I’m Frank, and I’m passionate about helping organisations, teams, and individuals create…
How can leaders manage change during digital transformation?
As a leader you should be able to define a WHY that is easily understood by everyone in the organisation. Almost always leaders come up with a big vision, a mission and an accompanying strategy that is so complex that it's difficult to explain, difficult to grasp and ambiguous. Just make the WHY so simple that everyone can easily decide if they should or shouldn't do something based on the WHY.
How can you prioritize features with limited resources and a tight deadline?
Actually talking about features and available resources sounds to me like a feature factory. In stead focus on the thing that's most valuable for your customers and ask for their feedback. Based on the feedback you decide what to do next. Things change, keep it simple and focussed! The most important thing to do is to learn.
Perfection is not required, but movement is. One small step at a time. And #alwaysLearning. #LernenLeben
Perfection is not required, but movement is. One small step at a time. And #alwaysLearning. #LernenLeben
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Ever rushed to spend your budget, fearing you’ll get less next year? Imagine at home: you’ve budgeted €1000 for clothes but only spent €400. Would…
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Facts: Realizing how few people think about you (at all) is one of the most freeing ideas/concepts in life. For most. This frightens them. For…
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Licenties en certificaten
Dysfunction Mapping Practitioner
Honest Agile Limited
Professional Scrum Master II (PSM II)
Toegekend:Certificatienummer: -
Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I)
Moedertaal of tweetalig
Professionele werkvaardigheid
Professionele werkvaardigheid
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Anderen hebben Frank Eggink genoemd in Nederland
Frank Eggink
Synergy in Food BV, Synergy in Food Entomo, Synergy in Food Innovation
Frank Eggink
Co-Founder at HeartWork | Wij helpen leiders doen wat klopt | Helping leaders do what is right
Frank Eggink
Procesmanager Onderwijslogistiek at ROC Midden Nederland
Frank Eggink
hoofd administratie bij De Kempenaer Advocaten
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