
One More Week to Apply to Google Summer of Code!

Monday, March 31, 2008

This year, we experimented with the Google Summer of Code&trade program timeline, providing one week for students to discuss project ideas with their mentors and then a single week to submit applications. The good news is that we've heard that overall application quality is much higher this year and that students have really benefited from the opportunity to have extra time to discuss their ideas with their potential mentors. However, we've still heard feedback from the community that it would be useful to provide more time for students to submit their applications, so we've done just that. The new deadline for student applications is Monday, April 7, 2008.

For those of you who are wondering if this message is an April Fool's Joke, we assure you that it's not. How could we compete with Google Gulp?

AxsJAX: My Web 2.0 Application Is Feeling Accessible

Friday, March 28, 2008

Last November, we announced the release of the AxsJAX framework as an Open Source project hosted on Google Code. The convenience afforded by having HTTP access to the GoogleCode repository has meant that this project has neverneeded to make downloadable releases — as we build new enhancements, users automatically experience the benefits of what we create.

The AxsJAX project depends on a number of cutting-edge technologies — including the emerging browser support for W3C ARIA. Charles and I took advantage of the presence of over 4,000 attendees at the CSUN 2008 conference last week to expose as many end-users and developers as possible to the benefits of Web 2.0 technologies. Until now, these technologies have been mostly viewed as an obstacle to users with special needs; I therefore found it refreshing to turn things around and demonstrate positive benefits that emerge when the underlying web platform is used to solve accessibility challenges.

Those of you who ran into me or Charles at the conference probably noticed our AxsJAX shirts — thanks again to Google's Open Source Team for helping us spread the source! The last few months have seen the AxsJAX framework evolve rapidly, and in that process, the library has acquired significant functionality that drastically reduces the amount of code it takes to AxsJAX content-rich web applications. We would like to take this opportunity to open up the AxsJAX Challenge — we invite web developers to innovate on our work as you AxsJAX your favorite web applications. Let us know about the great work you've done and we will recognize your work with a cool t-shirt that sports the Google logo in Braille on it.

Introducing libkml: a library for reading, writing, and manipulating KML

Thursday, March 27, 2008

By Michael Weiss-Malik, KML Product Manager

KML has seen tremendous uptake as a GIS data presentation language, in large part due to its simplicity. The ability to quickly and easily read or write small bits of KML by hand helps newcomers to rapidly experiment with the language and learn it. That said, the most interesting and sophisticated KML documents generally aren't created by hand... instead, authors tend to write computer programs to generate data-driven KML en masse. Programmers are often forced to roll custom KML-generating code for each such project. Likewise, mapping application developers have traditionally been tasked with writing one-off KML parsers if they want to read in and visualize KML data.

Both KML authors and consumers should therefore be pleased hear about today's version 0.1 "preview" release of libkml: Google's open-source reference library for reading, writing, and manipulating KML. Our hope is that libkml will reduce the need for everyone to re-invent the wheel with a custom parser or serializer, by providing a single re-usable library that implements KML's semantics. This first release is focused primarily on the low-level details of the KML DOM itself, but it's our intent to enhance the library in the future by implementing more sophisticated operations like style resolution and balloon text templating. If you don't know what these are, I encourage you to check out Google Code's KML documentation.

Our initial release covers parsing and serializing of all elements in KML 2.2, which is currently pending acceptance by the Open Geospatial Consortium as an OGC standard. It's a C++ library that compiles and runs on multiple platforms, so C++ is the most direct way to call into it. If C++ isn't your thing, the library's build system can also generate (through SWIG) wrappers/bindings for Java, PHP, Perl, Python, and Ruby. Since the whole thing is released under a BSD license, you have complete flexibility in how you use our code and/or integrate it into other projects. Do note that we're labeling this a "preview" release on purpose: you should expect changes.

I encourage you to download and play with the library -- it includes several example programs that are worth the price of admission in and of themselves. And keep an eye out in the coming months, because this first release is just the beginning!