
Posts from May 2017

Google Summer of Code 2017 statistics part 1

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Since 2005 Google Summer of Code (GSoC) has been bringing new developers into the open source community every year. GSoC 2017 is the largest to date with 1,318 students from 72 countries accepted into the program who are working with a record 201 open source organizations this summer.

Students are currently participating in the Community Bonding phase of the program where they become familiar with the open source communities they will be working with. They also spend time learning the codebase and the community’s best practices so they can start their 12 week coding projects on May 30th.

Each year we like to share program statistics as we see GSoC continue to expand all over the world. This year there are three students that are the first to be accepted into GSoC from their home countries: Qatar, Tajikistan and Zimbabwe. A complete list of accepted students and their countries is below:

Country Students Country Students Country Students
Argentina 3 Ghana 1 Qatar 1
Armenia 1 Greece 29 Romania 11
Australia 6 Hungary 6 Russian Federation 54
Austria 13 India 569 Saudi Arabia 1
Bangladesh 2 Indonesia 2 Serbia 3
Belarus 3 Ireland 5 Singapore 10
Belgium 6 Israel 2 Slovak Republic 6
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 Italy 23 Slovenia 2
Brazil 21 Jamaica 1 South Africa 2
Bulgaria 4 Japan 13 South Korea 8
Cameroon 8 Kazakhstan 1 Spain 19
Canada 27 Kenya 1 Sri Lanka 54
China 49 Latvia 1 Sweden 8
Colombia 1 Lithuania 2 Switzerland 5
Costa Rica 1 Macedonia 1 Taiwan 1
Croatia 1 Mexico 1 Tajikistan 1
Czech Republic 6 Moldova 1 Turkey 11
Denmark 2 Netherlands 14 Ukraine 12
Ecuador 2 New Zealand 1 United Arab Emirates 1
Egypt 10 Nigeria 1 United Kingdom 16
Estonia 1 Pakistan 8 United States 126
Finland 4 Peru 1 Uruguay 1
France 20 Poland 19 Vietnam 4
Germany 55 Portugal 10 Zimbabwe 1

In our next GSoC statistics post we will delve deeper into the schools, gender breakdown, mentors and registration numbers for the 2017 program.

Stephanie Taylor, Google Open Source

Open sourcing the Firebase SDKs

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Today, at Google I/O 2017, we are pleased to announce that we are taking our first steps towards open sourcing our client libraries. By making our SDKs open, we’re aiming to show our commitment to greater transparency and to building a stronger developer community. To help further that goal, we’ll be using GitHub as a core part of our own toolchain to enable all of you to contribute as well. As you find issues in our code, from inconsistent style to bugs, you can file issues through the standard GitHub issue tracker. You can also find our project in the Google Open Source directory. We’re really looking forward to your pull requests!

What’s open?

We’re starting by open sourcing several products in our iOS, JavaScript, Java, Node.js and Python SDKs. We'll be looking at open sourcing our Android SDK as well. The SDKs are being licensed under Apache 2.0, the same flexible license as existing Firebase open source projects like FirebaseUI.

Let's take a look at each repo:

Firebase iOS SDK 4.0

With the launch of the Firebase iOS 4.0 SDKs we have made several improvements to the developer experience, such as more idiomatic API names for our Swift users. By open sourcing our iOS SDKs we hope to provide an additional avenue for you to give us feedback on such features. For this first release we are open sourcing our Realtime Database, Auth, Cloud Storage and Cloud Messaging (FCM) SDKs, but going forward we intend to release more.

Because we aren't yet able to open source some of the Firebase components, the full product build process isn't available. While you can use this repo to build a FirebaseDev pod, our libraries distributed through CocoaPods will continue to be static frameworks for the time being. We are continually looking for ways to improve the developer experience for developers, however you integrate.

Our GitHub README provides more details on how you build, test and contribute to our iOS SDKs.

Firebase JavaScript SDK 4.0

We are excited to announce that we are open sourcing our Realtime Database, Cloud Storage and Cloud Messaging (FCM) SDKs for JavaScript. We’ll have a couple of improvements hot on the heels of this initial release, including open sourcing Firebase Authentication. We are also in the process of releasing the source maps for our components, which we expect would really improve the debuggability of your app.

Our GitHub repo includes instructions on how you can build, test and contribute.

Firebase Admin SDKs


We are happy to announce that all three of our Admin SDKs for accessing Firebase on privileged environments are now fully open source, including our recently-launched Python SDK. While we continue to explore supporting more languages, we encourage you to use our source as inspiration to enable Firebase for your environment (and if you do, we'd love to hear about it!)

We're really excited to see what you do with the updated SDKs - as always reach out to us with feedback or questions in the Firebase-Talk Google Group, on Stack Overflow, via the Firebase Support team, and now on GitHub for SDK issues and pull requests! And to read about the other improvements to Firebase that launched at Google I/O, head over to the Firebase blog.

By Salman Qadri, Firebase Product Manager

Open Source at Google I/O 2017

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

One of the best parts of Google I/O every year is the chance to meet with the developers and community organizers from all over the world. It's a unique opportunity to have candid one-on-one conversations about the products and technologies we all love.

This year, I/O features a Community Lounge for attendees to relax, hangout, and play with neat experiments and games. It also features several mini-meetups during which you can chat with Googlers on a variety of topics.

Chris DiBona and Will Norris from the Google Open Source Programs Office will be around Thursday and Friday to talk about anything and everything open source, including our student outreach programs and the new Google Open Source website. If you're at Google I/O this year, make sure to drop by and say hello. Find dates, times, and other details in the Community Lounge schedule.

By Josh Simmons, Google Open Source

OSS-Fuzz: Five months later, and rewarding projects

Monday, May 8, 2017

Five months ago, we announced OSS-Fuzz, Google’s effort to help make open source software more secure and stable. Since then, our robot army has been working hard at fuzzing, processing 10 trillion test inputs a day. Thanks to the efforts of the open source community who have integrated a total of 47 projects, we’ve found over 1,000 bugs (264 of which are potential security vulnerabilities).

Notable results

OSS-Fuzz has found numerous security vulnerabilities in several critical open source projects: 10 in FreeType2, 17 in FFmpeg, 33 in LibreOffice, 8 in SQLite 3, 10 in GnuTLS, 25 in PCRE2, 9 in gRPC, and 7 in Wireshark, etc. We’ve also had at least one bug collision with another independent security researcher (CVE-2017-2801). (Some of the bugs are still view restricted so links may show smaller numbers.)

Once a project is integrated into OSS-Fuzz, the continuous and automated nature of OSS-Fuzz means that we often catch these issues just hours after the regression is introduced into the upstream repository, before any users are affected.

Fuzzing not only finds memory safety related bugs, it can also find correctness or logic bugs. One example is a carry propagating bug in OpenSSL (CVE-2017-3732).

Finally, OSS-Fuzz has reported over 300 timeout and out-of-memory failures (~75% of which got fixed). Not every project treats these as bugs, but fixing them enables OSS-Fuzz to find more interesting bugs.

Announcing rewards for open source projects

We believe that user and internet security as a whole can benefit greatly if more open source projects include fuzzing in their development process. To this end, we’d like to encourage more projects to participate and adopt the ideal integration guidelines that we’ve established.

Combined with fixing all the issues that are found, this is often a significant amount of work for developers who may be working on an open source project in their spare time. To support these projects, we are expanding our existing Patch Rewards program to include rewards for the integration of fuzz targets into OSS-Fuzz.

To qualify for these rewards, a project needs to have a large user base and/or be critical to global IT infrastructure. Eligible projects will receive $1,000 for initial integration, and up to $20,000 for ideal integration (the final amount is at our discretion). You have the option of donating these rewards to charity instead, and Google will double the amount.

To qualify for the ideal integration reward, projects must show that:
  • Fuzz targets are checked into their upstream repository and integrated in the build system with sanitizer support (up to $5,000).
  • Fuzz targets are efficient and provide good code coverage (>80%) (up to $5,000). 
  • Fuzz targets are part of the official upstream development and regression testing process, i.e. they are maintained, run against old known crashers and the periodically updated corpora (up to $5,000).
  • The last $5,000 is a “l33t” bonus that we may reward at our discretion for projects that we feel have gone the extra mile or done something really awesome.
We’ve already started to contact the first round of projects that are eligible for the initial reward. If you are the maintainer or point of contact for one of these projects, you may also reach out to us in order to apply for our ideal integration rewards.

The future

We’d like to thank the existing contributors who integrated their projects and fixed countless bugs. We hope to see more projects integrated into OSS-Fuzz, and greater adoption of fuzzing as standard practice when developing software.

By Oliver Chang, Abhishek Arya (Security Engineers, Chrome Security), Kostya Serebryany (Software Engineer, Dynamic Tools), and Josh Armour (Security Program Manager)

Students, Start Your Engineerings!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

It’s that time again! Our 201 mentoring organizations have selected 1,318 the students they look forward to working with during the 13th Google Summer of Code (GSoC). Congratulations to our 2017 students and a big thank you to everyone who applied!

The next step for participating students is the Community Bonding period which runs from May 4th through May 30th. During this time, students will get up to speed on the culture and toolset of their new community. They’ll also get acquainted with their mentor and learn more about the languages or tools they will need to complete their projects. Coding commences May 30th.

To the more than 4,200 students who were not chosen this year - don’t be discouraged! Many students apply at least once to GSoC before being accepted. You can improve your odds for next time by contributing to the open source project of your choice directly; organizations are always eager for new contributors! Look around GitHub and elsewhere on the internet for a project that interests you and get started.

Happy coding, everyone!

By Cat Allman, Google Open Source