Initiative Description |
Status |
In response to public suggestions and interest, provide the data in a more accessible format in the near future. |
Complete |
Create easier access to easy-to-digest, machine-readable, and regularly-updated contract and spending data on our website. |
Complete |
Announce significant new updates and releases via our Open Government e-mail list (and prominently adding a ‘subscribe’ option to the Open Government site). |
Complete |
Update our Open Government website with an RSS feed displaying the most recent “Today in DoD” for easy access by the public. |
Complete |
Establish an “Express Route” for submissions of material that has already been cleared or released. |
Complete |
Create a formal, ongoing process for reviewing and posting datasets |
Complete |
Build upon one of the VA’s flagship initiatives |
Complete |
Convene Working Group: May 1, 2010 |
Complete |
Launch internal Working Group collaboration website: May 1, 2010 |
Complete |
Promulgate submission process: July 1, 2010 |
Complete |
Identify first set of additional high value datasets: July 1, 2010 |
Complete |
Identify first set of new, previously unpublished datasets: August 1, 2010 |
Complete |
Publish the next revision of our Open Government Plan: October 1, 2010 |
Complete |
Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record Health Communities Program:
- Expand upon the efforts in San Diego to improve care and services to our Nation’s heroes by sharing health information using the Nationwide Health Information Network.
- In the Virginia/Tidewater area of Southeastern Virginia, the two Departments will partner with private sector providers.
Complete |
Continue to bring together key officials from across the Department to formalize a governance structure and create detailed procedures for an increased culture of transparency while protecting national security. |
Complete |
Work to make the vast amounts of content more easily navigable by visitors not familiar with the complex organizational structure of the Department. |
Complete |
Establish an internal working group with representatives from across various Components to more fully and effectively support its future participation in specifically and Open Government in general. |
Complete |
Assist Component roles and responsibilities in authoritative memoranda and other issuances, by building and formalizing processes and tools to accomplish activities previously described (especially those addressing data aggregation risks). |
Complete |
Form a working group responsible for data aggregation risks before data is made publicly available. |
Complete |
Work with VA, HHS and other federal and private sector partners to create an open-architecture, standards-based capability to bring health and benefits delivery into the 21st century. |
Complete |
Address externally-generated data suggestions (e.g., from the public.) |
On-Going |
Continue to update with news about additions to and other Open Government developments. |
On-Going |
Solicit suggestions from our own internal community, which have more detailed knowledge of possible datasets than any individual or organization. |
On-Going |
Continue to solicit and actively consider your ideas for openness and transparency at |
On-Going |