Showing posts with label compression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label compression. Show all posts

Open sourcing the attention center model

Thursday, December 1, 2022

When you look at an image, what parts of an image do you pay attention to first? Would a machine be able to learn this? We provide a machine learning model that can be used to do just that. Why is it useful? The latest generation image format (JPEG XL) supports serving the parts that you pay attention to first, which results in an improved user experience: images will appear to load faster. But the model not only works for encoding JPEG XL images, but can be used whenever we need to know where a human would look first.

An open sourcing attention center model

What regions in an image will attract the majority of human visual attention first? We trained a model to predict such a region when given an image, called the attention center model, which is now open sourced. In addition to the model, we provide a script to use it in combination with the JPEG XL encoder: google/attention-center.

Some example predictions of our attention center model are shown in the following figure, where the green dot is the predicted attention center point for the image. Note that in the “two parrots” image both parrots’ heads are visually important, so the attention center point will be in the middle.

Four images in quadrants as follows: A red door with brass doorknob in top left quadrant, headshot of a brown skinned girl waering a colorful sweater and ribbons in her hair and painted face smiling at the camera in the top right quadrant, A teal shuttered catherdral style window against a sand colored stucco wall with pink and red hibiscus in the forefront in the bottom left quadrant, A blue and yellow macaw and red and green macaw next to each other in the bottom right quadrant
Images are from Kodak image data set:

The model is 2MB and in the TensorFlow Lite format. It takes an RGB image as input and outputs a 2D point, which is the predicted center of human attention on the image. That predicted center is the place where we should start with operations (decoding and displaying in JPEG XL case). This allows the most visually salient/import regions to be processed as early as possible. Check out the code and continue to build upon it!

Attention center ground-truth data

To train a model to predict the attention center, we first need to have some ground-truth data from the attention center. Given an image, some attention points can either be collected by eye trackers [1], or be approximated by mouse clicks on a blurry version of the image [2]. We first apply temporal filtering to those attention points and keep only the initial ones, and then apply spatial filtering to remove noise (e.g., random gazes). We then compute the center of the remaining attention points as the attention center ground-truth. An example illustration figure is shown below for the process of obtaining the ground-truth.

Five images in a row showing the original image of a person standing on a rock by the ocean; the first is the original image, the second showing gaze/attention points, the third shoing temporal filtering, the fourth spatial filtering, and fifth, attention center

Attention center model architecture

The attention center model is a deep neural net, which takes an image as input, and uses a pre-trained classification network, e.g, ResNet, MobileNet, etc., as the backbone. Several intermediate layers that output from the backbone network are used as input for the attention center prediction module. These different intermediate layers contain different information e.g., shallow layers often contain low level information like intensity/color/texture, while deeper layers usually contain higher and more semantic information like shape/object. All are useful for the attention prediction. The attention center prediction applies convolution, deconvolution and/or resizing operator together with aggregation and sigmoid function to generate a weighting map for the attention center. And then an operator (the Einstein summation operator in our case) can be applied to compute the (gravity) center from the weighting map. An L2 norm between the predicted attention center and the ground-truth attention center can be computed as the training loss.

Attention center model architecture

Progressive JPEG XL images with attention center model

JPEG XL is a new image format that allows the user to encode images in a way to ensure the more interesting parts come first. This has the advantage that when viewing images that are transferred over the web, we can already display the attention grabbing part of the image, i.e. the parts where the user looks first and as soon as the user looks elsewhere ideally the rest of the image already has arrived and has been decoded. Using Saliency in progressive JPEG XL images | Google Open Source Blog illustrates how this works in principle. In short, in JPEG XL, the image is divided into square groups (typically of size 256 x 256), and the JPEG XL encoder will choose a starting group in the image and then grow concentric squares around that group. It was this need for figuring out where the attention center of an image is that led us to open source the attention center model, together with a script to use it in combination with the JPEG XL encoder. Progressive decoding of JPEG XL images has recently been added to Chrome starting from version 107. At the moment, JPEG XL is behind an experimental flag, which can be enabled by going to chrome://flags, searching for “jxl”.

To try out how partially loaded progressive JPEG XL images look, you can go to

By Moritz Firsching, Junfeng He, and Zoltan Szabadka – Google Research


[1] Valliappan, Nachiappan, Na Dai, Ethan Steinberg, Junfeng He, Kantwon Rogers, Venky Ramachandran, Pingmei Xu et al. "Accelerating eye movement research via accurate and affordable smartphone eye tracking." Nature communications 11, no. 1 (2020): 1-12.

[2] Jiang, Ming, Shengsheng Huang, Juanyong Duan, and Qi Zhao. "Salicon: Saliency in context." In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, pp. 1072-1080. 2015.

Lyra V2 - a better, faster, and more versatile speech codec

Friday, September 30, 2022

Since we open sourced the first version of Lyra on GitHub last year, we are delighted to see a vibrant community growing around it, with thousands of stars, hundreds of forks, and many comments and pull requests. There are people who fixed and formatted our code, built continuous integration for the project, and even added support for Web Assembly.

We are incredibly grateful for all these contributions, and we also heard the community's feedback, asking us to improve Lyra. Some examples of what developers wanted were to run Lyra on more platforms, develop applications in more languages; and for a model that computes faster with more bitrate options and lower latency, and better audio quality with fewer artifacts.

That's why we are now releasing Lyra V2, with a new architecture that enjoys a wider platform support, provides scalable bitrate capabilities, has better performance, and generates higher quality audio. With this release, we hope to continue to evolve with the community, and with its collective creativity, see new applications being developed and new directions emerging.

New Architecture

Lyra V2 is based on an end-to-end neural audio codec called SoundStream. The architecture has a residual vector quantizer (RVQ) sitting before and after the transmission channel, which quantizes the encoded information into a bitstream and reconstructs it on the decoder side.

Lyra V2's SoundStream architecture
The integration of RVQ into the architecture allows changing the bitrate of Lyra V2 at any time by selecting the number of quantizers to use. When more quantizers are used, higher quality audio is generated (at a cost of a higher bitrate). In Lyra V2, we support three different bitrates: 3.2 kps, 6 kbps, and 9.2 kbps. This enables developers to choose a bitrate most suitable for their network condition and quality requirements.

Lyra V2's model is exported in TensorFlow Lite, TensorFlow's lightweight cross-platform solution for mobile and embedded devices, which supports various platforms and hardware accelerations. The code is tested on Android phones and Linux, with experimental Mac and Windows support. Operation on iOS and other embedded platforms is not currently supported, although we expect it is possible with additional effort. Moreover, this paradigm opens Lyra to any future platform supported by TensorFlow Lite.

Better Performance

With the new architecture, the delay is reduced from 100 ms with the previous version to 20 ms. In this regard, Lyra V2 is comparable to the most widely used audio codec Opus for WebRTC, which has a typical delay of 26.5 ms, 46.5 ms, and 66.5 ms.

Lyra V2 also encodes and decodes five times faster than the previous version. On a Pixel 6 Pro phone, Lyra V2 takes 0.57 ms to encode and decode a 20 ms audio frame, which is 35 times faster than real time. The reduced complexity means that more phones can run Lyra V2 in real time than V1, and that the overall battery consumption is lowered.

Higher Quality

Driven by the advance of machine learning research over the years, the quality of the generated audio is also improved. Our listening tests show that the audio quality (measured in MUSHRA score, an indication of subjective quality) of Lyra V2 at 3.2 kbps, 6 kbps, and
9.2 kbps measures up to Opus at 10 kbps, 13 kbps, and 14 kbps respectively.

Lyra vs. Opus at various bitrates

Sample 1





[email protected]




[email protected]

Sample 2





[email protected]




[email protected]

This makes Lyra V2 a competitive alternative to other state-of-the-art telephony codecs. While Lyra V1 already compares favorably to the Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR-NB) codec, Lyra V2 further outperforms Enhanced Voice Services (EVS) and Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband (AMR-WB), and is on par with Opus, all the while using only 50% - 60% of their bandwidth.

Lyra vs. state-of-the-art codecs

Sample 1








Sample 2








This means more devices can be connected in bandwidth-constrained environments, or that additional information can be sent over the network to reduce voice choppiness through forward error correction and packet loss concealment.

Open Source Release

Lyra V2 continues to provide what is already in Lyra V1 (the build tools, the testing frameworks, the C++ encoding and decoding API, the signal processing toolchain, and the example Android app). Developers who have experience with the Lyra V1 API will find that the V2 API looks familiar, but with a few changes. For example, now it's possible to change bitrates during encoding (more information is available in the release notes). In addition, the model definitions and weights are included as .tflite files. As with V1, this release is a beta version and the API and bitstream are expected to change. The code for running Lyra is open sourced under the Apache license. We can’t wait to see what innovative applications people will create with the new and improved Lyra!

By Hengchin Yeh - Chrome


The following people helped make the open source release possible: from Chrome: Alejandro Luebs, Michael Chinen, Andrew Storus, Tom Denton, Felicia Lim, Bastiaan Kleijn, Jan Skoglund, Yaowu Xu, Jamieson Brettle, Omer Osman, Matt Frost, Jim Bankoski; and from Google Research: Neil Zeghidour, Marco Tagliasacchi

Using Saliency in progressive JPEG XL images

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

At Google, we are working towards improving the web experience for users. Getting images delivered fast is a crucial part of the web experience and progressive images can help getting the salient parts, detected by machine learning, first. When you look at an image, you don’t immediately look at the entire image, but tend to gaze at the most interesting, or “salient”, parts of the image first. When delivering images over the web, it is now possible to organize the data in such a way that the most salient parts arrive first. Ideally you don’t even notice that some less salient parts have not yet arrived, because by the time you look at those parts they have already arrived and rendered.

We will explain how this works with the new open source image format JPEG XL, but we’ll start by taking a step back and describing how images are currently delivered and rendered on the web.

How partial images are displayed on the web

It’s important that web sites including images load quickly, because waiting for images to load causes frustration. Two techniques in particular are used to make images appear fast: One is showing an approximation of the image before all bytes of the image are transmitted, often known as “progressive image loading.” Another is making the byte size of the image smaller by using strong image compression.

What is progressive image loading?

Some image formats are implemented in a way that does not allow any kind of progressive image loading; all the bytes of the image have to be received before rendering can begin. The next, most simple, type of image loading is sometimes called “sequential image loading.” For these images, the data is organized in a way that pixels come in a particular order, typically in rows and from top to bottom.

Formats with this kind of image loading include PNG, webp, and JPEG. The JPEG format allows more sophisticated forms of progressive images. Here, we can organize the data so that it comes in multiple scans, with each scan showing more detail than the previous one.

For example, even if only approximately 15% of the data for an image is loaded, it often already has decent results. See the following images comparing no progression:

100% of bytes loaded, original image
100% of bytes loaded, original image

15% of bytes loaded, no progressive image loading
15% of bytes loaded, no progressive image loading

15% of bytes loaded, sequential image loading
15% of bytes loaded, sequential image loading

100% of bytes loaded, original image
15% of bytes loaded, progressive JPEG

In the first scan, the progressive JPEG only has a small amount of information available for the image, (e.g. only the average color of 8x8 blocks). Known as the DC-only scan, because the average color of each 8x8 block is called DC-component in the discrete cosine transform, it is the basis of JPEG image compression. Check out this computerphile video on JPEG DCT for a basic introduction. Instead of displaying an image that consists of 8x8 blocks, JPEG rendering in Chrome and Firefox choose to render the preview with some smoothing, to provide a less distracting experience.

Progressive JPEG XLs

While the quality (and therefore byte-sizes) of the individual scans in a progressive JPEG image can be controlled, the order within a scan is still top to bottom, like in a sequential JPEG. JPEG XL goes beyond that by making it possible to send the data necessary to display all details of the most salient parts first, followed by the less salient parts. For example, in a portrait, we can decide to first send the bytes for the face, and then, for the out-of-focus background.

In general, progressive JPEG XL works in the following way:
  • There is always an 8x8 downsampled image available (similar to a DC-only scan in a progressive JPEG). The decoder can display that with a nice upsampling, which gives the impression of a smoothed version of the image.
  • The image is divided into square groups (typically of size 256 x 256) and it is possible to provide an order of these groups during encoding. In particular, we can order the groups by saliency and choose an order that anticipates where the viewer might look first, while not being disturbing.
While the format allows for a very flexible order of the groups, our current encoder chooses a starting group and then grows concentric squares around that group. This is because we expect that this will be less distracting to the user. To make successive updates even less noticeable, we smooth the boundary between groups for which all the data has arrived and those that still contain an incomplete approximation. One requirement of this technique is a good way of identifying where the salient parts of an image are, which is needed when encoding an image. This information is typically represented by a saliency map which can be visualized as a heatmap image, where the more salient parts are redder.

Original image next to saliency map image
Original image.                                                                                                             Saliency map.

Smooth DC-image next to image with group border
Smooth DC-image.                                                                                                  Image with group order.

Putting it all together, this is how the loading of the progressive JPEG XL will look: 

(a) JPEG XL image only

(b) JPEG XL image compared to sequential jpeg

(c) JPEG XL image compared with progressive jpeg (with 3 scans)

(d) JPEG XL image compared to no progression (grey image until the end)

How to find good saliency maps for images

Saliency prediction models (overview) aim at predicting which regions in an image will attract human attention. To predict saliency effectively, our model leverages the power of deep neural nets to consider both high level semantic signals like face, objects, shapes etc., as well as low or medium level signals like color, intensity, texture, and so on. The model is trained on a large scale public gaze/saliency data set, to make sure the predicted saliency best mimics human gaze/fixation behaviour on each image. The model takes an image as the input and output a saliency map, which can serve as a visual importance map, and hence help determine the decoding order for each region in the image. Example images and their predicted saliency are as follows:

Example images and their predicted saliency

At the time of writing (July 2021), Chrome and Firefox did not yet support decoding JPEG XL image progressively in the way we describe, but the spec does allow encoding arbitrary group orders.

Different users have different experiences when it comes to looking at images loading on the web.We hope that this way of progressively delivering images will improve user experience especially on lower-bandwidth connections.

By Moritz Firsching and Junfeng He – Google Research

Lyra - enabling voice calls for the next billion users

Tuesday, April 6, 2021


Lyra Logo

The past year has shown just how vital online communication is to our lives. Never before has it been more important to clearly understand one another online, regardless of where you are and whatever network conditions are available. That’s why in February we introduced Lyra: a revolutionary new audio codec using machine learning to produce high-quality voice calls.

As part of our efforts to make the best codecs universally available, we are open sourcing Lyra, allowing other developers to power their communications apps and take Lyra in powerful new directions. This release provides the tools needed for developers to encode and decode audio with Lyra, optimized for the 64-bit ARM android platform, with development on Linux. We hope to expand this codebase and develop improvements and support for additional platforms in tandem with the community.

The Lyra Architecture

Lyra’s architecture is separated into two pieces, the encoder and decoder. When someone talks into their phone the encoder captures distinctive attributes from their speech. These speech attributes, also called features, are extracted in chunks of 40ms, then compressed and sent over the network. It is the decoder’s job to convert the features back into an audio waveform that can be played out over the listener’s phone speaker. The features are decoded back into a waveform via a generative model. Generative models are a particular type of machine learning model well suited to recreate a full audio waveform from a limited number of features. The Lyra architecture is very similar to traditional audio codecs, which have formed the backbone of internet communication for decades. Whereas these traditional codecs are based on digital signal processing (DSP) techniques, the key advantage for Lyra comes from the ability of the generative model to reconstruct a high-quality voice signal.

Lyra Architecture Chart

The Impact

While mobile connectivity has steadily increased over the past decade, the explosive growth of on-device compute power has outstripped access to reliable high speed wireless infrastructure. For regions where this contrast exists—in particular developing countries where the next billion internet users are coming online—the promise that technology will enable people to be more connected has remained elusive. Even in areas with highly reliable connections, the emergence of work-from-anywhere and telecommuting have further strained mobile data limits. While Lyra compresses raw audio down to 3kbps for quality that compares favourably to other codecs, such as Opus, it is not aiming to be a complete alternative, but can save meaningful bandwidth in these kinds of scenarios.

These trends provided motivation for Lyra and are the reason our open source library focuses on its potential for real time voice communication. There are also other applications we recognize Lyra may be uniquely well suited for, from archiving large amounts of speech, and saving battery by leveraging the computationally cheap Lyra encoder, to alleviating network congestion in emergency situations where many people are trying to make calls at once. We are excited to see the creativity the open source community is known for applied to Lyra in order to come up with even more unique and impactful applications.

The Open Source Release

The Lyra code is written in C++ for speed, efficiency, and interoperability, using the Bazel build framework with Abseil and the GoogleTest framework for thorough unit testing. The core API provides an interface for encoding and decoding at the file and packet levels. The complete signal processing toolchain is also provided, which includes various filters and transforms. Our example app integrates with the Android NDK to show how to integrate the native Lyra code into a Java-based android app. We also provide the weights and vector quantizers that are necessary to run Lyra.

We are releasing Lyra as a beta version today because we wanted to enable developers and get feedback as soon as possible. As a result, we expect the API and bitstream to change as it is developed. All of the code for running Lyra is open sourced under the Apache license, except for a math kernel, for which a shared library is provided until we can implement a fully open solution over more platforms. We look forward to seeing what people do with Lyra now that it is open sourced. Check out the code and demo on GitHub, let us know what you think, and how you plan to use it!

By Andrew Storus and Michael Chinen – Chrome


The following people helped make the open source release possible:
Hengchin Yeh, Alejandro Luebs, Jamieson Brettle, Tom Denton, Felicia Lim, Bastiaan Kleijn, Jan Skoglund, Yaowu Xu, Matt Frost, Jim Bankoski (Chrome), Chenjie Gu, Zach Gleicher, Tom Walters, Norman Casagrande, Luis Cobo, Erich Elsen (DeepMind).

Basis Universal Textures - Khronos Ratification and <model-viewer> Support

Thursday, February 18, 2021

In 2019, Google partnered with Binomial to open source the Basis Universal texture codec with the goal to make high-quality textures more efficient for network transmission and graphics processing unit (GPU) memory usage. The Basis Universal texture format is 6-8 times smaller than JPEG on the GPU, yet has similar storage size as JPEG—making it a great alternative to current GPU compression methods that are inefficient and don’t operate cross platform. The format is intended for a variety of use cases: games, virtual and augmented reality, maps, photos, small videos, and more.

the Basis Universal texture codec
Over the past year, several exciting developments have been made to make Basis Universal more useful. A new high-quality mode was introduced, allowing the codec to use the highest quality formats modern GPUs support, finally bringing the web up to modern GPU texture standards—with cross platform support. Additionally, the Basis encoder now has an option to build a WebAssembly version, allowing for innovative web applications to take advantage of outputting to the super-compressed format. Lastly, the Khronos Group has announced and ratified the Basis Universal texture extension to glTF format, allowing for compressed assets that can be shipped and displayed everywhere in a KTX 2.0 container. This will have profound impacts on how models are distributed via the web and advance applications like eCommerce, making it easy to take advantage of 3D content on any platform.

In addition to these new features, developers worldwide have been making it easier to take advantage of Basis Universal. <model-viewer> has just added support for glTF files with universal textures, making it as easy as two lines of JavaScript to have beautiful, interactive 3D models on your page and in the coming months, the <model-viewer> editor will add support for encoding to universal textures. Additionally, 3D engines like Three.js, Babylon.js, Godot, Archilogic, and Playcanvas have added support for Basis Universal, with more engine support coming. Basis Universal is already in applications many use every day.

We look forward to seeing Basis Universal adoption soar as it has never been easier to distribute 3D assets. Check out the code and demo on GitHub, let us know what you think, and how you plan to use it!

By Stephanie Hurlburt, Binomial and Jamieson Brettle, Chrome Media

Celebrating 10 years of WebM and WebRTC

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Originally posted on the Chromium Blog

Ten years ago, Google planted the seeds for two foundational web media technologies, hoping they would provide the roots for a more vibrant internet. Two acquisitions, On2 Technologies and Global IP Solutions, led to a pair of open source projects: the WebM Project, a family of cutting edge video compression technologies (codecs) offered by Google royalty-free, and the WebRTC Project building APIs for real-time voice and video communication on the web.

These initiatives were major technical endeavors, essential infrastructure for enabling the promise of HTML5 with support for video conferencing and streaming. But this was also a philosophical evolution for media as Product Manager Mike Jazayeri noted in his blog post hailing the launch of the WebM Project:
“A key factor in the web’s success is that its core technologies such as HTML, HTTP, TCP/IP, etc. are open and freely implementable.”
As emerging first-class participants in the web experience, media and communication components also had to be free and open.

A decade later, these principles have ensured compression and communication technologies capable of keeping pace with a web ecosystem characterized by exponential growth of media consumption, devices, and demand. Starting from VP8 in 2010, the WebM Project has delivered up to 50% video bitrate savings with VP9 in 2013 and an additional 30% with AV1 in 2018—with adoption by YouTube, Facebook, Netflix, Twitch, and more. Equally importantly, the WebM team co-founded the Alliance for Open Media which has brought the IP of over 40 major tech companies in support of open and free codecs. With Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari supporting WebRTC, more than 85% of all installed browsers globally have become a client for real-time communications on the Internet. WebRTC has become a stable standard and it is now the default solution for video calling on the Web. These technologies have succeeded together, as today over 90% of encoded WebRTC video in Chrome uses VP8 or VP9.

The need for these technologies has been highlighted by COVID-19, as people across the globe have found new ways to work, educate, and connect with loved ones via video chat. The compression of open codecs has been essential to keeping services running on limited bandwidth, with over a billion hours of VP9 and AV1 content viewed every day. WebRTC has allowed for an ecosystem of interoperable communications apps to flourish: since the beginning of March 2020, we have seen in Chrome a 13X increase in received video streams via WebRTC.

These successes would not have been possible without all the supporters that make an open source community. Thank you to all the code contributors, testers, bug filers, and corporate partners who helped make this ecosystem a reality. A decade in, Google remains as committed as ever to open media on the web. We look forward to continuing that work with all of you in the next decade and beyond.

By Matt Frost, Product Director Chrome Media and Niklas Blum, Senior Product Manager WebRTC

Google and Binomial partner to open source high quality basis universal

Friday, March 20, 2020

Today, Google and Binomial are excited to announce the high quality update to the original Basis Universal release.

Basis Universal allows you to have state of the art web performance with your images, keeping images compressed even on the GPU. Older systems like JPEG and PNG may look small in storage size, but once they hit the GPU they are processed as uncompressed data! The original Basis Universal codec created images that were 6-8 times smaller than JPEG on the GPU while maintaining a similar storage size.

Today we release a high quality Basis Universal codec that utilizes the highest quality formats modern GPUs support, finally bringing the web up to modern GPU texture standards—with cross platform support. The textures are larger in storage size and GPU compressed size, but are still 3-4 times smaller than sending a JPEG or PNG file to be processed on the GPU, and can transcode to a lower quality format for older GPUs.
Original Image by Erol Ahmed from
Visual comparison of Basis Universal High Quality

Best of all, we are actively working on standardizing Basis Universal with the Khronos Group.

Since our original release in Summer 2019 we’ve seen widespread adoption of Basis Universal in engines like three.js, Babylon.js, Godot, and more, changing what is possible for people to create on the web. Now that a high quality option is available, we expect to see even more adoption and groundbreaking applications created with it.

Please feel free to join our community on Github and check out the full demo there as well. You can also follow standardization efforts via Khronos Group events and forums.

By Stephanie Hurlburt, Binomial and Jamieson Brettle, Chrome Media

Google and Binomial Partner to Open-Source Basis Universal Texture Format

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Today, Google and Binomial are excited to announce that we have partnered to open source the Basis Universal texture codec to improve the performance of transmitting images on the web and within desktop and mobile applications, while maintaining GPU efficiency. This release fills an important gap in the graphics compression ecosystem and complements earlier work in Draco geometry compression.

The Basis Universal texture format is 6-8 times smaller than JPEG on the GPU, yet is a similar storage size as JPEG – making it a great alternative to current GPU compression methods that are inefficient and don’t operate cross platform – and provides a more performant alternative to JPEG/PNG. It creates compressed textures that work well in a variety of use cases - games, virtual & augmented reality, maps, photos, small-videos, and more!

Without a universal texture format, developers are left with 2 options:

  • Use GPU formats and take the storage size hit.
  • Use other formats that have reduced storage size but couldn't compete with the GPU performance.

Maintaining so many different GPU formats is a burden on the whole ecosystem, from GPU manufacturers to software developers to the end user who can’t get a great cross platform experience. We’re streamlining this with one solution that has built-in flexibility (like optional higher quality modes) but is much easier on everyone to improve and maintain.

How does it all work? Compress your image using the encoder, choosing the quality settings that make sense for your project (you can also submit multiple images for small videos or optimization purposes, just know they’ll share the same color palette). Insert the transcoder code before rendering, which will turn the intermediary format into the GPU format your computer can read. The image stays compressed throughout this process, even on your GPU!  Instead of needing to decode and read the whole image, the GPU will read only the parts it needs. Enjoy the performance benefits!
Basis Universal can efficiently target the most common GPU formats
Google and Binomial will be working together to continue to support, maintain and add features, so check back frequently for the latest. This initial release of Basis Universal transcodes into the following GPU formats: PVRTC1 opaque, ETC1, ETC2 basic alpha, BC1-5, and BC7 opaque. Over the coming months more functionality will be added including BC7 transparent, ASTC opaque and alpha, PVRTC1 transparent, and higher quality BC7/ASTC.
Basis Universal reduces transmission size for texture while maintaining similar image quality.
See full benchmarking results
Basis Universal improves GPU memory usage over .jpeg and .png
With this partnership, we hope to see adoption of the transcoder in all major browsers to make performant cross-platform compressed textures accessible to everyone via the WebGL API, and the forthcoming WebGPU API. In addition to opening up the possibility of seamless integration into pipelines, everyone now has access to the state of the art compressor, which will also be open sourced.

We look forward to seeing what people do with Basis Universal now that it's open sourced. Check out the code and demo on GitHub, let us know what you think, and how you plan to use it! Currently, Basis Universal transcoders are available in C++ and WebAssembly.

By Stephanie Hurlburt, Binomial and Jamieson Brettle, Chrome Media

Announcing Guetzli: A New Open Source JPEG Encoder

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Crossposted on the Google Research Blog

At Google, we care about giving users the best possible online experience, both through our own services and products and by contributing new tools and industry standards for use by the online community. That’s why we’re excited to announce Guetzli, a new open source algorithm that creates high quality JPEG images with file sizes 35% smaller than currently available methods, enabling webmasters to create webpages that can load faster and use even less data.

Guetzli [guɛtsli] — cookie in Swiss German — is a JPEG encoder for digital images and web graphics that can enable faster online experiences by producing smaller JPEG files while still maintaining compatibility with existing browsers, image processing applications and the JPEG standard. From the practical viewpoint this is very similar to our Zopfli algorithm, which produces smaller PNG and gzip files without needing to introduce a new format; and different than the techniques used in RNN-based image compression, RAISR, and WebP, which all need client changes for compression gains at internet scale.

The visual quality of JPEG images is directly correlated to its multi-stage compression process: color space transform, discrete cosine transform, and quantization. Guetzli specifically targets the quantization stage in which the more visual quality loss is introduced, the smaller the resulting file. Guetzli strikes a balance between minimal loss and file size by employing a search algorithm that tries to overcome the difference between the psychovisual modeling of JPEG's format, and Guetzli’s psychovisual model, which approximates color perception and visual masking in a more thorough and detailed way than what is achievable by simpler color transforms and the discrete cosine transform. However, while Guetzli creates smaller image file sizes, the tradeoff is that these search algorithms take significantly longer to create compressed images than currently available methods.

Figure 1. 16x16 pixel synthetic example of  a phone line  hanging against a blue sky — traditionally a case where JPEG compression algorithms suffer from artifacts. Uncompressed original is on the left. Guetzli (on the right) shows less ringing artefacts than libjpeg (middle) and has a smaller file size.
And while Guetzli produces smaller image file sizes without sacrificing quality, we additionally found that in experiments where compressed image file sizes are kept constant that human raters consistently preferred the images Guetzli produced over libjpeg images, even when the libjpeg files were the same size or even slightly larger. We think this makes the slower compression a worthy tradeoff.

Figure 2. 20x24 pixel zoomed areas from a picture of a cat’s eye. Uncompressed original on the left. Guetzli (on the right) shows less ringing artefacts than libjpeg (middle) without requiring a larger file size.
It is our hope that webmasters and graphic designers will find Guetzli useful and apply it to their photographic content, making users’ experience smoother on image-heavy websites in addition to reducing load times and bandwidth costs for mobile users. Last, we hope that the new explicitly psychovisual approach in Guetzli will inspire further image and video compression research.

By Robert Obryk and Jyrki Alakuijala, Software Engineers, Google Research Europe

Introducing Draco: compression for 3D graphics

Friday, January 13, 2017

3D graphics are a fundamental part of many applications, including gaming, design and data visualization. As graphics processors and creation tools continue to improve, larger and more complex 3D models will become commonplace and help fuel new applications in immersive virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR).  Because of this increased model complexity, storage and bandwidth requirements are forced to keep pace with the explosion of 3D data.

The Chrome Media team has created Draco, an open source compression library to improve the storage and transmission of 3D graphics. Draco can be used to compress meshes and point-cloud data. It also supports compressing points, connectivity information, texture coordinates, color information, normals and any other generic attributes associated with geometry.

With Draco, applications using 3D graphics can be significantly smaller without compromising visual fidelity. For users this means apps can now be downloaded faster, 3D graphics in the browser can load quicker, and VR and AR scenes can now be transmitted with a fraction of the bandwidth, rendered quickly and look fantastic.

Sample Draco compression ratios and encode/decode performance*

Transmitting 3D graphics for web-based applications is significantly faster using Draco’s JavaScript decoder, which can be tied to a 3D web viewer. The following video shows how efficient transmitting and decoding 3D objects in the browser can be - even over poor network connections.

Public domain Discobolus model from SMK National Gallery of Denmark.

Video and audio compression have shaped the internet over the past 10 years with streaming video and music on demand. With the emergence of VR and AR, on the web and on mobile (and the increasing proliferation of sensors like LIDAR) we will soon be swimming in a sea of geometric data. Compression technologies, like Draco, will play a critical role in ensuring these experiences are fast and accessible to anyone with an internet connection. More exciting developments are in store for Draco, including support for creating multiple levels of detail from a single model to further improve the speed of loading meshes.

We look forward to seeing what people do with Draco now that it's open source. Check out the code on GitHub and let us know what you think. Also available is a JavaScript decoder with examples on how to incorporate Draco into the three.js 3D viewer.

By Jamieson Brettle and Frank Galligan, Chrome Media Team

* Specifications: Tests ran with textures and positions quantized at 14-bit precision, normal vectors at 7-bit precision. Ran on a single-core of a 2013 MacBook Pro.  JavaScript decoded using Chrome 54 on Mac OS X.

ETC2Comp: fast texture compression for games and VR

Monday, November 14, 2016

For mobile game and VR developers the ETC2 texture format has become an increasingly valuable tool for texture compression. It produces good on-GPU sizes (it stays compressed in memory) and higher quality textures (compared to its ETC1 counterpart).

These benefits come with a significant downside, however: ETC2 textures take significantly longer to compress than their ETC1 counterparts. As adoption of the ETC2 format increases in a project, so do build times. As such, developers have had to make the classic choice between quality and time.

We wanted to eliminate the need for developers to make that choice, so we’ve released ETC2Comp, a fast and high quality ETC2 encoder for games and VR developers.

ETC2 takes a long time to compress textures because the format defines a large number of possible combinations for encoding a block in the texture. To find the most perfect, highest quality compressed image means brute-forcing this incredibly large number of combinations, which clearly is not a time efficient option.

We designed ETC2Comp to get the same visual results at much faster speeds by deploying a few optimization techniques:

Directed Block Search. Rather than a brute-force search, ETC2Comp uses a much more limited, targeted search for the best encoding for a given block. ETC2Comp comes with a precomputed set of archetype blocks, where each archetype is associated with a sorted list of the ETC2 block format types that provide its best encodings. During the actual compression of a texture, each block is initially assigned an archetype, and multiple passes are done to test the block against its block format list to find the best encoding. As a result, the best option can be found much quicker than with a brute-force method.

Full effort setting. During each pass of the encoding process, all the blocks of the image are sorted by their visual quality (worst-looking to best-looking). ETC2Comp takes an effort parameter whose value specifies what percentage of the blocks to update during each pass of encoding. An effort value of 25, for instance, means that on each pass, only the 25% worst looking blocks are tested against the next format in their archetypes' format-chains. The result is a tradeoff between optimizing blocks that already look good, and the time it takes to do it.

Highly multi-threaded code. Since blocks can be evaluated independently during each pass, it’s straightforward to apply multithreading to the work. During encoding ETC2comp can take advantage of available parallel threads, and it even accepts a jobs parameter, where you can define exactly the number of threads you’d like it to use... in case you have a 256 core machine.

Check out the code on GitHub to get started with ETC2Comp and let us know what you think. You can use the tool from the command line or embed the C++ library in your project. If you want to know more about what’s going on under the hood, check out this blog post.

By Colt McAnlis, Developer Advocate

Introducing Brotli: a new compression algorithm for the internet

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

At Google, we think that internet users’ time is valuable, and that they shouldn’t have to wait long for a web page to load. Because fast is better than slow, two years ago we published the Zopfli compression algorithm. This received such positive feedback in the industry that it has been integrated into many compression solutions, ranging from PNG optimizers to preprocessing web content. Based on its use and other modern compression needs, such as web font compression, today we are excited to announce that we have developed and open sourced a new algorithm, the Brotli compression algorithm.

While Zopfli is Deflate-compatible, Brotli is a whole new data format. This new format allows us to get 20–26% higher compression ratios over Zopfli. In our study ‘Comparison of Brotli, Deflate, Zopfli, LZMA, LZHAM and Bzip2 Compression Algorithms’ we show that Brotli is roughly as fast as zlib’s Deflate implementation. At the same time, it compresses slightly more densely than LZMA and bzip2 on the Canterbury corpus. The higher data density is achieved by a 2nd order context modeling, re-use of entropy codes, larger memory window of past data and joint distribution codes. Just like Zopfli, the new algorithm is named after Swiss bakery products. Brötli means ‘small bread’ in Swiss German.

The smaller compressed size allows for better space utilization and faster page loads. We hope that this format will be supported by major browsers in the near future, as the smaller compressed size would give additional benefits to mobile users, such as lower data transfer fees and reduced battery use.

By Zoltan Szabadka, Software Engineer, Compression Team