
Using Saliency in progressive JPEG XL images

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

At Google, we are working towards improving the web experience for users. Getting images delivered fast is a crucial part of the web experience and progressive images can help getting the salient parts, detected by machine learning, first. When you look at an image, you don’t immediately look at the entire image, but tend to gaze at the most interesting, or “salient”, parts of the image first. When delivering images over the web, it is now possible to organize the data in such a way that the most salient parts arrive first. Ideally you don’t even notice that some less salient parts have not yet arrived, because by the time you look at those parts they have already arrived and rendered.

We will explain how this works with the new open source image format JPEG XL, but we’ll start by taking a step back and describing how images are currently delivered and rendered on the web.

How partial images are displayed on the web

It’s important that web sites including images load quickly, because waiting for images to load causes frustration. Two techniques in particular are used to make images appear fast: One is showing an approximation of the image before all bytes of the image are transmitted, often known as “progressive image loading.” Another is making the byte size of the image smaller by using strong image compression.

What is progressive image loading?

Some image formats are implemented in a way that does not allow any kind of progressive image loading; all the bytes of the image have to be received before rendering can begin. The next, most simple, type of image loading is sometimes called “sequential image loading.” For these images, the data is organized in a way that pixels come in a particular order, typically in rows and from top to bottom.

Formats with this kind of image loading include PNG, webp, and JPEG. The JPEG format allows more sophisticated forms of progressive images. Here, we can organize the data so that it comes in multiple scans, with each scan showing more detail than the previous one.

For example, even if only approximately 15% of the data for an image is loaded, it often already has decent results. See the following images comparing no progression:

100% of bytes loaded, original image
100% of bytes loaded, original image

15% of bytes loaded, no progressive image loading
15% of bytes loaded, no progressive image loading

15% of bytes loaded, sequential image loading
15% of bytes loaded, sequential image loading

100% of bytes loaded, original image
15% of bytes loaded, progressive JPEG

In the first scan, the progressive JPEG only has a small amount of information available for the image, (e.g. only the average color of 8x8 blocks). Known as the DC-only scan, because the average color of each 8x8 block is called DC-component in the discrete cosine transform, it is the basis of JPEG image compression. Check out this computerphile video on JPEG DCT for a basic introduction. Instead of displaying an image that consists of 8x8 blocks, JPEG rendering in Chrome and Firefox choose to render the preview with some smoothing, to provide a less distracting experience.

Progressive JPEG XLs

While the quality (and therefore byte-sizes) of the individual scans in a progressive JPEG image can be controlled, the order within a scan is still top to bottom, like in a sequential JPEG. JPEG XL goes beyond that by making it possible to send the data necessary to display all details of the most salient parts first, followed by the less salient parts. For example, in a portrait, we can decide to first send the bytes for the face, and then, for the out-of-focus background.

In general, progressive JPEG XL works in the following way:
  • There is always an 8x8 downsampled image available (similar to a DC-only scan in a progressive JPEG). The decoder can display that with a nice upsampling, which gives the impression of a smoothed version of the image.
  • The image is divided into square groups (typically of size 256 x 256) and it is possible to provide an order of these groups during encoding. In particular, we can order the groups by saliency and choose an order that anticipates where the viewer might look first, while not being disturbing.
While the format allows for a very flexible order of the groups, our current encoder chooses a starting group and then grows concentric squares around that group. This is because we expect that this will be less distracting to the user. To make successive updates even less noticeable, we smooth the boundary between groups for which all the data has arrived and those that still contain an incomplete approximation. One requirement of this technique is a good way of identifying where the salient parts of an image are, which is needed when encoding an image. This information is typically represented by a saliency map which can be visualized as a heatmap image, where the more salient parts are redder.

Original image next to saliency map image
Original image.                                                                                                             Saliency map.

Smooth DC-image next to image with group border
Smooth DC-image.                                                                                                  Image with group order.

Putting it all together, this is how the loading of the progressive JPEG XL will look: 

(a) JPEG XL image only

(b) JPEG XL image compared to sequential jpeg

(c) JPEG XL image compared with progressive jpeg (with 3 scans)

(d) JPEG XL image compared to no progression (grey image until the end)

How to find good saliency maps for images

Saliency prediction models (overview) aim at predicting which regions in an image will attract human attention. To predict saliency effectively, our model leverages the power of deep neural nets to consider both high level semantic signals like face, objects, shapes etc., as well as low or medium level signals like color, intensity, texture, and so on. The model is trained on a large scale public gaze/saliency data set, to make sure the predicted saliency best mimics human gaze/fixation behaviour on each image. The model takes an image as the input and output a saliency map, which can serve as a visual importance map, and hence help determine the decoding order for each region in the image. Example images and their predicted saliency are as follows:

Example images and their predicted saliency

At the time of writing (July 2021), Chrome and Firefox did not yet support decoding JPEG XL image progressively in the way we describe, but the spec does allow encoding arbitrary group orders.

Different users have different experiences when it comes to looking at images loading on the web.We hope that this way of progressively delivering images will improve user experience especially on lower-bandwidth connections.

By Moritz Firsching and Junfeng He – Google Research

El Carro extends the flexibility and choices for Oracle databases on Kubernetes

Thursday, September 2, 2021

When we released El Carro, our goal was to provide the best experience possible to run Oracle databases on Kubernetes with the help of our operator. Today, we want to take a closer look at how that works. The diagram below shows the high-level architecture of a database that is managed by El Carro. At the core is the actual database instance with its background processes which run in a single container that contains the Oracle installation. So how does this container image get created and what goes into it? The image itself is essentially a snapshot of a filesystem that contains an operating system, packages and other software, and custom scripts. Specifically for El Carro, an image is made up of a base OS, required packages, and an Oracle database installation. The image must be stored on a container registry that is accessible by the Kubernetes cluster, and El Carro will expect oracle binaries to be installed in certain paths—or create symbolic links to those locations.

Architecture Diagram showing the operator controlling the db container.

Initially, El Carro worked with 12c for Enterprise Edition and 18c for Express Edition. And while 12c is still popular with many users, the extended support ended this summer. So the first news is that we added support for 19c, Oracle’s long term release. The choice should be easy for any new database deployments, but the options don’t end there.

We know that DBAs have different preferences in how and where software gets installed and we believe that making different options available will ultimately empower users. With the exception of Express Edition, redistributing is not a right granted by Oracle licenses, preventing the community from providing a public container registry with usable images. Rather than that, each user will have to build their own image based on binaries they download from Oracle themselves, using their own license agreement with Oracle. All of the other containers used by the El Carro operator use open source software and are made available on our public registry, so that you do not have to build and host them yourself.

Option 1 - Use El Carro to build your own image with GCP

If you are using GCP, then we have an easy way for you to create custom images, you just upload Oracle binaries and patches to your own GCS bucket and start a Cloud Build job that will create the container image for you and upload it to your own, private container registry. A single build script and serverless cloud services take care of the whole process, so that you don’t have to worry about building locally and moving more images across the internet. In addition to creating seeded images (see below), this method also allows you to build containers with the Oracle Patches such as Release Update Revisions (RURs).

Diagram of container image build pipeline where a cloud build job reads installation files from GCS and writes finished images to GCR.

Option 2 - Use El Carro to build you own image locally

You can also use the same Dockerfile and build process from Option 1—but without Google Cloud. Download Oracle installers and patches locally or to a VM used for the builds—then start a script that invokes Docker and builds the image on that machine. Lastly, tag and push the container image to a container registry of your choice. You will have to do a few more steps yourself if you don’t use Cloud Build, but you get the same image and customization options as with Option 1.

Option 3 - Use Oracle build scripts to build your own image

Oracle also maintains an open source repository of scripts to build container images with their database. Maybe you are already using those images either with docker or Kubernetes, or you prefer to use Oracle’s own build method over ours. We recently added functionality to El Carro to make sure that the resulting images work just as well as the ones that El Carro can build for you.

Option 4 - Use Oracle’s Container Registry directly

There is a way to avoid building your own images: The Oracle Container Registry contains pre-built images that can be used with our Kubernetes operator directly and without modification. But since Oracle’s registry can only be accessed by customers, it is protected with a password. After accepting Oracle’s license conditions, one can either copy images to their own registry, or configure OCR as a private repository in Kubernetes.

The Power of Seeding

Aside from the installation, it is the creation of a database that takes the longest time in the initial provisioning process and it is often a frustrating wait time before you can log in and use your database for the first time after creation. To reduce this wait time, the first two options allow you to build a pre-seeded database image that already contains a snapshot of a created and configured database. That way this initialization step is moved to the container build process and minimizes the startup time of new database instances.

Aside from the wait time, relying on a seeded image (i.e. including an empty database in the image can provide consistency in config options if the same image is to be used in multiple deployments).

Option 1 - El Carro on GCP

Option 2 - El Carro local build

Option 3 - Oracle local build

Option 4 - Oracle Container Registry


12c, 18c, 19c

12c, 18c, 19c

12c, 18c, 19c







Patches Updates





Seeded Images





Automatic build pipeline






We believe in an open cloud approach and empowering users with choice and flexibility. In the context of running Oracle databases on Kubernetes that means that you get to choose your database container images. El Carro provides build scripts that allow you to not only customize containers but also to increase security and robustness with the ability to bake patches and updates into the container image. Seeding container images with a database further reduces the deployment time by avoiding this step on first startup - which is especially useful in environments that create many databases - such as automatic test pipelines.

But other users may feel more comfortable in receiving support when they use Oracle’s pre-built images from their registry.

The choice is yours. Just know that El Carro is here to help you modernize your Oracle database workloads with Kubernetes. And if you have any other feature requests or choices that matter to you—let us know by filing an issue on Github.

By Bjoern Rost, Product Manager and Ash Gbadamassi, Software Engineer – Cloud Databases

Google Summer of Code 2021: Results announced!

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

In 2021, our global online program, Google Summer of Code (GSoC), focused on bringing more student developers into open source for 10 weeks from June to August, concluding yesterday, on August 30th with the final mentor evaluations of their students. We are pleased to announce that 1,205 students from 67 countries have successfully completed this year’s program. There were also 199 open source organizations and over 2,100 mentors, from 75 countries, that took part in the program. Congratulations to all students and mentors who completed GSoC 2021!

The final step of each GSoC program is the student and mentor evaluations.These help us gain valuable insights from our participants about the impact of the program. Here are some results from this year’s evaluations:
  • 96% of students think that GSoC helped their programming skills
  • 99% of students would recommend their GSoC mentors
  • 94% of students will continue working with their GSoC organization
  • 99% of students plan to continue working on open source
  • 36% of students said GSoC has already helped them get a job or internship
  • 72% of students said they would consider being a mentor
  • 88% of students said they would apply to GSoC again
Evaluations also give students and mentors the opportunity to give suggestions to GSoC program administrators. In past evaluations, a number of students have requested a ‘Student Summit’ in order to help connect their GSoC experience with the wider open source community.

We’re proud to announce that this year we held our first GSoC Student Summit on August 27th. Over 275 students attended the virtual summit! The goal of the Student Summit was to inspire and inform our 2021 students. We included talks from Googlers, GSoC mentors and former students who shared their personal and professional path to GSoC and open source. Students were also able to ask the presenters questions and even participate in trivia games to win prizes! More importantly, the summit was a place and time where students from around the world could come together and celebrate their GSoC accomplishments. Inspired by what they learned from the summit, the students know that while their GSoC time has ended their open source journey has just begun.

By Romina Vicente, Project Coordinator for the Google Open Source Programs Office