Showing posts with label fuzzing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fuzzing. Show all posts

Writing fuzz tests with ease using Bazel

Monday, February 8, 2021

We are announcing Bazel support for developing and testing fuzz tests, with OSS-Fuzz integration, through the new rules_fuzzing Bazel library.

Fuzzing is an effective, well-known testing technique for finding security and stability bugs in software. But writing and testing fuzz tests can be tedious. Developers typically need to:
  • Implement a fuzz driver function, which exercises the API under test;
  • Build the code with the proper instrumentation (such as Address Sanitizer);
  • Link it with one of the available fuzzing engine libraries (libFuzzer, AFL++, Honggfuzz, etc.) that provide the core test generation logic;
  • Run the fuzz test binary with the right set of flags (e.g., to specify corpora or dictionaries);
  • Package the fuzz test and its resources for consumption by fuzzing infrastructures, such as OSS-Fuzz.
Unfortunately, build systems don't traditionally offer any support beyond the core primitives of producing executables, so projects adopting fuzzing often end up reimplementing fuzz test recipes.

Bazel is a versatile and extensible build system, focused on scalable, reliable, and reproducible builds. Originally designed to scale to Google's entire monolithic repository, it now underpins large enterprises and key open source Internet infrastructure projects.

We are pleased to announce that projects using Bazel can get advanced fuzzing support through the new rules_fuzzing extension library. The new fuzzing rules take care of all the boilerplate needed to build and run fuzz tests. Developers simply write the fuzz driver code and define a build target for it (example driver and target for RE2). Fuzz tests can be built and run using a number of fuzzing engines provided out-of-the-box, such as libFuzzer and Honggfuzz, as well as sanitizers. The rule library also provides the ability to define additional fuzzing engines.

You can integrate the fuzzing library with around 10 LOC in your Bazel WORKSPACE file. Defining a fuzz test in Bazel is as easy as writing the following in your BUILD file:

load("@rules_fuzzing//fuzzing:cc_deps.bzl, "cc_fuzz_test")
   name = "my_fuzz_test",
   srcs = [""],
   deps = [":my_library"],

You can easily test the fuzzer locally by invoking its launcher:

$ bazel run --config=asan-libfuzzer //:my_fuzz_test_run

To improve the effectiveness of test case generation, fuzz tests also support seed corpora and dictionaries, through additional rule attributes. They will automatically be validated and included in fuzz test runs. Fuzz tests also serve as regression tests on the seed corpus. For example, you can add previously found and fixed crashes to the corpus and have them tested in your CI workflows:

$ bazel test --config=asan-replay //:my_fuzz_test

The fuzzing rules provide built-in support for OSS-Fuzz, our continuous fuzzing service for open source projects. The OSS-Fuzz support drastically simplifies writing the build scripts in project integration by automatically packaging the fuzz test and its dependencies using the expected OSS-Fuzz structure.

The Envoy Proxy project is one of the early adopters of the fuzzing rules library. As a large, mature C++ codebase, Envoy has maintained its own custom implementation of fuzzing support for its over 50 fuzz targets written so far. By switching to the new Bazel fuzzing rules, Envoy's fuzz targets automatically gained new features, such as local running and testing tools and support for multiple fuzzing engines. At the same time, Envoy simplified its OSS-Fuzz integration scripts. Moreover, it will automatically gain future functionality (e.g., more effective fuzzing engines, better coverage tracking, improved corpus management) as the Bazel fuzzing rules library evolves.

The Bazel rules for fuzzing draw from Google's experience providing effective fuzzing tools to our internal developers. We hope the new Bazel support for fuzzing will lower the barrier to fuzzing adoption in open source communities, further increasing the security and reliability of many projects. To learn more about integrating the fuzzing rules into your project, take a look at the Getting Started section in the documentation.

By Stefan Bucur, Software Analysis, Asra Ali, Envoy, and Abhishek Arya, OSS-Fuzz – Google

Launching OSV - Better vulnerability triage for open source

Friday, February 5, 2021

Open Source Vulnerabilities logo

We are excited to launch OSV (Open Source Vulnerabilities), our first step towards improving vulnerability triage for developers and consumers of open source software. The goal of OSV is to provide precise data on where a vulnerability was introduced and where it got fixed, thereby helping consumers of open source software accurately identify if they are impacted and then make security fixes as quickly as possible. We have started OSV with a data set of fuzzing vulnerabilities found by the OSS-Fuzz service. OSV project evolved from our recent efforts to improve vulnerability management in open source ("Know, Prevent, Fix" framework).

Vulnerability management can be painful for both consumers and maintainers of open source software, with tedious manual work involved in many cases.

For consumers of open source software, it is often difficult to map a vulnerability such as a Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) entry to the package versions they are using. This comes from the fact that versioning schemes in existing vulnerability standards (such as Common Platform Enumeration (CPE)) do not map well with the actual open source versioning schemes, which are typically versions/tags and commit hashes. The result is missed vulnerabilities that affect downstream consumers.

Similarly, it is time consuming for maintainers to determine an accurate list of affected versions or commits across all their branches for downstream consumers after a vulnerability is fixed, in addition to the process required for publication. Unfortunately, many open source projects, including ones that are critical to modern infrastructure, are under resourced and overworked. Maintainers don't always have the bandwidth to create and publish thorough, accurate information about their vulnerabilities even if they want to.

These challenges result in open source consumers not incorporating important security fixes promptly. OSV aims to:
  1. Reduce the work required by maintainers to publish vulnerabilities, and
  2. Improve the accuracy of vulnerability queries for downstream consumers by providing precise vulnerability metadata in an easy-to-query database (complementing existing vulnerability databases).


OSV aims to simplify the vulnerability reporting process for an open source package maintainer by accurately determining the list of affected versions and commits. This requires providing both the commits that introduce and fix the bugs. If that information is not available, OSV requires providing a reproduction test case and steps to generate an application build, and then it performs bisection to find these commits in an automated fashion. OSV takes care of the rest of the analysis to figure out impacted commit ranges (accounting for cherry picks) and versions/tags.

How OSV works

OSV automates the triage workflow for an open source package consumer by providing an API to query for vulnerabilities. A typical OSV workflow for a package consumer looks like the picture above:
  1. A package consumer sends a query to OSV with a package version or commit hash as input.
    curl -X POST -d \
    '{"commit": "6879efc2c1596d11a6a6ad296f80063b558d5e0f"}' \

     curl -X POST -d \
      '{"version": "1.0.0", "package": {"name": "pkg", "ecosystem""pypi"}' \
  1. OSV looks up the set of vulnerabilities affecting that particular version and returns a list of vulnerabilities impacting the package. The vulnerability metadata is returned in a machine-readable JSON format.
  2. The package consumer uses this information to either cherry-pick security fixes (based on precise fix metadata) or update to a later version.

Ongoing work

OSV currently provides access to thousands of vulnerabilities from 380+ critical OSS projects integrated with OSS-Fuzz. We are planning to work with open source communities to extend with data from various language ecosystems (e.g. NPM, PyPI) and work out a pipeline for package maintainers to submit vulnerabilities with minimal work.

Our goal with OSV is to rethink and promote better, scalable vulnerability tracking for open source. In an ideal world, vulnerability management should be done closer to the actual open source development process, aided by automated infrastructure. Projects that depend on open source should be promptly notified and fixes uptaken quickly when a vulnerability is reported.

You can access the OSV website and documentation at You can explore the open source repo or contribute to the project on GitHub, and join the mailing list to stay up to date with OSV and share your thoughts on vulnerability tracking. 

By Oliver Chang and Kim Lewandowski, Google Security Team

Fuzzing internships for open source software

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Open source software is the foundation of many modern software products. Over the years, developers increasingly have relied on reusable open source components for their applications. It is paramount that these open source components are secure and reliable, as weaknesses impact those that build upon it.

Google cares deeply about the security of the open source ecosystem and recently launched the Open Source Security Foundation with other industry partners. Fuzzing is an automated testing technique to find bugs by feeding unexpected inputs to a target program. At Google, we leverage fuzzing at scale to find tens of thousands of security vulnerabilities and stability bugs. This summer, as part of Google’s OSS internship initiative, we hosted 50 interns to improve the state of fuzz testing in the open source ecosystem.

The fuzzing interns worked towards integrating new projects and improving existing ones in OSS-Fuzz, our continuous fuzzing service for the open source community (which has 350+ projects, 22,700 bugs, 89% fixed). Several widely used open source libraries including but not limited to nginx, postgresql, usrsctp, and openexr, now have continuous fuzzing coverage as a result of these efforts.

Another group of interns focused on improving the security of the Linux kernel. syzkaller, a kernel fuzzing tool from Google, has been instrumental in finding kernel vulnerabilities in various operating systems. The interns were tasked with improving the fuzzing coverage by adding new descriptions to syzkaller like ip tunnels, io_uring, and bpf_lsm for example, refining the interface description language, and advancing kernel fault injection capabilities.

Some interns chose to write fuzzers for Android and Chrome, which are open source projects that billions of internet users rely on. For Android, the interns contributed several new fuzzers for uncovered areas - network protocols such as pppd and dns, audio codecs like monoblend, g722, and android framework. On the Chrome side, interns improved existing blackbox fuzzers, particularly in the areas: DOM, IPC, media, extensions, and added new libprotobuf-based fuzzers for Mojo.

Our last set of interns researched quite a few under-explored areas of fuzzing, some of which were fuzzer benchmarking, ML based fuzzing, differential fuzzing, bazel rules for build simplification and made useful contributions.

Over the course of the internship, our interns have reported over 150 security vulnerabilities and 750 functional bugs. Given the overall success of these efforts, we plan to continue hosting fuzzing internships every year to help secure the open source ecosystem and teach incoming open source contributors about the importance of fuzzing. For more information on the Google internship program and other student opportunities, check out We encourage you to apply.

By: Abhishek Arya, Google Chrome Security

Open sourcing ClusterFuzz

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Fuzzing is an automated method for detecting bugs in software that works by feeding unexpected inputs to a target program. It is effective at finding memory corruption bugs, which often have serious security implications. Manually finding these issues is both difficult and time consuming, and bugs often slip through despite rigorous code review practices. For software projects written in an unsafe language such as C or C++, fuzzing is a crucial part of ensuring their security and stability.

In order for fuzzing to be truly effective, it must be continuous, done at scale, and integrated into the development process of a software project. To provide these features for Chrome, we wrote ClusterFuzz, a fuzzing infrastructure running on over 25,000 cores. Two years ago, we began offering ClusterFuzz as a free service to open source projects through OSS-Fuzz.

Today, we’re announcing that ClusterFuzz is now open source and available for anyone to use.

We developed ClusterFuzz over eight years to fit seamlessly into developer workflows, and to make it dead simple to find bugs and get them fixed. ClusterFuzz provides end-to-end automation, from bug detection, to triage (accurate deduplication, bisection), to bug reporting, and finally to automatic closure of bug reports.

ClusterFuzz has found more than 16,000 bugs in Chrome and more than 11,000 bugs in over 160 open source projects integrated with OSS-Fuzz. It is an integral part of the development process of Chrome and many other open source projects. ClusterFuzz is often able to detect bugs hours after they are introduced and verify the fix within a day.

Check out our GitHub repository. You can try ClusterFuzz locally by following these instructions. In production, ClusterFuzz depends on some key Google Cloud Platform services, but you can use your own compute cluster. We welcome your contributions and look forward to any suggestions to help improve and extend this infrastructure. Through open sourcing ClusterFuzz, we hope to encourage all software developers to integrate fuzzing into their workflows.

By Abhishek Arya, Oliver Chang, Max Moroz, Martin Barbella and Jonathan Metzman, ClusterFuzz team

A new chapter for OSS-Fuzz

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Cross-posted on the Google Security Blog.

Open source software (OSS) is extremely important to Google, and we rely on OSS in a variety of customer-facing and internal projects. We also understand the difficulty and importance of securing the open source ecosystem, and are continuously looking for ways to simplify it.

For the OSS community, we currently provide OSS-Fuzz, a free continuous fuzzing infrastructure hosted on the Google Cloud Platform. OSS-Fuzz uncovers security vulnerabilities and stability issues, and reports them directly to developers. Since launching in December 2016, OSS-Fuzz has reported over 9,000 bugs directly to open source developers.

In addition to OSS-Fuzz, Google's security team maintains several internal tools for identifying bugs in both Google internal and open source code. Until recently, these issues were manually reported to various public bug trackers by our security team and then monitored until they were resolved. Unresolved bugs were eligible for the Patch Rewards Program. While this reporting process had some success, it was overly complex. Now, by unifying and automating our fuzzing tools, we have been able to consolidate our processes into a single workflow, based on OSS-Fuzz. Projects integrated with OSS-Fuzz will benefit from being reviewed by both our internal and external fuzzing tools, thereby increasing code coverage and discovering bugs faster.

We are committed to helping open source projects benefit from integrating with our OSS-Fuzz fuzzing infrastructure. In the coming weeks, we will reach out via email to critical projects that we believe would be a good fit and support the community at large. Projects that integrate are eligible for rewards ranging from $1,000 (initial integration) up to $20,000 (ideal integration); more details are available here. These rewards are intended to help offset the cost and effort required to properly configure fuzzing for OSS projects. If you would like to integrate your project with OSS-Fuzz, please submit your project for review. Our goal is to admit as many OSS projects as possible and ensure that they are continuously fuzzed.

Once contacted, we might provide a sample fuzz target to you for easy integration. Many of these fuzz targets are generated with new technology that understands how library APIs are used appropriately. Watch this space for more details on how Google plans to further automate fuzz target creation, so that even more open source projects can benefit from continuous fuzzing.

Thank you for your continued contributions to the open source community. Let’s work together on a more secure and stable future for open source software.

By Matt Ruhstaller, TPM and Oliver Chang, Software Engineer, Google Security Team

OSS-Fuzz: Five months later, and rewarding projects

Monday, May 8, 2017

Five months ago, we announced OSS-Fuzz, Google’s effort to help make open source software more secure and stable. Since then, our robot army has been working hard at fuzzing, processing 10 trillion test inputs a day. Thanks to the efforts of the open source community who have integrated a total of 47 projects, we’ve found over 1,000 bugs (264 of which are potential security vulnerabilities).

Notable results

OSS-Fuzz has found numerous security vulnerabilities in several critical open source projects: 10 in FreeType2, 17 in FFmpeg, 33 in LibreOffice, 8 in SQLite 3, 10 in GnuTLS, 25 in PCRE2, 9 in gRPC, and 7 in Wireshark, etc. We’ve also had at least one bug collision with another independent security researcher (CVE-2017-2801). (Some of the bugs are still view restricted so links may show smaller numbers.)

Once a project is integrated into OSS-Fuzz, the continuous and automated nature of OSS-Fuzz means that we often catch these issues just hours after the regression is introduced into the upstream repository, before any users are affected.

Fuzzing not only finds memory safety related bugs, it can also find correctness or logic bugs. One example is a carry propagating bug in OpenSSL (CVE-2017-3732).

Finally, OSS-Fuzz has reported over 300 timeout and out-of-memory failures (~75% of which got fixed). Not every project treats these as bugs, but fixing them enables OSS-Fuzz to find more interesting bugs.

Announcing rewards for open source projects

We believe that user and internet security as a whole can benefit greatly if more open source projects include fuzzing in their development process. To this end, we’d like to encourage more projects to participate and adopt the ideal integration guidelines that we’ve established.

Combined with fixing all the issues that are found, this is often a significant amount of work for developers who may be working on an open source project in their spare time. To support these projects, we are expanding our existing Patch Rewards program to include rewards for the integration of fuzz targets into OSS-Fuzz.

To qualify for these rewards, a project needs to have a large user base and/or be critical to global IT infrastructure. Eligible projects will receive $1,000 for initial integration, and up to $20,000 for ideal integration (the final amount is at our discretion). You have the option of donating these rewards to charity instead, and Google will double the amount.

To qualify for the ideal integration reward, projects must show that:
  • Fuzz targets are checked into their upstream repository and integrated in the build system with sanitizer support (up to $5,000).
  • Fuzz targets are efficient and provide good code coverage (>80%) (up to $5,000). 
  • Fuzz targets are part of the official upstream development and regression testing process, i.e. they are maintained, run against old known crashers and the periodically updated corpora (up to $5,000).
  • The last $5,000 is a “l33t” bonus that we may reward at our discretion for projects that we feel have gone the extra mile or done something really awesome.
We’ve already started to contact the first round of projects that are eligible for the initial reward. If you are the maintainer or point of contact for one of these projects, you may also reach out to us in order to apply for our ideal integration rewards.

The future

We’d like to thank the existing contributors who integrated their projects and fixed countless bugs. We hope to see more projects integrated into OSS-Fuzz, and greater adoption of fuzzing as standard practice when developing software.

By Oliver Chang, Abhishek Arya (Security Engineers, Chrome Security), Kostya Serebryany (Software Engineer, Dynamic Tools), and Josh Armour (Security Program Manager)

Announcing OSS-Fuzz: Continuous fuzzing for open source software

Thursday, December 1, 2016

We are happy to announce OSS-Fuzz, a new Beta program developed over the past years with the Core Infrastructure Initiative community. This program will provide continuous fuzzing for select core open source software.

Open source software is the backbone of the many apps, sites, services, and networked things that make up “the internet.” It is important that the open source foundation be stable, secure, and reliable, as cracks and weaknesses impact all who build on it.

Recent security stories confirm that errors like buffer overflow and use-after-free can have serious, widespread consequences when they occur in critical open source software. These errors are not only serious, but notoriously difficult to find via routine code audits, even for experienced developers. That's where fuzz testing comes in. By generating random inputs to a given program, fuzzing triggers and helps uncover errors quickly and thoroughly.

In recent years, several efficient general purpose fuzzing engines have been implemented (e.g. AFL and libFuzzer), and we use them to fuzz various components of the Chrome browser. These fuzzers, when combined with Sanitizers, can help find security vulnerabilities (e.g. buffer overflows, use-after-free, bad casts, integer overflows, etc), stability bugs (e.g. null dereferences, memory leaks, out-of-memory, assertion failures, etc) and sometimes even logical bugs.

OSS-Fuzz’s goal is to make common software infrastructure more secure and stable by combining modern fuzzing techniques with scalable distributed execution. OSS-Fuzz combines various fuzzing engines (initially, libFuzzer) with Sanitizers (initially, AddressSanitizer) and provides a massive distributed execution environment powered by ClusterFuzz.

Early successes

Our initial trials with OSS-Fuzz have had good results. An example is the FreeType library, which is used on over a billion devices to display text (and which might even be rendering the characters you are reading now). It is important for FreeType to be stable and secure in an age when fonts are loaded over the Internet. Werner Lemberg, one of the FreeType developers, was an early adopter of OSS-Fuzz. Recently the FreeType fuzzer found a new heap buffer overflow only a few hours after the source change:

ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-buffer-overflow on address 0x615000000ffa
READ of size 2 at 0x615000000ffa thread T0
SCARINESS: 24 (2-byte-read-heap-buffer-overflow-far-from-bounds)
   #0 0x885e06 in tt_face_vary_cvtsrc/truetype/ttgxvar.c:1556:31

OSS-Fuzz automatically notified the maintainer, who fixed the bug; then OSS-Fuzz automatically confirmed the fix. All in one day! You can see the full list of fixed and disclosed bugs found by OSS-Fuzz so far.

Contributions and feedback are welcome

OSS-Fuzz has already found 150 bugs in several widely used open source projects (and churns ~4 trillion test cases a week). With your help, we can make fuzzing a standard part of open source development, and work with the broader community of developers and security testers to ensure that bugs in critical open source applications, libraries, and APIs are discovered and fixed. We believe that this approach to automated security testing will result in real improvements to the security and stability of open source software.

OSS-Fuzz is launching in Beta right now, and will be accepting suggestions for candidate open source projects. In order for a project to be accepted to OSS-Fuzz, it needs to have a large user base and/or be critical to Global IT infrastructure, a general heuristic that we are intentionally leaving open to interpretation at this early stage. See more details and instructions on how to apply here.

Once a project is signed up for OSS-Fuzz, it is automatically subject to the 90-day disclosure deadline for newly reported bugs in our tracker (see details here). This matches industry’s best practices and improves end-user security and stability by getting patches to users faster.

Help us ensure this program is truly serving the open source community and the internet which relies on this critical software, contribute and leave your feedback on GitHub.

By Mike Aizatsky, Kostya Serebryany (Software Engineers, Dynamic Tools); Oliver Chang, Abhishek Arya (Security Engineers, Google Chrome); and Meredith Whittaker (Open Research Lead).