Gilberto Morishaw

Gilberto Morishaw

Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, Nederland
5K volgers Meer dan 500 connecties


I am a techno-futurist, systems thinker, regenerative practitioner, and consultant…



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  • DRIFT for transition grafisch

    DRIFT for transition

    Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands

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    The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands

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    Greater Atlanta Area

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    Amsterdam Area, Netherlands

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    The Hague Area, Netherlands

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    Brussels Area, Belgium

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    The Netherlands

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    The Hague Area, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam Area, Netherlands

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    The Hague Area, Netherlands

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    The Hague Area, Netherlands


  • Universiteit Leiden grafisch
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    Activiteiten en verenigingen:Leiden United, International Student Network, BIL, Conscious Kitchen, Taste Before You Waste

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    Life-coaching is an area of study which focuses on helping, enabling and empowering people so as to create the optimal conditions that can help them lead to change. In Life-coaching there is a lot of focus on communication and introspection to enable a transparant and open relationship with clients which builds trust and allows for change to happen.

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    Activiteiten en verenigingen:Member of the Peter Stuyvesant Leerlingenraad (Student-council). Executive member of the Transition-commission for the naming of the school

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Licenties en certificaten

Ervaring als vrijwilliger

  • Activities-commission


    - heden 9 jaar 3 maanden

    Kunst en cultuur

    In this organization I work together with the other members to organize events that help and build-up people seeking for meaning in their lives.This organization encourages people to challenge the ideas that they take for truth and to seek for meaning behind the everyday experience. We organize activities that seek to increase social connection on a deeper level and that also seeks to increase introspection, mindfulness and spiritual harmony.

  • International Student Network Leiden grafisch

    Student Mentor

    International Student Network Leiden

    - heden 8 jaar 5 maanden


    Connecting and helping international students to integrate in DUtch society

  • Group Leader

    Leiden United

    - 6 maanden

    Coordinated and lead a group of international and Dutch University students

  • Best Buddies International grafisch


    Best Buddies International

    - 3 jaar


    Enabling and empowering people with Down's syndrome and other people with developmental and psycho-social problems. I had the opportunity to learn so much from a young man with Down's syndrome and was able to grow because of it.


  • European Policy and Politics


  • International Administration


  • Multi-Level Governance


  • Sociology



  • Change Makers Lab

    - heden

    Andere bijdragers
  • Smeltkroes

    We want to bring Dutch people and refugees together through food.
    A melting pot of culture, a melting pot of identities, a melting pot of flavor.
    We are Smeltkoes

    Andere bijdragers
    Project weergeven
  • Transition-Commission

    The highly political and publicized name-changing of the Peter Stuyvesant College in Curacao I served as a student member to the commission who negotiated with the then-current Minister of Education Culture and Science of Curacao


  • Erasmus Entrepreneurship Battle

    Van der Meer en Van Tilburg

    We won the Erasmus Entrepreneurship Battle with our project Smeltkroes

  • Nominee The Hague Innovator's Challenge

    The Hague Municipality

    We were nominated for The Hague's Innovator's Challenge for our social entrepreneurial start-up Smeltkroes

  • PSC Awards


    PSC-Award for my performance in the student-council.


  • English

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

  • Dutch

    Volledige professionele vaardigheid

  • Spanish

    Beperkte werkvaardigheid

  • Papiamentu

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

  • French



  • Atlantic Commission/YATA


    - heden
  • World Class The Hague

    Young Ambassador

    - heden

    World Class the Hague is a special program of the municipality of the Hague that gives selected students the opportunity to be involved in the international political, judicial and business environment of the Hague by allowing students to participate in different lectures from outstanding internationally accredited individuals like Ban Ki Moon, and allowing us to participate in academic and political dialogues and networking events with industry-insiders and civil servants

  • Riga Conference 2017

    Future Leader

  • Youth Atlantic Treaty Association


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