America.
Preterite vs imperfect in Spanish: Final thoughts
This guide is packed with all the essentials to help you master the preterite vs imperfect in Spanish. However, if you want to become proficient in this beautiful language, you’ll need plenty of real-world practice, consistent exposure, and guidance – all of which Preply can provide.
Our language platform specializes in connecting you with professional online tutors who offer tailored and affordable 1-on-1 Spanish lessons designed to get you conversing with confidence, regardless of your current proficiency level.
Ready to sharpen your Spanish skills? Then book your trial class to join the thousands of other learners using Preply to achieve their language goals today.
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When should I use the preterite tense?
When should I use the imperfect tense?
Can the preterite and imperfect tenses be used together in a sentence?
How do I know which verb tense to use when there are no clear indicators?
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