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The Cradle of Culture, Couture, and Catholicism

Endowed with a strategic geographic location on NATO's southern flank and centuries' worth of accumulated cultural clout, Italy is perfectly positioned for prosperity and power. Branded the birthplace of Western culture, the nation remains a global hub for religion, visual and culinary arts, literature, music, philosophy, and the sciences. In fact, several everyday objects were invented in Italy, including batteries, the mechanical clock, the thermometer, and many instruments, as well as musical notation. Visitors flock to the region for Italy's famed trifecta: Christianity, couture, and cuisine.



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2018/06/18(�@) Foreign investors have complained that China's government needs to level the playing field between foreign and local firms.
2018/06/19(�G) The construction boom in the city has been in full swing for several years now.
2018/06/20(�T) The amount of money that many of the world's richest people contribute to charity is a drop in the ocean.
2018/06/21(�|) Tensions increased in the lead-up to the street protest.
2018/06/22(��) The DVD player is on the fritz. We may have to buy a new one.
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