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CX2: Content Translation creates articles that have tags with cx-segment
Open, Needs TriagePublic


In some cases, published content with Content Translation leaks cx-segment metadata elements into the published content. For example, in this article published with version 2 of Content Translation (on Feb 5 2019):

<ref> <span data-segmentid="129" class="cx-segment"><span title="A volte può capitare che un link presente su Wikipedia non sia più raggiungibile...

This abuse filter can be useful to get example and check if the issue persists over time.


These were created long after the similar issue T113137 was resolved, so it's not a caching issue. I am marking this as Regression, even though the thing that caused it in this article might be different from what was addressed in T113137.

Event Timeline

Amire80 triaged this task as High priority.May 9 2017, 5:44 PM
Amire80 moved this task from Bugs to Out of Beta on the ContentTranslation board.

It is normal to have the phab ID in the diffs for edits made with that tag?

That is not added by us. See Base's Abuse Filter above. It's a global filter so it is in use in all projects.


@Base, can you change the wording please? Have that Phab task is a bit disturbing. :)

Pginer-WMF renamed this task from Content Translation creates articles that have tags with cx-segment to CX2: Content Translation creates articles that have tags with cx-segment.Feb 13 2019, 10:47 AM
Pginer-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)

Based on the examples from the abuse filter it seems that these cases are less frequent with the new version (CX2), but they are still happening. I added one of such examples to the description to help investigate further.

Yeah, this possibility was discussed in the merged duplicate task. Perhaps CX should remove these tags when copied? Or produce some no-tag result? Or VE should perhaps remove these tags on paste?

Yeah, this possibility was discussed in the merged duplicate task. Perhaps CX should remove these tags when copied? Or produce some no-tag result? Or VE should perhaps remove these tags on paste?

We should explore whether it is possible to clean the metadata when the user copies content from Content translation. We need to make sure that removing the metadata does not break pasting the contents in Content translation itself. Otherwise it would be problematic when moving contents around in the tool. Based on that we can propose for Visual Editor to support cleaning up the pasted contents.
I captured this case in a separate ticket: T220495: Content copied from Content Translation into Visual Editor exposes internal attributes

JTannerWMF added a subscriber: Arrbee.

Hey @Pginer-WMF @Arrbee , will the language team take this task on?

Hey @Pginer-WMF @Arrbee , will the language team take this task on?

Yes. The scope for this one is for content created with Content translation. So maybe the VisualEditor-related tags can be removed.

For the particular case of content copied from Content translation and pasted into Visual Editor, I created a separate ticket (T220495). Even for that one, the plan is for the Language team to evaluate first if this can be solved from Content translation first.

Change 520173 had a related patch set uploaded (by Santhosh; owner: Santhosh):
[mediawiki/services/cxserver@master] Do not segment content inside block templates

Thanks. I went through the list. Articles created using earlier version of CX(CX1) in 2015-2018 are there in the list - Though they are valid issues, CX1 code base is now not used for starting new articles. I am looking for these kind of issues if any created using CX2.

Change 520173 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/services/cxserver@master] Do not segment content inside block templates

Aklapper raised the priority of this task from High to Needs Triage.