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Members Present:  Mary Hennings, Jay Spitulnik, Danny Sands, Mary Quilty, Eric Bersh, Matthew Holt, Liz Boehm, Brenda Merriweather, Dan Hapern-Ruder, Sarah Krüg, Vera Rulon (John Grohol (excused)

Guests/Ex Officio: None

Welcome: Mary H

Approve January minutes: Vote

  • Danny motions, Vera seconds. Approved

Review monthly reports: All

  • Questions?
    • Danny asks are there pending payments? Mary: No, just monthly or bundled

Review/Approve financial control policies

  • Reserved for next meeting
  • Motion to approve addition of $65/hour for CPA hourly work beyond contract. Danny motions. Jay seconds. Approved.

Donation & Conference scholarship program: Danny, Mary

  • Danny worked for John D’Amore ( years ago. D’Amore set up foundation.  Recently gave $15K to SPM.  Grant is unrestricted (as noted in letter to SPM).  Later, D’Amore requested that Dave deBronkart be given travel expenses of $2K to attend HIMMS.
    • Daniel H-R – ask deBronkart to send us a letter. Say we would like to resuscitate scholarship program
    • Sarah – problematical, unless program opened to all members
    • Mary – can we notify membership that we have five scholarships available?
    • Vera says make sure we get a benefit from reinstating scholarship program
    • Liz – good benefit while we are strategizing our new direction. Worth considering.  Motions that we open scholarship to 5 members, capped at $599 each and results contribute to the SPM knowledge base, via blog, report or other information
    • Cindy – struggling with spending until we have a direction. But if we are considering a member benefit, this might be a good one.  She will help any member write a blog
    • Brenda – sounds weird to name the receipient (as specifically, deBronkart)
    • Mary Q – what about scholarship receipient leaving SPM collateral at various booths (manifesto, brochure, etc.)? Need to flesh out the process
    • Danny – we should create laundry list of things members could contribute. Seconds the motion.
  • Motion passes

Work Stream Updates: Liz, Cindy, Mary

  • Liz
    • Requests status of interviews from interviewers. Put notes in the Google folder.  Can make interviewees anonymous.  Would like completion in 2 weeks
  • Mary
    • Need a date for completion
  • Cindy
    • Half completed on website review

Board member recruitment

  • Danny – never too soon to gather names. Look for people who are good to work with; committed to the cause (make a superset of people)
  • Mary – look for gaps in our membership and choose those to fill them in. Go through membership to see possibilities
  • Liz – agrees with Danny
  • Daniel – cull from current members?

Other business

  • Danny is moderating NEHEN (New England Healthcare Executive Network, (https:// ) conference. Sharing a panel on digital health for clinical trials
  • Sarah – add board member names to various conferences.
  • Danny – we have an online tool for coordinating calendars (on membership page)
  • Liz – ABIM Fdn (American Board of Internal Medicine, member interested in “Trust” issues. Mary would like to discuss.  Sarah know about them, which is about point-of-care work.  Speak to Dr. Fish?

Motion to adjourn – Vera motions. Danny seconds.

Adjourned at  7:16 p.m. EDT.  Next meeting: March 26, 2024, 6:00 – 7:30 pm ET

Respectfully submitted,

Eric N Bersh, SPM Board Secretary