Fabio Manganiello

Fabio Manganiello

Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland
2K volgers Meer dan 500 connecties


I'm an engineer who just likes to build new things, automate things, and fix things that…

Artikelen van Fabio

  • Deezer and the dev community problem

    Deezer and the dev community problem

    When the content your company provides can be easily scraped, you usually have two options: 1. You can see the scraping…


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  • Booking.com grafisch


    Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam Area, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam Area, Netherlands

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    Modena Area, Italy

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    Modena Area, Italy

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    Modena Area, Italy

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    Modena Area, Italy

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    Bolzano Area, Italy


  • IT-Universitetet i København grafisch

    IT-Universitetet i København


    Visiting student, attending the courses of Efficient Artificial Intelligence Programming and Mobile and Distributed Systems

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    M.Sc thesis: "Machine Learning Algorithms for Clustering and Correlating Alerts in Intrusion Detection Systems". It was nominated to the Clusit prize for the top Italian theses in computer security in 2010

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    B.Sc thesis: "Extraction of Unknown Entities from Corpora of Unstructured Documents using Cogito Technology", about how to use semantic technologies to automate the extraction and the definition of unknown terms from huge sets of unstructured documents

Licenties en certificaten



  • Platypush

    A general purpose platform for automation that comes with hundreds of integrations. You can use it to build the logic for your own home assistant, a controllable robot, a home security system, a media player, a weather station and so on.

    Project weergeven
  • Tónlist

    A PHP and NodeJS based web platform for watching YouTube videos simultaneously in rooms of people, with video sync mechanisms and an integrated chat

    Project weergeven
  • Snort AI Preprocessor

    Module for the Intrusion Detection System "Snort" which allows grouping classes of alerts, possibly recognize complex attack scenarios, identify common patterns and foresee the "next step" in case of complex multi-step security attacks

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  • Jastegal

    - heden

    A steganography algorithm aimed at encrypting and hiding text or binary files inside the least significant bits of an image.

    Project weergeven
  • Voxifera

    Speech detection system on Linux based on (F)DCT and Markov models. It can associate custom commands to vocal instructions. Oh, I developed that a couple of years before Google Now existed (sigh).

    Project weergeven
  • DarkCloud

    A Java darknet-like distributed network where the nodes of the network can be cloud services

    Andere bijdragers
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  • Hackernoon Distributed Systems contributor of the year 2022



  • Hackernoon Proof-of-Stake contributor of the year 2022



  • Hackernoon IoT contributor of the year 2020


    Winner of the Hackernoon yearly award for IoT contributors for the articles showing how to use Platypush, RaspberryPis, Arduinos, machine learning, cameras, sensors and dongles to detect people, create Zigbee/Z-Wave networks and create smart home automation routines.



  • Italian

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

  • English

    Volledige professionele vaardigheid


  • IEEE


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