Anita Lettink

Anita Lettink Anita Lettink is een Influencer

Future of Work Speaker | Payroll & HR Tech Advisor | Pay Transparency | Author | Linkedin Top Voice

Amsterdam Area
19K volgers Meer dan 500 connecties


I speak about the Future of Work. I help people make decisions about HR & payroll technologies, investments and strategies. And I wrote two books.

I’ve spent 25 years in the HR industry, working in strategy, technology, consulting and outsourcing roles. This diverse experience allows me to approach HR and payroll tech from multiple angles, providing a comprehensive view.

Recent awards: LinkedIn Top Voice, Top 25 Future of Work Thought Leader and Top 100 HR Tech Influencer.

If you’re interested in exploring how we can collaborate, whether it’s through a speaking engagement, a consult, or simply by exchanging ideas, I’d love to connect. Feel free to send me a DM or reach out via email at [email protected].

Let’s build the future of work together.


Artikelen van Anita



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Licenties en certificaten

Ervaring als vrijwilliger

  • grafisch

    Advisory Board Member (Payroll Research)

    - heden 1 jaar 5 maanden

    The advisory board drives the industry direction, thought leadership and best practices through primary research, and to help advance the competencies and skills of HR professionals

  • NCD - Nederlandse Vereniging van Commissarissen en Directeuren grafisch

    Lid Raad van Toezicht

    NCD - Nederlandse Vereniging van Commissarissen en Directeuren

    - 2 jaar

    De NCD is sinds 1953 een vereniging voor directeuren en commissarissen in Nederland. Met 40 districten en 1700 leden is de NCD een ontmoetingsplek voor kennisontwikkeling, persoonlijke groei, inspiratie, ondersteuning, netwerken en belangenbehartiging.

  • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam) grafisch


    Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam)

    - heden 6 jaar 5 maanden


    Mentoring students to prepare them for business roles.



  • Equal Pay for Equal Work

    A practical guide to implementing a successful pay transparency program.

    Equal pay for equal work is crucial for attracting and retaining top talent, enhancing corporate reputation and driving bottom-line results. Equal Pay for Equal Work is a comprehensive guidebook meticulously crafted to equip visionary leaders with the knowledge, tools, and strategies necessary to implement a robust pay transparency initiative. Drawing from extensive research and real-world experiences, this book…

    A practical guide to implementing a successful pay transparency program.

    Equal pay for equal work is crucial for attracting and retaining top talent, enhancing corporate reputation and driving bottom-line results. Equal Pay for Equal Work is a comprehensive guidebook meticulously crafted to equip visionary leaders with the knowledge, tools, and strategies necessary to implement a robust pay transparency initiative. Drawing from extensive research and real-world experiences, this book empowers organizations to foster an environment where every individual’s contribution is valued and fairly compensated.

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  • How to Select Your Next Payroll

    Switching to a new payroll is hard, but it’s also rewarding. And this book shows you exactly what you can do to make sure your project completes successfully. Because getting your employees paid correctly is the most important goal!

    I share everything I learned from 20+ years of experience in helping customers select and implement a new payroll. The book is full of lessons learned and explains every step of the way, from mapping out your RFP to contracting to going live. If you are…

    Switching to a new payroll is hard, but it’s also rewarding. And this book shows you exactly what you can do to make sure your project completes successfully. Because getting your employees paid correctly is the most important goal!

    I share everything I learned from 20+ years of experience in helping customers select and implement a new payroll. The book is full of lessons learned and explains every step of the way, from mapping out your RFP to contracting to going live. If you are preparing to switch to a new payroll, this book is an invaluable resource to be well prepared.

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  • What you must know about Global Payroll

    NGA HR

    Managing the complexity of payroll for a global workforce isn’t easy: paying employees across the globe offers legal, cultural, compliance and data quality challenges.

    As you embark on your global payroll journey, we want you to be successful, so you can:

    Deliver compliant, accurate and reliable payroll services that rapidly scale
    Solve payroll integration challenges when moving to the HR cloud
    Gain insights in workforce data, to help you plan and optimize…

    Managing the complexity of payroll for a global workforce isn’t easy: paying employees across the globe offers legal, cultural, compliance and data quality challenges.

    As you embark on your global payroll journey, we want you to be successful, so you can:

    Deliver compliant, accurate and reliable payroll services that rapidly scale
    Solve payroll integration challenges when moving to the HR cloud
    Gain insights in workforce data, to help you plan and optimize business spend

    This guide defines the key factors driving global payroll that you can use as a starting point.

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  • HR Technology Trends 2015

    NGA HR blog

    In 2015, HR must focus on digital transformation: the use of new technologies to drive significant business improvements. Anita has identified 7 technology trends that will support you on the road to digital transformation.

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  • Getting started on LinkedIn: A beginner's guide for HR


    If you’re in HR you need to be on LinkedIn. After all, that’s where your management, employees and candidates are.

    LinkedIn is a great business to business networking tool that allows you to share updates with others and to build and follow your own network of companies and individuals. This beginner’s guide to LinkedIn is designed to provide quick and useful links and tips to help anyone in HR get up and running on LinkedIn.

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  • HR 3.0 (Dutch)

    Outsource Magazine

    HR outsourcing heeft een ingrijpende transformatie ondergaan. Het heeft het HR-vak in 10 jaar tijd enorm veranderd.

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  • The Outliers of (HR) Outsourcing

    NGA White Paper

    Our global economic climate remains volatile, as the world has not yet found a way out of the recession: Companies report mixed results; governments feel the consequences of previous stimulus plans; and consumers are not spending for fear of worse times to come.
    For all of us in HR, it’s no longer a choice between cost efficiencies, talent conservation and regulatory compliance – they are all equally important. The question is, how we can expertly manage our day-to-day challenges without…

    Our global economic climate remains volatile, as the world has not yet found a way out of the recession: Companies report mixed results; governments feel the consequences of previous stimulus plans; and consumers are not spending for fear of worse times to come.
    For all of us in HR, it’s no longer a choice between cost efficiencies, talent conservation and regulatory compliance – they are all equally important. The question is, how we can expertly manage our day-to-day challenges without losing sight of long-term strategies? This requires a well-balanced approach in making the right choices that allow the company to contain cost, while still being able to focus on securing and engaging the right talent for the future.

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  • Uitschieters in HR (Out)sourcing

    NGA White Paper

    Het wereldwijde economische klimaat blijft onverminderd volatiel. We hebben de uitweg uit de recessie nog niet gevonden; bedrijven melden gemengde resultaten, overheden moeten bezuinigen als gevolg van de financiële stimuleringsplannen en consumenten houden de hand op de knip uit angst voor slechtere tijden.

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  • Masterclass on HR Consumerization


    'The Consumerization of HR' looks at current trends in the economic and business environments and translates those to the future of HR. This presentation was created for the HR Leadership Summit in Genval on May 9th, 2012

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  • The Consumerization of HR

    NGA White paper

    We’ve arrived at a turning point in history where new technology is profoundly altering people's way of life. The changes brought by the Digital Revolution will have a deep impact on the way businesses are organized and people look at work. And though we expect to return to “normal” after we’ve overcome the financial crises, the “new normal” will be vastly different.

    The workforce of the future is smaller, more diverse and more dispersed, wanting a career lattice to support individual…

    We’ve arrived at a turning point in history where new technology is profoundly altering people's way of life. The changes brought by the Digital Revolution will have a deep impact on the way businesses are organized and people look at work. And though we expect to return to “normal” after we’ve overcome the financial crises, the “new normal” will be vastly different.

    The workforce of the future is smaller, more diverse and more dispersed, wanting a career lattice to support individual needs. It expects direct access, and is digitally divided. HR must adapt to this changing environment.

    Through the consumerization of HR, everyone can access HR services directly, thereby cutting out HR as the middleman. Going forward, HR will be remote, mobile, social, automated, specialized and smaller than in the past, and organized, with agility and flexibility as key requirements.

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  • Hybrid HR Generations

    NGA White Paper

    2011 marks the start of the exit of the baby boomers. This is the beginning of the largest exodus we have ever seen. This pivotal year impacts the whole organization, and specifically HR, to cope with change.

    By reading this white paper, you will discover how this new stream influences the workforce and how HR has to deal with it.

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  • Put some hybrid in your HR

    SSO Network

    This paper is about creating an agile HR service delivery organization that is able to deal with the volatile business environment – both in the downturn as well as in the upturn. In 2010 we will witness many car manufacturers launching hybrid models. Around the same time, we expect HR to go hybrid, with smart HR delivery models combining in-house and outsourced HR solutions to deliver hard and fast business results.

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  • Flexibiliteit bepaalt de toekomst van HR

    P&O Actueel

    Werknemers gaan steeds flexibeler werken, en dat vraagt ook om een flexibeler P&O-afdeling.

    Publicatie weergeven
  • Crossing boundaries to create ‘hybrid HR’


    The recession has redrawn the blueprints of the business world, and nowhere more so have these changes been felt than in the HR department. A new flexible ‘hybrid HR’ approach is crucial for HR to succeed in this new decade.

    Traditional HR models offered the choice between OnPremise, OnDemand and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). Hybrid HR combines every available delivery option to provide HR services in real-time and to allow for maximum flexibility – HR services can be delivered to…

    The recession has redrawn the blueprints of the business world, and nowhere more so have these changes been felt than in the HR department. A new flexible ‘hybrid HR’ approach is crucial for HR to succeed in this new decade.

    Traditional HR models offered the choice between OnPremise, OnDemand and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). Hybrid HR combines every available delivery option to provide HR services in real-time and to allow for maximum flexibility – HR services can be delivered to anyone, anywhere, via any device at any time.

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  • 7 key trends influencing HR in 2009 and beyond


    Human resource management will be a key focus area in 2009 as companies put in place strategies to cope with the financial and economic crisis. In the past 10 years, HR has spent much time re-inventing itself in order to be better equipped to serve the business. Coming from a traditional administrative role, HR has worked hard to revitalize its services, aiming to better fulfill its strategic and tactical role. Administrative services have been optimized and made as (cost-) efficient as…

    Human resource management will be a key focus area in 2009 as companies put in place strategies to cope with the financial and economic crisis. In the past 10 years, HR has spent much time re-inventing itself in order to be better equipped to serve the business. Coming from a traditional administrative role, HR has worked hard to revitalize its services, aiming to better fulfill its strategic and tactical role. Administrative services have been optimized and made as (cost-) efficient as possible. Now that most organizations have introduced new service delivery models, the focus can be turned towards strategic and tactical support of the business.

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  • Kredietcrisis gevolgd door kenniscrisis

    IK Magazine

    De op handen zijnde ‘knowledge crunch’ gaat bedrijven veel harder treffen dan de huidige ‘credit crunch’, voorspelt Anita Lettink van HR-specialist NorthgateArinso. Een goede voorbereiding maakt het verschil. De rol van de babyboomers is cruciaal in de kennisoverdracht aan Generatie Y.

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  • eHRM is geen controlemiddel, maar een service


    ICT-surveillance houdt personeel in de gaten - Eerder berichtte Computable over eHRM en de mogelijkheden die werkgevers daarbij hadden om het eigen personeel in de gaten te houden. Een verkeerde constatering volgens Anita Lettink, directeur HR outsourcing bij NorthgateArinso. In deze opinie gaat zij in op de mogelijkheden van eHRM als service en ict-surveillance-systemen die volgens haar juist niet onder eHRM vallen.

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  • Een keuken is geen restaurant


    HR-professionals kunnen leren van televisiekoks. Die gaan eerst als klant een keer eten bij een restaurant. Dan kunnen ze zien wat de klant ervaart en begrijpen waar het fout gaat.

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  • Realiseer de voordelen van Shared Services in: Managementjaar 2005: Visies op actuele thema's

    Academic Service

    Uit recent onderzoek blijkt dat organisaties moeite hebben om de opbrengsten van shared services te realiseren. Hoe komt dat? Een belangrijke reden is dat men geen keuze maakt tussen centralisatie en shared services. Andere redenen zijn het opstellen van onvolledige business cases en het niet nemen van duidelijke beslissingen op het gebied van organisatie en technologie. Een volledige business case ontstaat door de huidige en toekomstige situatie op de 6 assen van transformatie in beeld te…

    Uit recent onderzoek blijkt dat organisaties moeite hebben om de opbrengsten van shared services te realiseren. Hoe komt dat? Een belangrijke reden is dat men geen keuze maakt tussen centralisatie en shared services. Andere redenen zijn het opstellen van onvolledige business cases en het niet nemen van duidelijke beslissingen op het gebied van organisatie en technologie. Een volledige business case ontstaat door de huidige en toekomstige situatie op de 6 assen van transformatie in beeld te brengen. Daarnaast is het belangrijk een realistische terugverdienperiode te kiezen en de business case regelmatig te herijken, zodat tijdig actie ondernomen kan worden.

  • The role of human resources


    Over the past year, ARINSO International has observed a rising trend among customers to carry out benchmark studies before undertaking projects in the field of human resources (HR). These benchmarks give companies qualitative and quantitative insight into the role and activities of HR. One key finding is that companies want the HR department to play a more proactive, strategic role and spend less time on administrative issues. It is therefore important that the HR department evaluates the way…

    Over the past year, ARINSO International has observed a rising trend among customers to carry out benchmark studies before undertaking projects in the field of human resources (HR). These benchmarks give companies qualitative and quantitative insight into the role and activities of HR. One key finding is that companies want the HR department to play a more proactive, strategic role and spend less time on administrative issues. It is therefore important that the HR department evaluates the way it delivers services to both employers and employees.

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  • Ondernemingsportalen personaliseren met een directory


    Inloggen met een persoonlijke toets
    Voor e-handel zijn speciale personalisatiesystemen ontwikkeld. In principe zouden dergelijke systemen ook voor het bouwen van portalen van ondernemingen gebruikt kunnen worden. Maar daar kleven toch nogal wat haken en ogen aan, zo betoogt Anita Lettink. Zij pleit voor de inzet van een 'directory-service'.

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