SoundCloud: Play Music & Songs

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Bu tətbiq haqqında

What’s next in music is first on SoundCloud.

Be the first to find new music. Discover trending artists, play songs and share your favorite playlists.

Access the world’s largest music discovery platform
- That’s 300M+ tracks from 30M+ artists in 193 countries

Discover new and trending music, picked just for you
- Play curated mixes and playlists based on the songs you love

Find exclusive music on SoundCloud
- Play songs, DJ sets and remixes you can’t find on any other streaming platform

Grow your music collection
- Find and save trending hits, underground remixes, deep cuts and more.
- Build playlists with your favorite songs.

Find and connect with your music community
- Follow your favorite artists and connect with music fans directly and discover their playlists.
- Like, Repost and comment on any track, directly in the music player.
- Share songs and trending playlists on the app and social media.

Upload your own tracks
- Upload your own music directly on the app to tap into a global fanbase of millions and start trending.

Help independent artists get paid
- Your fan-powered streams puts money in the pockets of the artists YOU want to support.

Enjoy free music streaming with SoundCloud FREE, or level up with SoundCloud Go or SoundCloud Go+ to remove ads, play songs offline and more premium features.

- Play music from independent and established artists (with ads).
- Listen to albums and playlists with unlimited skips.
- Stream music on your Wear OS smartwatch.

- Listen without ads
- Save tracks to listen offline — Play your favorite songs and playlists anytime, anywhere
- Support your favorite independent artists through Fan-Powered Royalties

- Unlock premium Go+ tracks
- Access high-quality audio streaming
- Upgrade your DJ sets with exclusive app integrations
- Listen without ads
- Save tracks to listen offline — hear your favorite songs and playlists anytime, anywhere
- Support your favorite independent artists through Fan-Powered Royalties

SoundCloud Go+ gives you offline and ad-free listening to everything from mainstream songs to trending DJ sets and remixes.

Need help? Get in touch:

SoundCloud is available in English, Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, French, German, Italian and Spanish.

Privacy Policy:
Terms of Use:
Güncəlləmə vaxtı
10 dek 2024

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Təhlükəsizlik developerlərin məlumatlarınızı necə toplayıb paylaşdığını anlamaqdan başlayır. Məlumatların məxfiliyi və təhlükəsizlik təcrübələri istifadə, region və yaşınıza görə dəyişə bilər. Developer bu məlumatı təmin edir və zaman keçdikcə yeniləyə bilər.
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6,8 mln rəy
Yunis Rza
13 noyabr 2024
Pulsuz olmasına baxanda yaxşıdır
2 nəfər bu rəyi faydalı hesab edir
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Günay Ömərova
5 dekabr 2024
1 nəfər bu rəyi faydalı hesab edir
Bu, faydalı oldu?
Elvin Abbasov
1 noyabr 2024
Bring Turkish language to the program. 😏
8 nəfər bu rəyi faydalı hesab edir
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