

Good care is needed everywhere.

Get quality information for your patients, providers, partners and funders.
  • Configurable for Any Clinical Program

    OpenMRS is designed to be extremely flexible and configurable for any clinical area. Today OpenMRS is used in a wide variety of areas from Primary Care to Specialty Centers for NCD, MCH/ANC, HIV, TB, Malaria, COVID, and many more.

  • Clinical Documentation and Diagnosis Tracking

    Triage and track your patients' history. Write orders electronically. Create and customize all the forms your providers might need, for any clinical area. Non-developers can build new forms easily with the user-friendly Form Builder.

  • Registration, Appointments, Queues

    Manage your patient lists and bookings in one location or across multiple sites. Connect your registration to national patient databases.

  • Clinical Data Reporting & Exports

    Hundreds of studies have used OpenMRS to track and analyze clinical data.

  • Interoperable Locally and Nationally

    The OpenMRS REST and FHIR APIs make it easier to integrate with other end-user tools, such as ERP Systems, Lab Systems, DHIS2, and more; or, with National Health Exchanges.

  • Privileges & User Management

    Role-based access and deeper permissions granularity, such as by location or data types.

  • Language Translation

    OpenMRS has configurable translation tools so your team can set up the languages your users need - including supporting multiple different languages at once.

Yes, we've been changing!

OpenMRS 3
Our exciting new direction

OpenMRS 3, commonly called O3, is our community’s next-generation of the OpenMRS EMR. O3 uses modern technology and user interface design. Learn more about the O3 story here

OpenMRS 2
Our historic application

OpenMRS 2 remains a widely-used version of the OpenMRS user interface. 

The OpenMRS Platform
Meet the other OpenMRS building blocks powering healthcare around the globe

OpenMRS Core

Build on an established medical data model. Leverage a toolbox for teams who want to build their own systems on the foundation of the OpenMRS EMR.

OpenMRS Add Ons

Find existing solutions for your implementation. Unlock the care you need with plug-in modules shared by our global network.

The OpenMRS Integration Catalog

Connect OpenMRS with your other systems.

Many teams need their EMR to connect with other systems. The OpenMRS Integration Catalog helps implementers to quickly find examples where OpenMRS has previously been integrated with other systems you use, and shares practical resources implementers can follow to get started.

How it all comes together

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and get the most out of our Digital Solutions and Global Community

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