Restricting search to CURRENT branch. (
sysutils/mcollective | | Framework to build server orchestration |
www/py-tornado | | Fast and non-blocking web framework |
security/password-store | | Standard UNIX password manager |
sysutils/shelldap | | Shell-like interface for browsing LDAP servers |
sysutils/monitoring | | API with DSL feel to write monitoring daemons in Python |
security/py-oauthlib | | Generic implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic |
sysutils/polysh | | Aggregate several remote shells into one |
security/py-requests-oauthlib | | OAuthlib support for Python-Requests |
security/snoopy | | Log every executed command to syslog |
sysutils/conky | | Free, light-weight system monitor for X |
net/py-apache-libcloud | | Python library for interacting with cloud service providers |
security/clusterssh | | Cluster administration tool |
net/ruby-stompserver | | Stomp messaging server |
net/py-softlayer | | SoftLayer API bindings for Python |
devel/py-requests | | HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings |
devel/bpython | | Fancy interface to the Python interpreter |
devel/ruby-stomp | | Ruby library for the Stomp protocol |
devel/py-docopt | | Helps creating command-line interfaces |
devel/p5-Term-Shell | | Write command-line shells in Perl |
net/py-twython | | Python wrapper for the Twitter API |
net/apollo | | Messaging broker built from the foundations of ActiveMQ |
devel/py-more-itertools2 | | More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools (for Python 2.x) |
net/py-ptt | | Twitter API, command-line tool, and IRC bot |
net/py-irclib | | Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol client library |
net/coilmq | | Simple, lightweight, and easily extensible STOMP message broker |
print/foo2zjs | | Printer driver for Zenographics ZjStream wire protocol |
databases/elasticsearch | | Distributed RESTful Search Engine |
devel/p5-Test-DistManifest | | Author test that validates a package MANIFEST |
devel/py-more-itertools | | More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools |
net/paris-traceroute | | Traceroute-like network diagnosis and measurement tool |
databases/py-elasticsearch | | Python client for Elasticsearch |
textproc/lua-cjson | | Lua CJSON provides JSON support for Lua |
www/py-httpie | | Human-friendly command line HTTP client |
devel/py-iowait | | Platform-independent module for I/O completion events |
devel/py-daemonize | | Library for writing system daemons in Python |
www/py-urllib3 | | HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling |
wip/conky | | Free, light-weight system monitor for X |