Jorij Abraham has been part of the international eCommerce community since 1997. He has…
Artikelen van Jorij
📡 Turning the Tide on Cyber Fraud in India India is taking bold steps to combat cyber fraud with Telecom Regulatory Authority of India(TRAI)'s new…
📡 Turning the Tide on Cyber Fraud in India India is taking bold steps to combat cyber fraud with Telecom Regulatory Authority of India(TRAI)'s new…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Jorij Abraham
✨ ✨ It's two months since the Payment System Regulator’s mandatory APP fraud reimbursement scheme came into effect, and a great time to reflect on…
✨ ✨ It's two months since the Payment System Regulator’s mandatory APP fraud reimbursement scheme came into effect, and a great time to reflect on…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Jorij Abraham
Book ShoppingTomorrow 2016, Werk aan de (web)winkel!
BBP Media
Het onderzoeks- en actieprogramma ShoppingTomorrow is geïnitieerd door, de belangenvereniging voor webwinkels, en wordt ondersteund door 24 branche- en belangenverenigingen, van de ANVR (reizen) tot en met het Verbond van Verzekeraars.
In 2015 hebben 400 experts verdeeld over 20 expertgroepen bluepapers opgeleverd waarin zij antwoorden geven op actuele uitdagingen en vraagstukken. Deze bluepapers zijn gebundeld in dit tweede ShoppingTomorrow-boek, waarmee de organisatie…Het onderzoeks- en actieprogramma ShoppingTomorrow is geïnitieerd door, de belangenvereniging voor webwinkels, en wordt ondersteund door 24 branche- en belangenverenigingen, van de ANVR (reizen) tot en met het Verbond van Verzekeraars.
In 2015 hebben 400 experts verdeeld over 20 expertgroepen bluepapers opgeleverd waarin zij antwoorden geven op actuele uitdagingen en vraagstukken. Deze bluepapers zijn gebundeld in dit tweede ShoppingTomorrow-boek, waarmee de organisatie Nederlandse bedrijven verder wil helpen door ze praktische handvatten aan te reiken. Op deze manier verbeteren we de concurrentiepositie van de Nederlandse retail en gaan we samen goed voorbereid de toekomst tegemoet.
"ShoppingTomorrow is een wezenlijk naslagwerk dat je niet mag missen om je klanten op de voet te volgen en de concurrentie een stap voor te blijven"
Floris Regouin, Head of Digital Marketing, Samsung
"Iedereen koopt online. En iedere ondernemer is zich inmiddels ook bewust van de kracht van online. De klant staat meer centraal dan ooit tevoren. ShoppingTomorrow inspireert en geeft handige adviezen hoe jij online én offline echt de kanse n kunt benutten"
Jeroen van Camp, Manager Bezorging, Coolblue
"Naast een toekomstvisie biedt ShoppingTomorrow ook een duidelijk en bruikbaar inzicht in de consumenten en organisaties van nu"
Joris Stigters, Manager Online Marketing,
"Dankzij ShoppingTomorrow bundelen honderden doorgewinterde professionals hun krachten om kennis te delen én om van elkaar te leren. Hun toewijding en plezier om samen de Nederlandse retail verder te helpen met e-commerce spat van de pagina's"
Manuel Buskop, Commercieel Directeur, BCC -
Marketingfacts Yearbook 2014-2015
Book - Product Information Management, Theory & Practice
Springer Publisher
The first in-depth book on Product Information Management. Presents cases from companies like Coca-Cola, Nikon, Thomas Cook, and more. Describes the offering of 11 Product Information Management solution providers in detail.
Online of offline? De combinatie vergroot de kans op succes
Online is geen bedreiging voor fysieke franchisewinkels, het is een kans. En een enkeling grijpt die kans ook met een omnichannel-aanpak, maar dat zijn er nog altijd te weinig stellen de deskundigen van het onderzoeksprogramma Shopping2020. “Het gaat niet om het franchiseconcept, het gaat om de consument.”
Andere auteursPublicatie weergeven -
Book ShoppingTomorrow
What are the major technological developments in the customer journey? What influence will e-commerce giants such as Amazon, eBay and Alibaba have on the retail landscape? How can you reach and continue to reach future consumers? Answers to these, and many other, questions can be found in a new book called ShoppingTomorrow: Are you ready for the consumer of 2020?
Andere auteursPublicatie weergeven -
Logistics service providers investigated
De overgrote meerderheid van de Nederlandse e-commerce bedrijven is tevreden over de dienstverlening van hun logistics service provider. Toekomstige logistieke uitdagingen zien de bedrijven vooral op het gebied van IT zichtbaarheid, het retourenbeheer en levertijdmanagement.
Andere auteursPublicatie weergeven -
Presentation - 100 Omnichannel Best Practices
Multichannel Event, Utrecht
Describes best practices in online, mobile, stores and the interaction between channels (online to store, mobile to store, store to online, etc.). How companies develop from single- to multichannel, crosschannel to omnichannel companies and how omnichannel organizations distinghuish themselves from others and how they manage multiple channels.
Article - Service providers investigated; How satisfied are online merchants with their service providers
An overview article of the three service provider studies done in 2012.
Andere auteursPublicatie weergeven -
Article - Online merchants critical about their payment service provider
The Paypers
Article discussing the customer satisfaction of online merchants with their PSP.
Andere auteursPublicatie weergeven -
Supplier Review - Logistical Service Providers
eCommerce Foundation
A research report that researches the customer satisfaction of eCommerce managers with their logistical service provider.
Supplier Review - Payment Service Provider
eCommerce Foundation
A research report that researches the customer satisfaction of eCommerce managers with their Payment Service Providers (PSP).
Report - eCommerce Benchmark & Specialty Stores
eCommerce Foundation
A research report that lists eCommerce Key Performance Indicators for specialty stores like conversion, average order value, number of FTE's, online growth, CPC, CPS, governance model, innovation focus, etcetera.
Report - eCommerce Benchmark & the Fashion Industry
eCommerce Foundation
A research report that lists eCommerce Key Performance Indicators for the fasion industry like conversion, average order value, number of FTE's, online growth, CPC, CPS, governance model, innovation focus, etcetera.
Supplier Review - Affiliate Networks
eCommerce Foundation
A research report that researches the customer satisfaction of eCommerce managers with their affiliate networks.
Report - eCommerce Benchmark - Key KPIs for eCommerce Managers
eCommerce Foundation
A research report that lists eCommerce Key Performance Indicators for wholesale, retail and production companies like conversion, average order value, number of FTE's, online growth, CPC, CPS, governance model, innovation focus, etcetera.
Article - Bye bye
Article discussing why Bijenkorf stopped it's eCommerce activities temporarely.
Andere auteurs -
Article - The real performance of affiliate marketing
Discusses the importance and impact of affiliate marketing.
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Van Marketplace naar Marketspace
Book - eCommerce Beyond the Hype
Ten Hagen Stam Uitgevers
Discusses different strategic issues: how do we design an e-strategy, what is the appropriate business design for the business we want to be in, and how do we balance distribution channel conflicts and synergy? The organizational questions: what is the appropriate governance structure for e-commerce, how do we improve the order fulfillment processes to meet e-commerce standards, and how do we prepare the organization for the rapid yet orderly implementation of e-changes? The conditional…
Discusses different strategic issues: how do we design an e-strategy, what is the appropriate business design for the business we want to be in, and how do we balance distribution channel conflicts and synergy? The organizational questions: what is the appropriate governance structure for e-commerce, how do we improve the order fulfillment processes to meet e-commerce standards, and how do we prepare the organization for the rapid yet orderly implementation of e-changes? The conditional questions, finally, relate to legal aspects, tax-related opportunities and obstacles, IT Architecture and integration possibilities, and ways to maximize customers' trust.
Andere auteurs -
The transformation of commerce
Nolan, Norton & Co.
Part of the Nolan, Norton & Co. Annual 2000.
Research Memorandum - Electronic Commerce: changing the rules of competition
Nolan Norton Institute
Describes the impact of Internet on competition including the rise of new business designs.
Article - Management underestimates the set-up of an intranet
An intranet is more than a project. Management underestimates the impact an intranet has on an organisation.
Chapter - The costs of an intranet
Personal Computer Guide
Lists the costs of setting up and maintaining an Intranet.
Article - Value of intranet difficult to realize
The business value of intranets is difficult to realise. Sometimes the effects are even negative; paper usage peaks, efficiency increases are minimal.
Chapter - De business value of an intranet
Personal Computer Guide
Describes the business benefits of having an intranet from an end-user, ICT organisation and management perspective.
The business value of an Intranet
Personal Computer Guide
An article about the business value of intranets from an IT, employee and management perspective.
Book - The logistics of Intranet
Baan Institute - van Oorschot & Partners
Discusses the business value of intranets from three perspectives; the user, the IT organisation and the business manager.
Article - Benefits and costs of intranets
Windows Magazine
The impact of intranets on users, ICT organisations and management.
Article - Video on demand, the newest technotrend in cyberland
Nobiles, Magazine for students
Describes the rise (in the future) of video on demand and the fall of local video stores.
Article - Sex, lies & traffic jams
Nobiles, Magazine for students
A special about the internet describing it's impact, both business wise as well as private.
Business Case - Delivery Service Meekel
Graduate School of Management, University of Western Australia
A small and medium sized business case written together with Profl André Morkel based on my working experience in a catering firm, Meekel.
Chapter - The transformation of commerce
Nolan Norton Institute
The impact of internet of doing business including marketing, pricing, product design, branding, competition, distribution, value propositions and business design.
What can we learn from Silicon Valley
Chairman Expert group Packaging
As part of Shopping2020 guided the expert group Packaging to create chapter for the ShoppingTomorrow book. The chapter includes packaging trends, describes the packaging process and offers a concrete checklist on how to chose packaging material.
Shopping2020: Hoe shopt uw klant in 2020
Over Shopping2020
Het onderzoeksprogramma Shopping2020 heeft als doel om een toekomstvisie op de online verkoop van producten en diensten te ontwikkelen in een breed maatschappelijk perspectief. ‘Hoe shopt de consument online in 2020 en welke acties moeten worden ondernomen op nationaal, branche- en bedrijfsniveau opdat online ondernemend Nederland hierop succesvol in kan spelen?’ is de vraag die centraal staat in het Shopping2020-programma.
Circa 470 experts verdeeld over 19…Over Shopping2020
Het onderzoeksprogramma Shopping2020 heeft als doel om een toekomstvisie op de online verkoop van producten en diensten te ontwikkelen in een breed maatschappelijk perspectief. ‘Hoe shopt de consument online in 2020 en welke acties moeten worden ondernomen op nationaal, branche- en bedrijfsniveau opdat online ondernemend Nederland hierop succesvol in kan spelen?’ is de vraag die centraal staat in het Shopping2020-programma.
Circa 470 experts verdeeld over 19 expertgroepen zullen vanuit verschillende invalshoeken een bijdrage leveren aan het beantwoorden van deze vraag.
Rond de onderzoeksperiode worden drie congressen gehouden waarin tussentijdse resultaten worden gepresenteerd. De planning voor de congressen is als volgt:
Shopping Tomorrow - 13 juni 2013
Shopping Today - 26 september 2013
Shopping TIme - 25 november 2013
Shopping Together - 22 & 23 januari 2014Andere bijdragersProject weergeven -
Blokker Holding (Bart Smit, Intertoys, Marskramer)
Supported Blokker Holding, a multi-brand retailer in further developing their multi-channel strategy for 3 retail brands (Bart Smit, Intertoys and Marskramer). Defined the functional scope for a new eCommerce platform including the related business processes.
Beeckestijn Business School (Postgraduate trainer)
- heden
Trainer at the Beeckestijn Business School Postgraduate course in Digital Marketing and E-Commerce.
Maxeda DIY
Helped Maxeda (a.o. Praxis, Brico) with further defining their eCommerce strategy, guided the requirements engineering process and ad interim managed the implementation process as project manager.
Wegener (large consumer publisher)
Workshop leader on a three-day management event of Wegener. Also acted as eCommerce/online media specialist.
Mycom (largest Dutch electronics retailer)
- heden
Led a redesign of the Mycom website with as goal to optimize the buying process and increase the conversion ratio of the already very well performing website. Focus lay on improving the multi-channel experience and improve up- and cross selling. For the later guided the merchandising selection process.
Chairman Expert Group Advertising 2020
Lead the expert group Responsible Advertising 2020 as part of the ShoppingTomorrow program. The goal of the expert group was to define what advertising will look like in 2020, what the impact will be on responsible advertising and which actions have to be taken to ensure responsible advertising in 2020.
Book ShoppingTomorrow 2015
What are the major technological developments in the customer journey? What influence will e-commerce giants such as Amazon, eBay and Alibaba have on the retail landscape? How can you reach and continue to reach future consumers? Answers to these, and many other, questions can be found in a new book called ShoppingTomorrow: Are you ready for the consumer of 2020?
Andere bijdragersProject weergeven -
The Sting (European Fashion Retailer)
Helped define the scope for a new eCommerce platform including the business processes (content management, product information management) and ICT architecture (systems & high level interface design).
CRH (Nr. 1 Construction Material Wholesaler)
Led the scoping project for CRH to determine the overall eCommerce strategy and roadmap. In February 2012 Chairman on the two day management event of CRH.
BeterBed Holding (International sleeping comfort retailer)
BeterBed Holding has more than 1.100 stores accros Europe. Guided the functional specification of two international brands: Beter Bed and Matratzen Concord. The new websites offers several multichannel features like store finder, showing the availability of a product in all stores, the option to save a proposal in a store and buy it online and visa versa. In addition guided the selection project for a Payment Service Provider. The new website of Beter Bed had a doubled conversion ratio straight…
BeterBed Holding has more than 1.100 stores accros Europe. Guided the functional specification of two international brands: Beter Bed and Matratzen Concord. The new websites offers several multichannel features like store finder, showing the availability of a product in all stores, the option to save a proposal in a store and buy it online and visa versa. In addition guided the selection project for a Payment Service Provider. The new website of Beter Bed had a doubled conversion ratio straight after launch. The second order came from a Blackberry mobile phone.
Bugaboo (global A-brand stroller producer)
Further defined the high level eCommerce strategy set into a road map, functional requirements, IT architecture and project organization. With the team further defined the impact on logistics, finance, marketing, sales, product information, governance and legal.
College Style (large fasion retailer)
Together with the board determined the eCommerce multichannel strategy of the company. Detailed the requirements and led the partner selection process.
Fabory (International Fastener Expert)
Fabory Group, is an international fastener retailer with 85+ branches in 14 countries and a 1,700-strong team of fastener experts. Advised the company on the formulation of their eBusiness strategy for the period 2011 - 2014.
Infinitas Learning (Largest European Education Publisher)
Lead the scoping project to determine the high level specifications for a new eCommerce platform for the 7 national subsidiaries of Infinitas Learnings including IT architecture and road map.
Warmteservice (50+ store retailer in heating equipment)
Lead the requirements engineering process at Included integration of Fredhopper (merchandising) allowing Warmteservice to improve its conversion ratio and tripled it's assortment.
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Word nu lid om dit te bekijkenMeer activiteiten van Jorij
We took you on a journey through a consumer scam with a real-life example of Ayleen Charlotte Charlotte, a fraud victim turned anti-fraud hero…
We took you on a journey through a consumer scam with a real-life example of Ayleen Charlotte Charlotte, a fraud victim turned anti-fraud hero…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Jorij Abraham
This was a fantastic gathering of like-minded champions passionate about protecting people from scam attacks in every walk of life. GASA is a unique…
This was a fantastic gathering of like-minded champions passionate about protecting people from scam attacks in every walk of life. GASA is a unique…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Jorij Abraham
🌟 Kimberly Praet Tackles Cybercrime at euroconsumers Forum 2024! 🌟 Kimberley Praet, Chief of the Backoffice – Cybercrime at the Lokale Politie…
🌟 Kimberly Praet Tackles Cybercrime at euroconsumers Forum 2024! 🌟 Kimberley Praet, Chief of the Backoffice – Cybercrime at the Lokale Politie…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Jorij Abraham
I look very much forward to joining Euroconsumers Forum 2024 and discuss with all major stakeholders how we can protect consumers more from scams…
I look very much forward to joining Euroconsumers Forum 2024 and discuss with all major stakeholders how we can protect consumers more from scams…
Gedeeld door Jorij Abraham
💡 #Scams can happen to anyone and the aftermath is often devastating, not just financially, but emotionally and socially. At the #ECForum2024, I am…
💡 #Scams can happen to anyone and the aftermath is often devastating, not just financially, but emotionally and socially. At the #ECForum2024, I am…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Jorij Abraham
🌟 Excited to Speak at the Euroconsumers Forum 2024! 🌟 On December 5th, I’ll be joining an incredible group of experts at the Euroconsumers Forum…
🌟 Excited to Speak at the Euroconsumers Forum 2024! 🌟 On December 5th, I’ll be joining an incredible group of experts at the Euroconsumers Forum…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Jorij Abraham
🌟 Jorij Abraham Brings Global Scam Insights to euroconsumers Forum 2024! 🌟 Jorij Abraham, Managing Director of the Global Anti-Scam Alliance…
🌟 Jorij Abraham Brings Global Scam Insights to euroconsumers Forum 2024! 🌟 Jorij Abraham, Managing Director of the Global Anti-Scam Alliance…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Jorij Abraham
🌟 Els Bruggeman Champions Consumer Advocacy at euroconsumers Forum 2024! 🌟 Els Bruggeman, Head of Advocacy and Enforcement at Euroconsumers, will…
🌟 Els Bruggeman Champions Consumer Advocacy at euroconsumers Forum 2024! 🌟 Els Bruggeman, Head of Advocacy and Enforcement at Euroconsumers, will…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Jorij Abraham